Bar­ring a few remain­ing uncer­tain­ties, the elec­toral choic­es against Erdoğan in Turkey for the ear­ly pres­i­den­tial and leg­isla­tive elec­tions in June are now known.

Dis­cus­sions and con­sul­ta­tions among so-called “oppo­si­tion” par­ties – the HDP hav­ing been kept aside – were car­ried out as Sela­hat­tin Demir­taş iron­i­cal­ly stat­ed, “in a five-star hotel”  and pro­duced  an elec­toral alliance of mutu­al arrange­ments between four par­ties of uneven weight.

This alliance will bring togeth­er the main oppo­si­tion par­ty the CHP (Repub­li­can peo­ple’s par­ty, a lib­er­al kemal­ist par­ty), the very recent Iyi Par­ty (the Good Par­ty, Islamo-nation­al­ist), the Saadet Par­tisi (Par­ty of Felic­i­ty, Islamo Con­ser­v­a­tive) and the Demokrate Par­ti (Demo­c­ra­t­ic, Cen­ter-Right Party).

Even though Erdoğan’s AKP Par­ty made a sim­i­lar pact with the ulta­na­tion­al­ist MHP (Nation­al­ist Action Par­ty), the AKP denounced this. “What moti­vates and unites them are not the inter­ests or the future of Turkey but their oppo­si­tion to the Pres­i­dent Recep Tayyip Erdoğan”, declared the gov­ern­men­tal spokesman Bekir Boz­dağ. He fur­ther denounced “a forced marriage”.

More­over, two of the par­ties, the CHP and Iyi Par­ti are pre­sent­ing can­di­dates who will “count” for the pres­i­den­tial elec­tion. The prin­ci­ple being to cre­ate a polit­i­cal block coun­ter­ing Erdoğan, with a wide appeal, and future a major­i­ty or major­i­ty oppo­si­tion in the par­lia­men­tary assem­bly result­ing from these elec­tions, held the same day as the Pres­i­den­tial one, next June 24th.

The CHP has des­ig­nat­ed deputy Muhar­rem Ince to go up against Chief of State Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. He is one of the rare deputies to have deplored the lift­ing of par­lia­men­tary immu­ni­ty that led to arrests and tri­als. “With God’s per­mis­sion and the will of the nation, I will be elect­ed Pres­i­dent,” he declared. He is already right on topic…

For her part, the can­di­date for the Good Par­ty, Mer­al Akşen­er, had already antic­i­pat­ed the elec­tions in cre­at­ing her polit­i­cal vehi­cle and had not hes­i­tat­ed  in say­ing she would be a can­di­date “against”  Erdoğan, right from the start.

In par­al­lel to this, an attempt at pre­sent­ing a com­mon pres­i­den­tial can­di­date against Erdo­gan failed. The prospec­tive can­di­date, Abdul­lah Gül, ex Pres­i­dent et ex ally of the Reis, pre­ferred to step back in the face of the appetite of  the“Good” Par­ty’s can­di­date who was shap­ing up into Erdo­gan’s main oppo­nent, the one who might stop Erdo­gan from being elect­ed on the first round. Dis­parag­ing com­ments and accu­sa­tions of Gülenism had already been launched against him.

The HDP, always pre­sent­ed as “pro-Kur­dish”, wavered between the need for a sin­gle pres­i­den­tial can­di­date of a still-to-be cre­at­ed oppo­si­tion block, a “left” in which the pres­ence of ultra-nation­al­ism, polit­i­cal islamism and kemal­ism were hard to imag­ine, and the can­di­da­cy of the one who has borne the plat­form of the sole demo­c­ra­t­ic oppo­si­tion at the last pres­i­den­tial elec­tion, Sela­hat­tin Demirtaş.

This was a still-born posi­tion, giv­en the bal­ance of polit­i­cal forces in Turkey, and the grow­ing iso­la­tion of the demo­c­ra­t­ic and social oppo­si­tion, an iso­la­tion rein­forced since Afrin. The HDP has thus begun to gath­er forces and cre­ate local group­ings for the leg­isla­tive elec­tions, so they may des­ig­nate their own can­di­dates, and announced its sup­port for the can­di­da­cy of Sela­hat­tin Demir­taş, if such is not ren­dered impos­si­ble through hasty sen­tenc­ing in one or oth­er of the ongo­ing tri­als… How­ev­er, the announce­ment of the can­di­da­cy is effec­tive for the time being.

For infor­ma­tion pur­pos­es, such are the main traits of the elec­toral mech­a­nism. And although the ral­ly­ing cry is “every­one against Erdoğan”, it is obvi­ous that the whole sce­nario is pre­sent­ing itself as an addi­tion of improb­a­ble elec­toral com­po­nents, cre­at­ing a cli­mate of poten­tial “polit­i­cal cri­sis”, one in which Erdoğan and the ultra-nation­al­ists had hoped to take advan­tage of a pos­i­tive surge cre­at­ed by nation­al­ist and mil­i­taris­tic con­fu­sion sur­round­ing the agres­sion of Afrin.

One could then be tempt­ed to act as is this were pos­si­ble and to con­cen­trate on cal­cu­la­tions lead­ing to Erdoğan’s elec­toral defeat. A most seduc­tive idea, but to what end?

It may be tempt­ing to ignore or dis­guise the cur­rent state of polit­i­cal forces that result­ed in the Reis’ acces­sion to and main­te­nance in pow­er, the renew­al of the state of emer­gency, the over-rid­ing nation­al­ism, stronger than ever, the unavoid­able Islam­ic pop­ulism in order to imag­ine that a durable polit­i­cal solu­tion could emerge from these elec­tions under influence.

