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Most of us have been in self-imposed iso­la­tion for 30 days. On April 18 2020 Osman Kavala will have been in enforced iso­la­tion for 900 days in an Istan­bul jail cell.

Nine hun­dred days away from every friend, fam­i­ly mem­ber and col­league, with­out see­ing even a tree or the hori­zon. Dur­ing this time, we have not stopped think­ing about our friend, Osman Kavala.

Today we announce the upcom­ing world pre­miere of a small opera film made over sev­en days by artists in lock­down, enti­tled Osman Bey and the Snails.

This mod­ern fable is the sto­ry of a beloved Turk­ish phil­an­thropist and activist cru­el­ly jailed– and of the two lit­tle ani­mal friends who shared his cell. Osman Kavala has fought for human rights in Turkey for 30 years. He has used art and cul­ture to build bridges with Kurds, Arme­ni­ans and Greeks, to make Turkey a fair­er and more humane place.

Osman has always loved ani­mals. In his youth he stopped his fam­i­ly firm from build­ing of a hotel on a beach used by log­ger­head tur­tles to lay their eggs.

In 2017, Osman Kavala was sent to jail by a court on polit­i­cal­ly moti­vat­ed fan­tas­ti­cal charges. He became one of the country’s best-known polit­i­cal pris­on­ers, kept in severe con­di­tions of iso­la­tion. So, the ani­mal-lov­ing pris­on­er was delight­ed one day when he found two snails in his lunch-time sal­ad. The pair became his com­pan­ions in isolation.

In Feb­ru­ary this year, in a move that sur­prised and delight­ed every­one in equal mea­sure, Osman was acquit­ted by a court which ordered him to be released forth­with. The prisoner’s first con­cern was not to aban­don his new friends, so he gave the two snails to his lawyer for safe­keep­ing. But that same day he was cru­el­ly re-arrested—on dif­fer­ent charges.

The snails are now free, Osman is not.

In this era of coro­n­avirus, Turkey’s ordi­nary crim­i­nals have been released; polit­i­cal pris­on­ers have not. Osman­’s con­di­tions are now even more severe. Fam­i­ly vis­its have been stopped and he can only speak to his wife and moth­er for 20 min­utes a week on the phone.

Osman enhanced the world of cul­ture by har­ness­ing its pow­er to heal wounds and make peace. Now it is the turn of the world of cul­ture to sup­port him. The music is con­tem­po­rary clas­si­cal but reflects the var­i­ous cul­tures that Osman has hon­oured in his life’s work.

The opera-film Osman Bey and the Snails is writ­ten, direct­ed and per­formed by a team of inter­na­tion­al artists iso­lat­ed around the world, all proud to call them­selves ‘Friends of Osman’. We look for­ward to shar­ing it very shortly.

We will not rest until Osman is free, with his loved ones, and among us, where he belongs.

Friends of Osman” includ­ing, Dar­ren Abra­hams — Antho­ny Bar­nett, Co-Founder, open­Democ­ra­cy — Nadine Ben­jamin — Robert Gold­en — Antho­ny Ingle — Tina Ellen Lee, Artis­tic Direc­tor, Opera Cir­cus — Lore Lix­en­berg — Mikael Hegelund Mar­tin­sen Beats Across Bor­ders — Andy Mor­ton — Paula McFetridge, Artis­tic Direc­tor, Kabosh The­atre — Nigel Osborne, Emer­i­tus Pro­fes­sor and com­pos­er — Robert Rice — Clare Shine, Vice Pres­i­dent and Chief Pro­gram Offi­cer, Salzburg Glob­al Seminar…

opera circus

osman kavala

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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.