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alaattin cakici hafta

Alaat­tin Çakıcı, the lead­ing fig­ure of orga­nized crime, offered his best wish­es for the New Year on social media to Pres­i­dent Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, and to Devlet Bahçeli, leader of the Nation­al­ist Action Par­ty (MHP), not omit­ting to also wish him a hap­py birthday…


melih bulu hafta

Prof. Melih Bulu, founder of the AKP sec­tion in the Sarıy­er neigh­bor­hood in Istan­bul and also a can­di­date at the 2015 elec­tions, was not elect­ed as a deputy, but he was “elect­ed” as direc­tor of Boğaz­içi Uni­ver­si­ty… Erdoğan had direc­tors nom­i­nat­ed to five uni­ver­si­ties although they were sup­posed to elect their own direc­tors. Melih Bulu’s nom­i­na­tion was par­tic­u­lar­ly ill-received, by the stu­dents as well as by the teach­ing staff.

> Read on Kedis­tan: Boğaz­içi Uni­ver­si­ty • A promise of spring in winter?


The Peo­ple’s Alliance1is prepar­ing for a fur­ther step toward the dis­so­lu­tion of the Peo­ples’ Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty (HDP). It is like­ly that the Alliance will first refer to the prin­ci­ple “polit­i­cal par­ties may not incite to com­mit­ting an infrac­tion”, fig­ur­ing in arti­cle 68 of the Con­sti­tu­tion, so as to remove HDP’s access to aid from the pub­lic trea­sury, then, in order to request its dis­so­lu­tion, solic­it the Con­sti­tu­tion­al Court accord­ing to arti­cle 69. (The Con­sti­tu­tion of the Turk­ish Repub­lic)

> Read on Kedis­tan
The Turk­ish regime’s relent­less will to destroy the HDP
Turkey • Who Wants the HDP to Dis­ap­pear?
Will the HDP End Up on the Long List of Pro­hib­it­ed Parties?


Pho­to: Kam­püs Cadıları (Cam­pus witches)

Reac­tions to Melih Bulu’s nom­i­na­tion as direc­tor of Boğaz­içi Uni­ver­si­ty con­tin­ue. Indig­na­tion shared on social media under the tag #Kayyum­Rek­törİstemiyo­ruz: “We do not want an inter­im Pres­i­dent for a Uni­ver­si­ty under trustee­ship” turns into demonstrations.

feminicide Türkiye

In 2020, men mur­dered 300 women. The plat­form “Kadın Cinayet­leri­ni Dur­du­ra­cağız” (We will stop fem­i­ni­cides) pub­lished its report for 2020: 300 averred fem­i­ni­cides and 171 sus­pi­cious deaths.


In a press release the teach­ing staff at Bogaz­içi Uni­ver­si­ty declared: “This nom­i­na­tion is part of the anti-demo­c­ra­t­ic trend abol­ish­ing the elec­tion of rec­tors by the teach­ing staff”, “we do not accept this nom­i­na­tion, which is in fla­grant vio­la­tion of aca­d­e­m­ic auton­o­my, sci­en­tif­ic free­dom and the demo­c­ra­t­ic val­ues of our university.”


Pho­to : Zeynep Kuray

Police inter­vened in stu­dent demon­stra­tions at Boğaz­içi Uni­ver­si­ty in protest against the nom­i­na­tion of “direc­tor-tutor”, Melih Bulu. 14 stu­dents were tak­en into police custody.

> Read on Kedis­tan :
Bogaz­içi Uni­ver­si­ty – A promise of spring in winter?


In the ear­ly morn­ing, the police made mus­cled raids on the domi­ciles of 28 stu­dents who “had par­tic­i­pat­ed” in the demon­stra­tions. 17 stu­dents joined the 14 per­sons arrest­ed dur­ing the demon­stra­tions and were placed under police cus­tody. Five oth­er peo­ple were also arrest­ed lat­er in the day. There would cur­rent­ly be 36 peo­ple in police custody.



A new amend­ment pub­lished in the Offi­cial Gazette on Jan­u­ary 5th, will allow the police to use mil­i­tary mate­r­i­al, arms and vehi­cles, includ­ing heavy weapons it does not specif­i­cal­ly own but that belong to the Turk­ish army “in the cas­es of ter­ror­ist inci­dents, pub­lic inci­dents and acts of vio­lence threat­en­ing nation­al secu­ri­ty, pub­lic order and safe­ty.” The amend­ment thus autho­rizes the police, the army and the Nation­al Intel­li­gence Orga­ni­za­tion (MIT) to mutu­al­ly trans­fer stocks and bud­gets with no need for addi­tion­al pro­ce­dures. The “ter­ror­ism” which appears again as a judi­cia­ry term extend­ed well beyond the word’s glob­al mean­ing and already used to pros­e­cute, arrest and imprison any per­son express­ing crit­i­cism over the regime and who proves to be a dis­tur­bance is new­ly sanc­tu­ar­ized through this decree, this time in order to “main­tain pub­lic order”.


