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Such love­ly pho­tos from the meet­ing between the lead­ers of the Euro­pean Union and the sultan!

She had hes­i­tat­ed between wear­ing the offi­cial out­fit of the sul­tana or wrap­ping her­self in the nation­al col­ors of the Turk­ish flag. Final­ly, she chose the red and white flag and kow­tow­ing. He, in seri­ous suit, with a fresh­ly clipped mus­tache and stu­pid smile as cir­cum­stances dic­tat­ed, did not budge when it came to sit­ting next to the Reis while the lady was rel­e­gat­ed to a couch, for the “talks”. Busi­ness is dis­cussed between men and respect­ing pro­to­cole rules… we are told.

Charles Michel and Ursu­la van der Leyen had prob­a­bly set this meet­ing with Erdoğan between two meet­ings with Euro­pean lob­by­ists. Lis­ten­ing to them, this was about dis­pelling misunderstandings.

Because of course, she/they grabbed the micro­phones for a debrief­ing fol­low­ing their exit from the meet­ing rooms.

Not pleased, Dame Europe said, con­cern­ing Erdoğan’s deci­sion to exit the Istan­bul Con­ven­tion. One has to won­der why no one heard her when Turkey was still a part of it and flout­ing the treaty on a dai­ly basis. Fem­i­ni­cides, hun­dreds of chil­dren in prison with their moth­ers, no doubt the lady in red and white con­sid­ered these to be domes­tic issues. Not pleased, but ready to open a new road with Turkey. That tease of an Erdoğan, sure­ly he will return to the Con­ven­tion, no? That would be such a great step forward.

As for Mis­ter Europe he spoke about val­ues, human rights, a com­mon foun­da­tion, repeat­ing the diplo­mat­ic talk one uses when vis­it­ing a despot, the same way you remove your shoes before enter­ing the room.

So why the dick­ens did they make the trip?

Hard to say which of the two, Erdoğan or the Euro­pean rep­re­sen­ta­tives, were in the great­est hurry.

A few clues, perhaps?

Turkey is in need of mon­ey. Erdoğan would like to make fresh use of that busi­ness of join­ing the Union, that his ex-friend Gülen had sug­gest­ed as a means to mud­dy­ing the elec­toral waters and attract­ing a few mon­ey men. Obtain­ing a pub­lic agree­ment might allow to low­er pre­ten­sion in Greece and in France. Behav­ing like a lamb with the EU as an open­ing gam­bit in order to re-open the phone con­nec­tion with the Amer­i­can pres­i­dent. And final­ly, for Erdo­gan, show­ing that when the EU comes knock­ing at his door, he decides who sits where, who dis­cuss­es what, thus dis­play­ing his impor­tant region­al sta­tus. And one must not for­get dis­cus­sions on bor­der tar­iffs and the ques­tion in abeyance con­cern­ing the sup­pres­sion of visas for Turk­ish nationals…In short, from his per­spec­tive, there were many ben­e­fits to this so-called rec­on­cil­i­a­tion, pre­pared dur­ing a visio-con­fer­ence last March 19.

Odd­ly enough, Turkey’s media com­pli­ant to the orders of the Reis don’t talk much about this meeting.

One must not for­get either the back­room dis­cus­sions these past few months at the Coun­cil of Europe nor the sin­is­ter joke called “action plan for human rights” with euros pro­vid­ed for it, while arrests of oppo­nents, elect­ed mem­bers, jour­nal­ists increase and  the HDP is threat­ened with dis­ap­pear­ance as an orga­nized oppo­si­tion force. This time, on March 26 last, the Euro­pean Coun­cil agreed to the renew­al of the 2016 deal on migrants.

So that’s it!

Fortress Europe needs to pre­pare its eco­nom­ic re-open­ing, the relaunch­ing of busi­ness­es. Some of its gov­ern­ments, and not among the least of them, also have upcom­ing elec­tions. No one would be pleased to see a fresh arrival of migrants at the table.

Because this beau­ti­ful Europe, turned xeno­pho­bic, is quite will­ing to look away from the con­se­quences of Turkey’s aggres­sions all around its bor­ders, in Syr­ia and beyond, but it will nev­er take respon­si­bil­i­ty for the exiles result­ing from them, just as it refus­es to bear the destruc­tive con­se­quences of the  in its ex colo­nial con­quests. “No migrants allowed, this is our house!”

So pro­vid­ing euros, no mat­ter how cost­ly, in a deal on migrants that evens out the num­ber of drown­ings in the Mediter­ranean and the num­bers of cheap labor­ers kept in Turkey, are mat­ters both urgent and essen­tial for Mr. And Mrs. Europe. Espe­cial­ly since this fur­ther low­ers labor costs for Euro­pean investors in delo­cal­ized factories…

Wow! All that? Yes, I must admit, you find all kinds of things if you scratch below the surface.

At least, that’s what I under­stood from the love­ly pho­tos. To be continued…

 Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
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