Français | English

I promised an inven­to­ry à la Prévert. I’m keep­ing my words.

An epi­dem­ic
Two min­is­ters three nurs­es one mask
Twen­ty-two grave dig­gers one title on the stock market
The rac­coon wash­es his hands
One woman billboard-sandwich
One vio­lin one helmet
One big bag of noodles
One tsunami
One deputy
One assem­bly with its doormat
One man in res­pi­ra­to­ry distress
The raccoon

One doc­tor doc­tor­ing his stories
One iron lung
The fear we’re call­ing concern
Two coro­na types on a big bed
One pup­pet from Nice
One short­age three pan­golins one flask
One virus pinned on a nursemaid
One closed open mar­ket in China
One half-dozen men in blue
Five men in white
Ten red eyes one Gal­lic rooster
One neg­li­gence on a racetrack
One nation­al marine
One dis­grace­ful jogger
Two poet­ic vers­es from Sibeth
Three locusts one march­ing wood­en nickel
Three or four symp­to­matic deputies
The raccoon

One mat­ter-dolorosa two toi­let papers
Three nightin­gales two pairs of socks five liars
One gen­tle­man of the world
One woman of the world
One black suit two cabinets
One coro­n­avirus three major pardons
One cough one goodbye
Une aban­doned one one old nutmeg
One well-autho­rized gen­tle­man one kite
One regime of mea­sures one banana one fam­i­ly expedition
One san­i­tary cor­don three umbil­i­cal cords
One win­ter frost one alco­holic guy
One dog gone out to pee one glo­ri­ous day
One sex tape
One tele­work­er one election
One sauer­kraut one head one minister
One Sat­ur­day night working
One poignant aide one poem
One old-timer
Three men of war
One Emmanuel the First
One hun­dred masks
One doctrine
Two Philippe II
The raccoon

One drone
Two chloroquinines
One Vidal dictionary
Three disagreements
One Thou­sand and One Nights
One curfew
Five box­es to tick off four car­di­nal points
One apos­tle twelve respirators
One hun­dred and thir­ty five euro fine
One year in prison six or sev­en cap­i­tal sins
Three pumps one mask
Twen­ty Thou­sand Leagues Under the Seas
Thir­ty-two positions
Two thou­sand years after Jesus Christ
Five con­fine­ments fol­low­ing each meal
Forty min­utes of intermission
One sec­ond of inattentiveness
And naturally
The rac­coon… with­out a mask

And in order to catch your breath:

Worse than the coronavirus, you die!
1• The coronavirus also serves as a social revealer
Neoliberalism • Is there a Stock-Market-Corona?
2• The financial bubble boosts the effect of the virus
Coronavirus • In What State Do I Wander?
3• And Since the State Insists on Keeping Its Hand In…

Illus­tra­tion: pho­to­graph by Jacque-André Boif­fard (car­ni­val mask worn by Pierre Prévert, Jacques’ broth­er) 1930

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges |
You may use and share Kedistan’s articles and translations, specifying the source and adding a link in order to respect the writer(s) and translator(s) work. Thank you.
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Daniel Fleury
Let­tres mod­ernes à l’Université de Tours. Gros mots poli­tiques… Coups d’oeil politiques…