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For the other articles see > SPECIAL ARCHIVE UKRAINE

In clos­ing this chron­i­cle that has stretched out across these one hun­dred days of this cur­rent war in Europe, I return to the Black Sea and Turkey.

On Wednes­day June 8 2022, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, head of Turk­ish diplo­ma­cy, held a meet­ing in Ankara with his Russ­ian coun­ter­part Sergey Lavrov, well-known right-hand man to Vladimir Putin and per­ma­nent fix­ture at the Krem­lin. These dis­cus­sions were main­ly about grain exports and thus, about the set­ting up of a mar­itime route in the Black Sea for “grain cor­ri­dors”. In order to achieve this, Turkey was offer­ing its kind ser­vices in secur­ing con­voys, fol­low­ing the de-min­ing of the Black Sea and, notably, of the port in Ode­sa. It was also propos­ing the cre­ation of an “obser­va­tion cen­ter of these cor­ri­dors” in Istanbul.

At the onset of the Russ­ian aggres­sion against Ukraine, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had for­bid­den pas­sage through the straights of the Bospho­rus and of the Dar­d­anelles to war­ships, as the Mon­treux Treaty autho­rizes him to do.

In fact, this mea­sure will need to be con­trolled even clos­er should such food cor­ri­dors see the light of day.

How­ev­er, on this Wednes­day June 8th, no Ukrain­ian rep­re­sen­ta­tive was invit­ed to the dis­cus­sions, although Turkey claimed to be work­ing at reach­ing an agree­ment with the back­ing of the UN. Yet, the grain and oil reserves trapped by war clear­ly belong to Ukraine where the coun­try being bom­bard­ed, they occu­py silos and oth­er stock­ing facil­i­ties required for the 2022 har­vests, even if these will be reduced because of the war.

This meet­ing with heavy media cov­er­age could not reach any con­clu­sions since the main par­ty, Ukraine, was nei­ther heard nor lis­tened to, even if one may expect that the Turk­ish regime apprised it pri­or to the event.

Dur­ing the final press con­fer­ence, Sergey Lavrov main­ly insist­ed on the demand that sanc­tions against Rus­sia be lift­ed, the Ukrain­ian shore­line de-mined, and he denounced Ukraine’s “aggres­sive atti­tude in all mat­ters. He then min­i­mized the food prob­lem cre­at­ed by the non-export of grain and insist­ed on the fact Ukraine is entire­ly respon­si­ble for this, since Rus­sia is also placed in a dif­fi­cult posi­tion for com­mer­cial use of the Black Sea. A speech entire­ly Lavrov-style, with the inevitable ref­er­ence to “nazis”. As there has been report of trans­porta­tion of mer­chan­dise via Sebastopol in Crimea, among oth­er places, one can  read­i­ly under­stand that Russia’s main goal is the lift­ing of sanc­tions and the de-mining.

A Ukrain­ian jour­nal­ist in atten­dance threw a pall on the pro­ceed­ings when he asked an unsched­uled ques­tion, that of the theft of grain by Rus­sia in the ter­ri­to­ries it occu­pies, and the re-sale at cut prices, notably to… Turkey. This ques­tion came fol­low­ing Amer­i­can dec­la­ra­tions con­cern­ing the hijack­ing of Ukrain­ian wheat and deliv­er­ies to friends of Rus­sia , Syr­ia among them, observed recently.

Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu’s cher­ished frame­work for mov­ing for­ward, thus end­ed on ques­tions call­ing atten­tion to the diplo­mat­ic game being played joint­ly by Turkey and the Russ­ian regime, and the sin­cer­i­ty of the intent of achiev­ing free circulation.

For over a decade, rela­tions between Rus­sia and Turkey may appear very uneven and  set on a zigza­g­ing path. And yet, their con­ti­nu­ity rests on the oppor­tunism dis­played by both par­ties, in every cir­cum­stance where their inter­ests and impe­r­i­al  wish­es find com­mon ground. This is the case for Syr­ia, ener­gy, region­al geopo­lit­i­cal rela­tions and inter­na­tion­al poli­cies aimed at the Unit­ed States.

As a reminder, despite being a mem­ber of Nato, Turkey acquired Russ­ian S400 mis­sile bat­ter­ies and main­tained its order for a sec­ond lot, even with the risk this entailed for the fund­ing of some of its mil­i­tary pro­grams, such as the Altay tank or the TFX fight­er plane. At the same time, it lost its rank­ing in obtain­ing Amer­i­can F35 fight­er planes in the Nato frame­work. And now, Recep  Tayyip Erdo­gan is threat­en­ing to block Fin­land and Sweden’s access to Nato. Turkey is depen­dent for ener­gy and has entrust­ed a part of its nuclear projects to Putin.

