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The first time as a tragedy, the sec­ond as a farce” wrote a cer­tain Karl Marx, about His­to­ry. We pre­fer the for­mu­la “our archives also com­ment on the present” or even bet­ter “the present has its roots in his­to­ry”.

This is the pur­pose of this week­ly pub­li­ca­tion in which we will pub­lish arti­cles from our archives which res­onate with cur­rent events.

The earth­quakes that have just occurred in the large geo­graph­i­cal area of Syr­i­an and Turk­ish Kur­dis­tan are no sur­prise for sci­en­tists. They occurred in the mid­dle of the night and result­ed in  sev­er­al thou­sand vic­tims, killed and injured, as well as  a num­ber of “home­less”.

We would have expect­ed their occur­rence more on the Istan­bul side.

The record­ed vio­lence of the tremors, up to the mag­ni­tude of 7.5 and 7.8, in this area prone to earth­quakes, result­ed in the pro­vi­sion­al fig­ures of more than 2,800 deaths and 10,000 injured for the entire region concerned.

This area of destruc­tion also includes the one where the Turk­ish regime was con­sid­er­ing recent­ly to “relo­cate” its Syr­i­an refugees, once it would have reoc­cu­pied the ter­ri­to­ries beyond the bor­der — as it has already done in Afrin,  a city and region also affect­ed by the disaster.

These earth­quakes, in the mid­dle of the win­ter sea­son, affect half of this war zone, in a con­text where refugees and home­less are already legion, where the Syr­i­an regime is des­ti­tute, where hos­pi­tals are with­out blood sup­plies, and where the mil­i­tary and mili­tias rule, steeped in cor­rup­tion. For­tu­nate­ly, Roja­va seems less direct­ly affected.

On the Turk­ish side, this dis­as­ter comes on the eve of the elec­tions; if it puts an end to imme­di­ate ambi­tions to invade North­ern Syr­ia, it will bring to the fore­front the mafia-like prac­tices in the con­struc­tion sec­tors, the preva­lence of cor­rup­tion over risk pre­ven­tion, the way in which  igno­rance has replaced sci­en­tif­ic warnings.

Giv­en the tardy and errat­ic imple­men­ta­tion of relief efforts, peo­ple hav­ing to work in sol­i­dar­i­ty before the arrival of assis­tance from “the State”, is already the object of jus­ti­fied polemics.

In this con­text, we invite you to reread these arti­cles which shed light on what has not changed for two decades, and will only increase for the vic­tims all the dif­fi­cul­ties they are already experiencing.

We extend our full sol­i­dar­i­ty to them. For­tu­nate­ly, for the time being, we have received reas­sur­ing news from our rel­a­tives and friends.

On Jan­u­ary 24, 2020 in Turkey, already in the same seis­mic zone, the city of Elazığ suf­fered con­sid­er­able dam­age. Today, this same city marks the North East lim­it of the earth­quakes for which the fig­ure of more than 1600 vic­tims has already been announced, on Syr­i­an and Turk­ish ter­ri­to­ries, includ­ing those in the geo­graph­i­cal area of Kur­dis­tan. Every word of this first pub­li­ca­tion now applies, word for word, espe­cial­ly with the upcom­ing pres­i­den­tial elec­tions in May.

Arti­cle of Jan­u­ary 26, 2020 by Lila Mon­tana

Turkey • Earth­quake, the pol­i­cy of opportunism

Arti­cle from Feb­ru­ary 3, 2020 by Sara Aktaş

Sara Aktaş • Destruc­tive tremors abound in Turkey

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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.