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Videos from hid­den cam­eras revealed that on May 27 2017, Gökhan Gündüz, a polit­i­cal pris­on­er in the Type F High Secu­ri­ty prison of Kırıkkale began a sit-in in front of the can­teen in protest against cer­tain prac­tices in the prison. Prison guards inter­vened. Gökhan Gündüz fell to the ground, his head struck the cement and he had an arm broken.


journalistes truquie journalist turkey

Jan­u­ary 10 — Active Jour­nal­ists Day”: Accord­ing to Reporters With­out Bor­ders, Turkey is in the 254th posi­tion among 180 coun­tries when it comes to free­dom of the press. Accord­ing to the report pre­pared by (CHP) deputy Utku Çakröz­er, 68 jour­nal­ists were impris­oned for the hol­i­day feast, 78 jour­nal­ists were tak­en into police cus­tody, 25 of which were incar­cer­at­ed, 2 TV sta­tions were shut down for 5 days and one sta­tion was shut down for 26 days fol­low­ing its open­ing. On the web­site Tutuk­lugazete­cil­er, the lat­est pub­lished report dates back to March 2020 and already lists 200 impris­oned journalists…

This does not keep Fahret­tin Altun, Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Direc­tor for the Pres­i­den­cy from declar­ing on Jan­u­ary 10: “In our coun­try, the domain of free­dom of the press and of expres­sion has been widened and made more secure in ways incom­pa­ra­ble with the sit­u­a­tion of 20 years ago.”


Tayip Temel, Vice pres­i­dent in charge of media at the Peo­ples’ Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty (HDP): “There is not a sin­gle oppo­si­tion jour­nal­ist with­out an open file against him or her. The media is the sec­tor most affect­ed by unem­ploy­ment. And those who are not unem­ployed work with no secu­ri­ty and under polit­i­cal pressure.” 

Med­ical per­son­nel, unpaid bonus­es. Protests. Tak­sim Istan­bul – May 2020. Pho­to: Evrensel

The Turk­ish Med­ical Union declares: “Anounce­ments by the Health Min­istry to the media and to pub­lic opin­ion since the begin­ning of the pan­dem­ic stat­ing that “all bonus­es have been large­ly paid” do not reflect reality.”


hdp genel merkez

The Peo­ples’ Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty (HDP) respond­ed to the appeals made by Devlet Bahçeli , Pres­i­dent of the MHP (Nation­al­ist Action Par­ty) call­ing for the HDP’s dis­so­lu­tion: “Bahçeli’s dec­la­ra­tion meant to influ­ence, pres­sure and instruct the judi­cia­ry author­i­ties, is a con­sti­tu­tion­al and judi­cia­ry crime, we invite the judi­ci­airy author­i­ties to ful­fill their duties.”

> Read on Kedis­tan : 
The Turk­ish regime’s relent­less will to destroy the HDP
Turkey • Who Wants the HDP to Dis­ap­pear?
Will the HDP End Up on the Long List of Pro­hib­it­ed Parties?



In the tri­al rel­a­tive to the assas­si­na­tion of Hrant Dink, the edi­tor in chief of Agos announced that fol­low­ing last week’s arrests of Veysal Sahin and Volkan Sahin, for­mer intel­li­gence agents for the Tra­b­zon gen­darmerie, their col­league Okan Sim­sek was locat­ed and arrest­ed in Man­isa for the same motive: they were informed of the assas­si­na­tion pri­or to it being com­mit­ted on Jan­u­ary 19 2007.

Recep Tayyip Erdo­gan, Pres­i­dent and Leader of the AKP made a speech at a meet­ing with ambas­sadors: “We have abol­ished the imped­i­ments [the army is out of the way], paved the way for civ­il pol­i­cy, and have achieved a rev­o­lu­tion in our coun­try. And the coun­tries of the Euro­pean Union are the ones who chris­tened it “Turkey’s silent revolution”.


hdp fezleke

Requests for the lift­ing of par­lia­men­tary immu­ni­ty have been pre­pared for nine deputies of the HDP: copres­i­dent Per­vin Bul­dan, copres­i­dents of the par­lia­men­tary group Mer­al Danış Beş­taş and Hakkı Saruhan Oluç, deputies Garo Pay­lan, Hüda Kaya, Sezai Temel­li, Pero Dun­dar, Fat­ma Kur­tu­lan, Ser­pil Kemal­bay Pekgözegü are accused of hav­ing belonged to the Cen­tral Admin­is­tra­tion Coun­cil of the HDP, dur­ing the “Kobanê events“1As for Ömer Faruk Gerg­er­lioğlu, two tweets from July 2019 are held against him for draw­ing atten­tion to women impris­oned with their babies…

