Türkçe Duvar | Français | English

From the French trans­la­tion of Fehim Taştekin’s arti­cle in Turk­ish, pub­lished on Duvar on August 2.

We are going through days in which we must con­cen­trate on keep­ing our sanity.

Our brains are singed; singed by those con­fis­cat­ing the coun­try, the mafia regime, the arro­gance, self­ish­ness, igno­rance, inef­fi­cien­cy, negligence.

Our hearts are tired of racism,  of hate­ful words, dis­crim­i­na­tion, bru­tal­i­ty and the thou­sand shades of evil.

Now, our lungs are burn­ing; forests dis­ap­pear with their entire ecosys­tem, all their liv­ing beings, trees, fau­na, flora…

He lines up the excus­es for the fact the State does not have a sin­gle plane to fight for­est fires. Yet, he put 13 planes at his per­son­al  ser­vice, just for his “rep­u­ta­tion”. He gives the rea­sons why they let the sal­vage planes of the Turk­ish Aero­nau­tic Asso­ci­a­tion (THK) rot away 1.

Every­body is at fault, him­self except­ed. In order to keep our san­i­ty, we seek shel­ter with the four, five peo­ple whose kind­ness moves them to act, on the immor­tal­i­ty of fire­fight­ers bat­tling the flames.

Italy, Greece and Turkey are in the same geo­graph­ic belt. Yes­ter­day, there were 299 for­est fires in Italy and 58 in Greece. The last known fig­ure of fires in Turkey stood at 112. Greece is about one-sixth the size of Turkey. It has 39 planes fight­ing against the fires, Turkey has zero. This real­i­ty is like a knife plunged in every­one’s heart.

He has answers to every­thing. For exam­ple he says “the root of the prob­lems con­cern­ing the planes is that the THK respon­si­ble for this task for years was unable to replen­ish its flotilla.”

But for noto­ri­ety’s sake, he has palaces built that eat up the bud­get, win­ter palace, sum­mer palace… For this, the bud­get pro­vides. The palaces and man­sions that were the pride of the Ottoman sul­tans in Istan­bul are not enough for him!

In any event, as long as the sub­jects keep qui­et, the incum­bent is hap­py! The bags of tea they caught on their heads were enough to excite them! Ambi­tions of great­ness spill over to the out­side. Despite the Cypri­ots, he claims he will build anoth­er use­less and futile palace in Cyprus. All the dis­as­ters are not the result of a lack of resources, but because they con­sid­er the entire wealth of the coun­try as their allot­ted share of the loot­ing. When they see no prof­it motive, there are no mea­sures, no invest­ments. Where­as links to prof­its call for defor­esta­tion, not conservation.


When the State claims it is great, it is. It is great, it is supreme, it is all-pow­er­ful. But when it’s a mat­ter of water, of the val­ley, of the peas­ants’ forests, it shrinks and becomes cru­el.  “THY flies to 58 dif­fer­ent des­ti­na­tions in Africa”, he brags. He proud­ly nego­ti­ates from one mar­ket to anoth­er the drones man­u­fac­tured by the fam­i­ly.  Recent­ly he said “We are now the third or the fourth coun­try in the world in terms of drone pro­duc­tion, IHA, SIHA and TIHA”. With mil­i­tary adven­tur­ism in Syr­ia, in Libya, in Karabagh, he cre­ates the myths of the “Great State”. He  peers into the moun­tains of Ira­ki Kur­dis­tan 24/24 and 7/7, run­ning dozens of planes night and day. A while ago, he announced that nation­al planes would take to the sky in Decem­ber 2023. Now he tells his sub­jects “hold your breath, we’re about to go to the moon”. But Suley­man the Mag­nif­i­cent does not have a sin­gle plane with which to pro­tect, main­tain, save his forests!

The world map of forests is on fire. Just as it is in the seis­mic zone, Turkey is also in the fire zone. For years, there has been no ongo­ing prepa­ra­tion for this cri­sis tak­ing on greater and greater mag­ni­tude with cli­mate warm­ing. Quite the oppo­site, an insa­tia­bil­i­ty, a fran­tic feed­ing fren­zy finds every project attack­ing nature grow­ing at the speed of light. Lots of words, no pre­cau­tions! Because the Cal­i­fate was inter­rupt­ed by the Repub­lic, he sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly emp­ties and col­laps­es every insti­tu­tion asso­ci­at­ed with the found­ing will. THK is at the top of the list. Instead of the THK flotil­la that was not renewed for want of 34 mil­lion Turk­ish lira, for the past two years, he has laid out 287 mil­lion for the rental of Russ­ian planes.