Turkey also avoid­ed join­ing the sanc­tion pol­i­cy against Russ­ian oli­garchs and greets them open­ly in its vaca­tion spots, while leav­ing the door open to migrat­ing oppo­nents to the war, from the wealthy class­es of Russ­ian towns. Russ­ian cit­i­zens do not require visas there.

And, at the same time, Turkey has cham­pi­oned deliv­ery of its com­bat drones to Ukraine, even before the onset of the cur­rent war.

So what makes Turkey run to take part in this diplo­mat­ic ballet?

And what are the inten­tions of the Russ­ian regime when it plays the card of  food shortage?

In both of these approach­es, one finds the polit­i­cal com­po­nent of ex-Empires  that takes the form for both of them of wars to regain ter­ri­to­ries they con­sid­er lost. The Ottoman dream and ex URSS, briefly stat­ed. On the inter­na­tion­al lev­el, they are impelled by the same wish for wars of influ­ence on the African con­ti­nent among oth­ers. Thus, the issue of grain com­pletes that of Wag­n­er, for Putin, and for the oth­er, the ex-Gulen Coran­ic schools that are now part of Turkey’s advanced diplo­ma­cy. Offer­ing the face of a food sav­ior against the con­se­quences of a war manip­u­lat­ed by the West , is nei­ther innocu­ous nor accidental.

Impos­ing its diplo­mat­ic pres­ence at the inter­na­tion­al lev­el is also vital for the Turk­ish regime with approach­ing elec­tions and a cat­a­stroph­ic domes­tic econ­o­my show­ing a grow­ing infla­tion, denied by the regime and rela­belled high cost of liv­ing . It also means estab­lish­ing the required lever­age to get Euro­pean States and the US to close their eyes on the pro­ject­ed and announced cap­ture of new ter­ri­to­ries in North­ern Syr­ia, for exam­ple, even if this requires exert­ing black­mail with­in Nato.

In such a con­text, all ges­tic­u­la­tions, even devoid of tan­gi­ble results, are worth the effort.

Accord­ing to the FAO (Food and Agri­cul­ture Orga­ni­za­tion of the UN), some 300 mil­lion peo­ple are direct­ly impact­ed in the poor­est coun­tries by the short­age of grains and oil caused by the block­ades. These pover­ty-afflict­ed pop­u­la­tions are and will be impact­ed both direct­ly through lack but even more so by the dou­bling of prices, cap­i­tal­ist mar­kets play­ing a dizzy­ing game of ris­ing costs. To the dou­ble sen­tence brought on by cli­mate change  and the destruc­tion of local mar­kets, will be added the dou­bling of prices by the glob­al ones. In such a case, the sit­u­a­tion could be used to its fullest by the Russ­ian regime.

The wheat and hunger weapon is thus being used con­scious­ly by the Putin regime and, with it, the threat of increased migra­tions toward Europe, which the Russ­ian regime knows to be a very sen­si­tive issue, since it par­tic­i­pat­ed in an under­hand­ed way in the manip­u­la­tions of migra­tion and mis­ery on the bor­der of Belarus. There also, Turkey played a most ambigu­ous role.

The Arab Springs  had set cap­i­tal­ist glob­al­iza­tion quak­ing, now, the fear of hunger riots and their desta­bi­liza­tions added to the cli­mate crises and their con­se­quences are start­ing to take hold of West­ern coun­tries. The UN is right in rais­ing the alarm, but the West­ern pow­ers them­selves, touched by infla­tion, fear a gen­er­al­iza­tion of hunger induced social trou­bles  that would ques­tion strong allied  regimes. Always bad for business.

Like a time bomb.

Vladimir: We must come back tomorrow.

Estragon: What for?

Vladimir: To wait for Godot.

Estragon: That’s true. (A pause). He hasn’t come yet?

Vladimir: No.

Estragon: And now it’s too late.

Vladimir: Yes, it’s night time.

Estragon: What if we give up? (A pause). What if we dropped him?

Vladimir: He would pun­ish us. (Silence. He looks at the tree). Only the tree lives.

Estragon: (Looks at the tree) What is it?

Vladimir: It’s the tree.

Estragon: No, I mean, what kind?

Vladimir: I don’t know. A willow.

Estragon: Come and see. (He brings Vladimir toward the tree. They stand in front of it. Silence.) And what if we hung ourselves?

For the other articles see > SPECIAL ARCHIVE UKRAINE

Translation from French by Renée Lucie Bourges

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Let­tres mod­ernes à l’Université de Tours. Gros mots poli­tiques… Coups d’oeil politiques…