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A film from 2018 to fight off the for­get­ful­ness induced by this pan­dem­ic: Com­man­der Ari­an

The sit­u­a­tion in Roja­va in North­ern Syr­ia remains under the sword of Damo­cles, caught between a con­stant­ly threat­en­ing Turkey, a Syr­i­an regime intent on re-estab­lish­ing Bachar’s author­i­ty, a manip­u­la­tive Rus­sia and emerg­ing polit­i­cal divi­sions between Kurds in Syr­ia, and Ira­ki nation­al­ist Kurds.

Women played a fun­da­men­tal role in the lib­er­a­tion of North­ern Syr­ia. They are the foun­da­tion on which rests all pos­si­ble progress in the region and they have a heavy price of lost lives in this strug­gle.

Instead of pre­sent­ing these fight­ers as ‘blood­thirsty ama­zons” this film ren­ders them a well-earned tribute.


On the war front in Syr­ia, com­man­der Ari­an, aged 30, leads a femal batal­lion towards the town of Kobane in order to lib­er­ate her peo­ple from the grip of the Islam­ic State. An eman­ci­pat­ing and lib­er­at­ing tale by Alba Sotor­ra.

When the war erupt­ed in Syr­ia, a group of women in the Kur­dish resis­tance gath­ered togeth­er the YPJ – Women Pro­tec­tion Units. Ari­an leads a unit and devotes her life to fight­ing the Islam­ic State. As the YPJ approach their tar­get, she begs her com­rades to dis­cov­er the true mean­ing of their fight: free­dom for the next gen­er­a­tion of women.

Offer­ing unprece­dent­ed access to the com­man­der and her troops, includ­ing sen­si­tive scenes when she is recov­er­ing from mul­ti­ple bul­let wounds, Alba Sotor­ra cre­ates with brio a fas­ci­nat­ing por­trait of a women with a mission.

Video to watch on Vimeo, with sub­ti­tles in sev­er­al lan­guages. Choose your lan­guage with the CC icon.

commander arian

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges –
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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.