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Start­ing on Jan­u­ary 1st, Kedis­tan your webzine will be offer­ing you a fac­tu­al sum­ma­ry of week­ly news.

You will find them on the site’s front page, as well as in your email if you are a sub­scriber to the week­ly newslet­ter, or if you sub­scribe using the form shown below.

From the start, Kedis­tan always attempt­ed to fol­low the burn­ing dai­ly news from Turkey and the Mid­dle-East. Espe­cial­ly dur­ing the peri­od of the cur­fews in the Kur­dish towns , at the end of 2015 and the begin­ning of 2016, the team attempt­ed to keep its read­ers informed, thanks to the deter­mined efforts of jour­nal­ist friends, con­tacts and activists on the ground. This gave rise to pre­cious parn­er­ships with var­i­ous groups such as Mer­ha­ba Heval­no, media such as Ron­ahi TV for week­ly bul­letins in French that were inter­rupt­ed unfor­tu­nate­ly, cre­at­ing a real void fol­low­ing Ron­ahi TV’s forced with­draw­al from Eutel­sat under pres­sure from the Turk­ish regime, fol­lowed by the move to their premis­es in Sweden…

Expe­ri­ence showed that this dai­ly track­ing down of infor­ma­tion is not an easy task, human­ly exhaust­ing, espe­cial­ly when it involves a small team of vol­un­teers, be they jour­nal­ists or not, who con­sid­er them­selves duty bound to pro­duce qual­i­ty infor­ma­tion for free…  Luck­i­ly, in the past few years, sev­er­al new media, such as Roj Info, have sprung up doing a fine job. This is why, some three years ago, the kedi decid­ed to con­cen­trate on arti­cles focus­ing on analy­sis or mate­ri­als for archiv­ing, and to trav­el a com­mon road with friend­ly media cov­er­ing dai­ly infor­ma­tion, by shar­ing it. This means spread­ing-shar­ing their pub­li­ca­tion to give them more vis­i­bil­i­ty, rather than mul­ti­ply­ing sources treat­ing the same top­ic in a sim­i­lar way, or worse yet, com­pet­ing by pub­lish­ing cut-and paste ver­sions. As a reminder, the per­verse aspect of Inter­net, espe­cial­ly of social net­works, means that the more a pub­li­ca­tion is shared away from its source, the more vis­i­ble and the more shared it becomes. So shar­ing the work of our col­leagues is more impor­tant than dilut­ing it.

How­ev­er, at the request of our read­ers, in this new year, Kedis­tan will offer a week­ly sum­ma­ry of not-to-be-missed information.

The team extends spe­cial thanks to col­league Dilek Aykan who will take on respon­si­bil­i­ty for this demand­ing and time-con­sum­ing work. And so, a new week­ly ren­dez-vous is in store…

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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.