And they do not hes­i­tate to con­spire in order to main­tain their damn­ing con­cep­tion of pol­i­tics. One sec­tion of the pow­er appa­ra­tus spreads racist hatred against the Kurds, using the fires as a pre­text and set­ting fire to the motor of the nation­al­ist-islamist coali­tion. A the­ater pro­duc­tion in a mad­house! A par­ty to flat­ter him, his gangs, his clique of prof­i­teers and a night­mare for all the others.

jours incendie

In his plane from above, Erdoğan “stud­ies the situation”.

For 20 years, he’s been sell­ing a tale to the whole world: the lead­ing coun­try, the fore­front of the Islam­ic world, the voice of the Umma 2. A tale of appro­pri­a­tion begin­ning in Koso­vo and in Bosnia, spread­ing all the way to Jerusalem, Dam­as­cus, Bag­dad, Kab­ul. Great Boss of Prov­i­dence! An unde­clared claim­ing of a new Cal­i­fate. No returns, of course ! Apart from a hand­ful of Islamists, nobody gives a damn!

A specter spilling over bor­ders, a lot of noise but the inte­ri­or is emp­ty. Cadres at his orders are incom­pe­tents, the speech­es dis­con­nect­ed from real­i­ty. Aren’t the encour­age­ments and the speech­es trans­form­ing the coun­try into a basin for the gath­er­ing in of refugees a prod­uct of this sick log­ic? The Cal­if’s land is open to all! But by pre­tend­ing to pro­tect those tak­ing refuge, by stomp­ing on them, despis­ing them, expos­ing them to racism, trans­form­ing them into cheap labor, by using them to black­mail Europe and extort more mon­ey, all this is in the Cal­if’s books ! All that’s left in the lands seized with the help of their world mas­ters, are insta­bil­i­ty and irreg­u­lar migration.

A net­work of evil has tak­en hold, like an octo­pus whose ten­ta­cles reach out both right and left. This orga­nized evil also has a side that regen­er­ates itself and finds room to maneu­ver where it has crashed. How to call this, dex­ter­i­ty, male­dic­tion or acro­bat­ics? Here he is, propos­ing a can­di­da­cy to pro­tect and man­age the Kab­ul air­port, for one. Should the pro­pos­al stand, he will hire the Free Syr­i­an Army’s mili­tias as mine sweep­ing don­keys, just as he did dur­ing the Libyan inter­ven­tion. He will squeeze mon­ey out of his allies in order to pay these mili­tias through pri­vate secu­ri­ty firms that are faith­ful to him. More­over, for Afghani asy­lum seek­ers, he will make a deal sim­i­lar to the one on Syr­i­an migrants. These immoral rela­tions with the Unit­ed States and the Euro­pean Union are the garan­tors of the peren­ni­ty of a sin­gle indi­vid­ual. He shows his appetite for the Kab­ul mis­sion to the point of say­ing there would be no prob­lem in terms of reli­gious faith between him and the Tal­iban, despite the fact they treat Turkey as an occu­py­ing force.

And hav­ing accom­pa­nied for 20 years the Amer­i­can inva­sion under the Inter­na­tion­al Secu­ri­ty Sup­port Force (FIAS) and the Res­olute Sup­port Force, he is now try­ing to make Turkey part of the con­flict with a new mis­sion in the name of NATO, while say­ing at the same time, “we have sided with our Afghani broth­ers against all these impe­ri­al­is­tic forces”.


He is ready to go any­where, from Syr­ia to Libya, from Soma­lia to Qatar, from Karabakh to Afghanistan. The geog­ra­phy of his heart is vast. But when the fires impli­cate him direct­ly, he shows no inter­est for the geog­ra­phy of dis­as­ter in Turkey he dis­crim­i­nates against! You must­n’t think that the imag­i­nary world built on for­eign lands could have real and mea­sur­able con­se­quences. For years, Turkey has wast­ed its ener­gies on obses­sion­al desires.

He dries his back on the inte­ri­or fire and looks for oth­er blazes on the outside.
Broth­ers, sis­ters, hold on to your sanity!

Fehim Taştekin

Fehim TaştekinFehim Taştekin
Turkish investigative reporter and chronicler, he has written for Radikal and Hürriyet and continues writing for Al Monitor, Turkey Pulse. He was animator of “Sınırsız” (without borders) on IMC TV, a television network banned and shut down by the regime. An excellent analyst, he specializes in Turkish foreign policy and matters relating to the Caucasus, the Middle East and European Union. He has written several books, notably “Rojava: Kürtlerin Zamanı” (Rojava: the time of the Kurds), a forbidden book… He is also the founder and chief editor of the Caucasus Agency. On Twitter: @fehimtastekin

Head­line pho­to: Muğla

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.