In math­e­mat­i­cal terms, the “Good Par­ty” can­di­date can come in sec­ond posi­tion in this first round and cause Erdoğan to stum­ble, even if the CHP’s deci­sion to also present a can­di­date weak­ens the odds. In such a con­text, the pres­ence of Sela­hat­tin Demir­taş is total­ly jus­ti­fied and increas­es the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a non-absolute major­i­ty for Erdoğan in the first round.

The “use­ful” anti-Erdoğan and the “any­thing but Erdoğan” vote will thus be the sole rule of the oppo­si­tion for over half of Turkey…

But this paren­the­sis decid­ed by Erdoğan is not a math­e­mat­i­cal equation.

We must also recall that the pres­i­den­tial elec­tion will also serve as the appli­ca­tion of the con­sti­tu­tion­al mod­i­fi­ca­tions and that in order to re-exam­ine them, there would be need of a par­lia­men­tary vote with very pecu­liar quo­rum rules, or anoth­er ref­er­en­dum. The new Pres­i­dent, since this seems to be the main bet, has allies and a polit­i­cal pro­file that would accom­mo­date itself per­fect­ly with the new Pres­i­den­tial uni­form. In which case, we would sim­ply wit­ness a game of musi­cal chairs.

Stay­ing in the realm of elec­toral math­e­mat­ics, we must also recall that by pre­sent­ing a can­di­date to the pres­i­den­cy, the HDP does weak­en the chances of a first round vic­to­ry for Erdoğan. But should the Par­ty not gath­er 10% of the votes at the leg­isla­tive elec­tions on the same day, it will de fac­to serve to increase the num­ber of seats redis­trib­uted to the AKP. That is the idi­ot­ic log­ic of that par­tic­u­lar elec­toral democ­ra­cy, with its quo­ta bar­ring 10% of the pop­u­la­tion from rep­re­sen­ta­tion in the parliament…

Turkey’s open wounds, rubbed with the salt of recent nation­al­ist mil­i­tarism will not dis­ap­pear mag­i­cal­ly in an elec­tion, which can be total­ly manip­u­lat­ed under the state of emer­gency. Those wounds pro­found­ly divide, are sources of extreme polar­iza­tions, of depoliti­ciza­tion, be it through pop­ulism, big­otry or fear. More­o­ev­er, the cheat­ing machine was recent­ly con­sol­i­dat­ed by decree. We could also men­tion the vot­ing con­di­tions reserved to prisoners…etc…

In this con­text, there is need to avoid sink­ing into total pes­simism or resort­ing to a Pollyan­na-like elec­toral amne­sia stat­ing “any­thing oth­er than the cur­rent President.” 

 Only two things can emerge from these elec­tions, of which the prud­ish Coun­cil of Europe said in April that they would not be legit­i­mate: “an exarcer­bat­ed polit­i­cal cri­sis”, or “the exarcer­ba­tion of ten­sions and polar­iza­tions”.

This posi­tion could evolve, giv­en ongo­ing skull­dug­gery, and we could see under­hand­ed inter­na­tion­al sup­port for the evic­tion of Erdoğan, who is a nui­sance in cur­rent affairs, in more ways than one…

For the pop­u­la­tions of Turkey, this would remove for a time the real fear of civ­il war, which is in every­one’s mind, just as there was a mag­i­cal sense of a “prov­i­den­tial coup d’é­tat” when faced with the ris­es of polit­i­cal islamism. But this would increase the need for the demo­c­ra­t­ic oppo­si­tion’s polit­i­cal prepa­ra­tion of the “after”, before and dur­ing these deadlines.

There are no pre­lim­i­nary signs of such prepa­ra­tions at the moment in what is left of the activist side of the HDP, the par­ty appear­ing to be more slant­ed toward elec­toral­ism than toward devel­op­ing a strat­e­gy to deal with grow­ing ten­sions in the future. Dec­la­ra­tions by Sela­hat­tin Demir­taş will play a deter­min­ing role, the new direc­tion stick­ing to the for­mu­la­ic for the time being, judg­ing by their recent elec­toral­ist stances.

The extreme divi­sions among the social and polit­i­cal oppo­si­tion, its logis­ti­cal and mil­i­tant weak­en­ing, the con­stant coer­cion to which it has been sub­ject­ed, has led it to adopt­ing a defen­sive stance more than one of pro­pos­als and of con­vinc­ing argu­men­ta­tion. The extreme­ly defen­sive May 1st slo­gans in Turkey this year were a demon­stra­tion of this. One can fear that a cam­paign polar­ized by a “use­ful vote” against Erdoğan will fin­ish frag­iliz­ing the oppo­si­tion in favour of nation­alisms of every ilk.

Thus, Turkey is head­ing toward a vote “with no basic con­vic­tions”, by oppo­nents or dis­si­dents, a gam­ble con­cern­ing the win­ning tick­et of which it is already known that, in either case, it will act as a new turn­around, like that of June 2015, of the failed putsch in 2016, and of the con­sti­tu­tion­al referendum…

Of course, just as was the case with the Kur­dish inde­pen­dence ref­er­en­dum ini­tat­ed by Barzani, where vot­ing NO was impos­si­ble, who could say now, this minute, that he or she does­n’t wish for an end of Erdoğan’s rule ? But as we saw then, when an elec­toral joust is noth­ing but a shell game with loaded dice, a vote can always rep­re­sent a plunge into even more improb­a­ble consequences.

To be continued…

Elec­tions anticipées en Turquie : jeu de bon­neteau ? Cli­quer pour lire

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
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Let­tres mod­ernes à l’Université de Tours. Gros mots poli­tiques… Coups d’oeil politiques…