This is not the first time hunger strik­ers go up against the Turk­ish State, risk­ing their lives and often afflict­ed by seri­ous side effects at the end of their tug of war.

Polit­i­cal pris­on­ers have lost their lives dur­ing pre­vi­ous oppo­si­tions to mil­i­tary dictatorships.

And now we have a mem­ber of the AKP, a deputy by call­ing, and a mem­ber of the Assembly’s Com­mis­sion of Human Rights telling us that this behav­ior is almost ‘haram’ (translator’s note : the high­est sta­tus of pro­hi­bi­tion in Islam­ic the­ol­o­gy). Accord­ing to him, the great uni­ver­sal Beard­ed One casts a bale­ful eye on those who risk their own lives in order to pre­serve it.

So how does the prophet look upon the decades of sys­tem­at­ic mas­sacres of oppo­nents to the Turk­ish army in Kur­dis­tan ? How would he react to the waves of lay­offs, to the fall into great pre­car­i­ous­ness that ensues, to the hunger that results for entire families ?

The hunger strik­ers say they are doing it « for bread ». And they refuse to eat a sin­gle crumb, expos­ing their bod­ies to suf­fer­ing in the face of power.

The rags that serve as infor­ma­tion media over here have made vul­gar claims that the strike was a hoax, that the « fast was bro­ken once the police turned its back »… as they have done on every occa­sion when this form of strug­gle is used. They wrote the same thing dur­ing sim­i­lar actions in the jails before the ref­er­en­dum, and made fun of the jailed oppo­si­tion mem­bers say­ing they were on « inter­mit­tent hunger strikes ».

Mean­while, intel­lec­tu­als who called into ques­tion this form of strug­gle were told that their calls to cease the strike should be addressed to the gov­ern­ment, since it is the one that holds the solution…

And as we know that the strik­ers, and the « hard core » of sup­port­ers at the fore­front are bat­tle-hard­ened mil­i­tants (the press denounces them as all pur­pose ter­ror­ists), we can guess that strike days will suc­ceed on oth­er strike days, as long as a flame of life will subsist.

We are remind­ed of the call made to polit­i­cal pris­on­ers by demo­c­ra­t­ic oppo­si­tion Par­ties to aban­don the move­ment imme­di­ate­ly after the results of the ref­er­en­dum were known. They con­sid­ered the street demon­stra­tions (which have almost died out) drew atten­tion away from their strug­gle, that these same move­ments did not take into account the strug­gle of Kur­dish pris­on­ers, but also that the shift in pow­er was « offi­cial­ly » in favor of the regime, with inter­na­tion­al opin­ions show­ing min­i­mal reactions.

It was thus with the poten­tial of more mas­sive sup­port, under more uni­fied aus­pices that the hunger strike of laid off teach­ers was launched. One form of resis­tance took over from another.

If I talk to you about this, it’s because this strike can­not be hid­den and that despite the fear, the inner with­draw­al and the exhaus­tion obvi­ous in the country’s dai­ly life, the strike res­onates, as did the peti­tion for peace of uni­ver­si­ty professors.

But what can I do ? How can I not feel help­less con­front­ed by the pos­si­bil­i­ty of their agony ?

The Tayyip trav­els, and even allows him­self the right to have demon­stra­tors beat­en in the Unit­ed States when they hold him to account over there. And one may think the new Amer­i­can pres­i­dent dou­ble deals with him, while com­fort­ing him in his « fight against ter­ror­ism ». And since those going hun­gry are « terrorists »…

I seem to have noticed that sup­port­ers have man­i­fest­ed them­selves in some Euro­pean coun­tries and that del­e­ga­tions come to Ankara to sup­port the strik­ers. Mean­while our media and politi­cians exam­ine their elec­toral navel, here, there and everywhere…

I’m told the police harass the strike move­ment, like flies sniff­ing at a corpse. They don’t dare attack it direct­ly and arrest its sup­port­ers on a reg­u­lar basis… This is a sign, in our repub­li­can dic­ta­tor­ship that these young peo­ple tru­ly dis­turb pow­er, in this post-ref­er­en­dum peri­od when it would like to un-demo­nize itself a bit, while pur­su­ing its purges by decree.

In the final instance, it’s an entire sec­tion of the Turk­ish pop­u­la­tion that hungers for jus­tice, free­dom and peace, just as I do, and that gets force fed vio­lence, injus­tice and hatred.

Who am I, the elder, to pass judg­ment on their deci­sion to pur­sue this slow descent in which their life no longer belongs to them ? And yet, if hun­dreds of thou­sands of dead ones in Syr­ia, chil­dren whose drowned bod­ies drift ashore on beach­es, if all these lives cut down only elic­it reac­tions from those who are already « con­cerned », how will two ema­ci­at­ed bod­ies make the new Caliph yield ?

Nor will I pass judg­ment on the young peo­ple who take up arms because their broth­er, their sis­ter, their par­ents or grand­par­ents were assas­si­nat­ed while call­ing for noth­ing oth­er than « life and recog­ni­tion », I will make no fur­ther com­ments on he or she who uses his or her life as a weapon, in the ser­vice of a col­lec­tive struggle.

But my anger does a poor job of mask­ing my anguish at how this « assault against life » will be swept away by fur­ther mur­ders, in a series of which we can fore­see no end.

Trans­la­tion by Renée Lucie Bourges.
French ver­sion > La faim jus­ti­fie-t-elle le moyen ?


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