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You must have noticed that our pub­li­ca­tion rate has dropped at Kedis­tan, not to say it has stood at zero for the past month.

Those faith­ful read­ers who have fol­lowed us since 2014 and who have often helped us immense­ly, finan­cial­ly speak­ing, in order to keep the pub­li­ca­tion on an even keel, have good rea­son to won­der at the magazine’s dis­ap­pear­ance from the news stream. To them, we owe an hon­est explanation.

The first and essen­tial rea­son for the slow­down is tied to the pro­gres­sive exhaus­tion of our small group of vol­un­teers, after almost 9 years when each of them has been on the job, par­tic­u­lar­ly the core group respon­si­ble for the pub­lish­ing and dai­ly man­age­ment of the mag­a­zine. This exhaus­tion being com­plet­ed by a few health issues incom­pat­i­ble with the use of com­put­ers and screens. A kind of occu­pa­tion­al wear and tear, a top­ic at the fore­front of the news these days in France.

How­ev­er, we have noticed that the archives of over 4 000 arti­cles are still con­sult­ed on a reg­u­lar basis, which is a reward for the work we have accom­plished. Of course, this also encour­ages us to keep them avail­able online.

You will have noticed that we have not attempt­ed to com­pete with main­stream pub­li­ca­tions about the recent earth­quake in Turkey and Syr­ia. The few items we relayed or the analy­ses we pro­vid­ed were suf­fi­cient in our view for an under­stand­ing of the breadth of this dis­as­ter and to estab­lish its sig­nif­i­cance in the recent his­to­ry of both Turkey and Syr­ia. For the rest, we found the event suf­fi­cient­ly mov­ing for none of us to wish to sat­is­fy either voyeurism or pathos through use­less and sen­sa­tion­al articles.

Elec­tions are upcom­ing in Turkey in this cat­a­stroph­ic con­text. They will undoubt­ed­ly be deci­sive. We are not indif­fer­ent to this issue, and a result that would see the AKP-MHP regime chal­lenged would prob­a­bly open up a pause allow­ing some of us to re-estab­lish con­nec­tions with friends, com­rades and fam­i­lies, since all of us are cur­rent­ly per­son­ae non gratae in the coun­try. There­fore we will be pub­lish on this top­ic, with­out in any way believ­ing that a “new” Kemal­ist major­i­ty would amount to a “rev­o­lu­tion”.

You must have noticed, the times are not con­ducive to an over­flow of enthusiasm.

Of course, we will con­tin­ue pub­lish­ing guest authors as much as pos­si­ble and will be in front of our key­boards every time we will con­sid­er it nec­es­sary with­out the feel­ing of repeat­ing our­selves over and over again.

Once again, thank you, dear read­ers, for con­tin­u­ing to pay atten­tion to us, despite these absences.


Trans­la­tion from French by Renée Lucie Bourges

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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.