> Read on Kedis­tan : 
The Turk­ish regime’s relent­less will to destroy the HDP
Turkey • Who Wants the HDP to Dis­ap­pear?
Will the HDP End Up on the Long List of Pro­hib­it­ed Parties?

hrw 2021

Human Rights Watch has pub­lished a world review for the year 2020. Under the “Turkey” chap­ter, the report insists on the oppres­sion exer­cised on the press and on jus­tice by those in power.

> HRW — WORLD REPORT 2021 — Annu­al review of human rights around the globe


The right to com­mu­ni­cate with the prison of İmr­alı has total­ly dis­ap­peared.” Lawyers for the Kur­dish peo­ple’s leader Abdul­lah Öcalan declared that no fur­ther con­tact has been pos­si­ble since their last com­mu­ni­ca­tion in April 27 2020.


bahçeli erdogan

Devlet Behçeli, pres­i­dent of the Nation­al Par­ty MHP: “I clear­ly declare, that no mat­ter what the cost, the Repub­li­can Alliance will live on to the end. The thought of break­ing this alliance can not even cross my mind, no mat­ter what con­di­tions may prevail.”

The Repub­li­can Alliance, “Cumhur İtt­if­akı” in Turk­ish is an elec­toral alliance forged on Feb­ru­ary 20 2018 between the Jus­tice and Devel­op­ment Par­ty ‘AKP) and the Nation­al­ist Action Par­ty (MHP).

amnesty bogazici

Amnesty Inter­na­tion­al denounces the after­maths to the demon­stra­tions at Boğaz­içi Uni­ver­si­ty in a dec­la­ra­tion : “Police used tear gas and water can­nons to dis­perse an over­whelm­ing­ly peace­ful protest held at the Boğaz­içi Uni­ver­si­ty on 4 Jan­u­ary. At least 45 stu­dents were detained dur­ing dawn raids between 5 to 7 Jan­u­ary after their alleged par­tic­i­pa­tion in a protest at the Boğaz­içi Uni­ver­si­ty in Istan­bul. Many among them have alleged tor­ture or oth­er ill-treat­ment, includ­ing being hand­cuffed on their back, beat­en and some LGBTI+ stu­dents threat­ened with rape and sub­ject­ed to insults. The pros­e­cut­ing author­i­ties must inves­ti­gate these alle­ga­tions and bring law enforce­ment offi­cers found to be respon­si­ble to justice.”

> Read on Kedis­tan :
Bogaz­içi Uni­ver­si­ty – A promise of spring in winter?

Melih Bulu, named Direc­tor of Boğaz­içi Uni­ver­si­ty by Erdoğan in per­son, is a Ph.D Pro­fes­sor… But his doc­tor­al the­sis has received a lot of atten­tion on teyit.org, an inde­pen­dent sur­veil­lance plat­form, which has looked into it. After a care­ful study: “For sci­en­tif­ic research, the pla­gia­risms iden­ti­fied are prob­lem­at­ic from an eth­i­cal point of view.”


gelecek partisi

Selçuk Özdağ, the vice-pres­i­dent of the Future Par­ty (Gele­cek par­tisi) was attacked in front of his house in Ankara by a group of five peo­ple equipped with guns and sticks. A few hours lat­er, Orhan Uğuroğlu, cor­re­spon­dent of the nation­al­ist dai­ly Yeniçağ in Ankara, was attacked in the same way as he was get­ting into his car. Both men were injured but their lives were not in dan­ger. A few days ago, Selçuk Özdağ engaged in polemics with the Nation­al­ist Action Par­ty (MHP). And recent­ly Ayhan Sefer Üstün, also a mem­ber of the Future Par­ty, suf­fered a sim­i­lar attack.

Note: The young “Par­ty of the Future” (Gele­cek par­tisi) was found­ed in Decem­ber 2019, in oppo­si­tion to the rul­ing Jus­tice and Devel­op­ment Par­ty (AKP) by Ahmet Davu­toğlu, for­mer Prime Min­is­ter of Erdoğan, after they had part­ed ways.

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.