An impor­tant deci­sion in the instruc­tion of the tri­al con­cern­ing the assas­si­na­tion of Hrant Dink, from the edi­tor in chief of the news­pa­per Agos: Veysal Şahin and Volkan Şahin, for­mer intel­li­gence agents for the gen­darmerie in Tra­b­zon have been arrest­ed, because they were informed about the assas­si­na­tion before it was com­mit­ted on Jan­u­ary 19 2007.


From Edirne prison where he is incar­cer­at­ed since Novem­ber 4 2016, the for­mer copres­i­dent of the Peo­ples’ Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty Sela­hat­tin Demir­taş sig­nalled his sup­port for the stu­dents of Bogaz­içi Uni­ver­si­ty, on his Twit­ter account admin­is­tered by close ones: “Say, what have you done to young peo­ple? The tremors of your voic­es reach all the way over here. Go fig­ure how far they will cause trem­bling. #Bogazi­ci­U­ni­ver­si­ty”

prison prisons cárceles

The rolling hunger strikes that began in pris­ons on Novem­ber 27 2020 are ongo­ing. Pris­on­ers are protest­ing the vio­la­tions of detainees’ rights and demand the end of the total iso­la­tion imposed on PKK leader, Abdul­lah Öcalan, incar­cer­at­ed in the high secu­ri­ty type F prison of İmralı.



The accu­sa­tion pre­pared by Ankara’s office of the pros­e­cu­tor in the inves­ti­ga­tion of protests in Kobanê in 2014 was accept­ed by Ankara’s crim­i­nal court. The indict­ment calls for sen­tences of “incom­press­ible per­pe­tu­ity“2for 38 of the 108 peo­ple involved, 27 of which are already in prison, 6 under judi­cial con­trol, and 75 under an arrest order. Among the 108 accused fig­ure the for­mer copres­i­dents of the HDP, Sela­hat­tin Demir­taş and Figen Yük­sek­dağ, are already in prison since Novem­ber 5 2016.

> Read on Kedis­tan: Sela­hat­tin Demir­taş • Plot against the HDP on Kobanê’s back


Thou­sands of peo­ple can­not obtain hygien­ic prod­ucts for men­stru­a­tions. We must pro­vide women these neces­si­ties for free”. HDP deputy Gülis­tan Kılıç Koçy­iğit, tabled a draft project on the free sup­ply of hygien­ic prod­ucts for women aged 15 to 49.

24 of the 40 stu­dents from Boğaz­içi Uni­ver­si­ty held in cus­tody on pre­vi­ous days have been lib­er­at­ed. The fact they were forced to sub­mit to strip search­es fig­ures in the minutes.

capitol turkey

Con­cern­ing the occu­pa­tion of the Capi­tol by Trump­ist par­ti­sans and extreme-right fac­tions, fol­low­ing the dec­la­ra­tion of the Turk­ish Min­is­ter of For­eign Affairs say­ing that “he was fol­low­ing devel­op­ment in the Unit­ed-States with con­cern”, and “invit­ing the par­ties in the Unit­ed-States to “com­mon sense”, the Pres­i­dent of the Nation­al Assem­bly, from Mustafa Şen­top, to Ibrahim Kalın, advi­sor to the Prime Min­is­ter, to Fahret­tin Altun, Pres­i­den­tial Com­mu­ni­ca­tion direc­tor, to the spokesman for the AKP, Ömer Çelik, all the way to the Pres­i­dent him­self, a num­ber of per­son­al­i­ties repeat­ed the same advice call­ing on “democ­ra­cy”.



Erdoğan, speak­ing about the protests over Bogaz­içi Uni­ver­si­ty: “Friends, why should I speak with the stu­dents? In my opin­ion, the stu­dents are not involved in this busi­ness. In this busi­ness, there are ter­ror­ists. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, look, for exam­ple, the Pres­i­dent of the Istan­bul sec­tion of the CHP (Canan Kaf­tancıoğlu) is there. In any event, she is a mil­i­tant of the DHKP‑C…“3 

melek ipek

In Antalya, Melek İpek, a 31 year old woman, killed her com­pan­ion, Ramazan İpek, in legit­i­mate defence, after he had hand­cuffed her and assault­ed her for hours, threat­en­ing to kill her two children.

> Read on Kedis­tan: 
Turkey • Melek İpek killed the hus­band who tor­tured her

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.