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Women, life, freedom! 

On Sep­tem­ber 16 in Teheran, Mah­sa Ami­ni, 22 years old, an Iran­ian born in the town of Saqqez in Iran­ian Kur­dis­tan, died from the sequels of skull trau­ma, two days fol­low­ing her arrest by Iran­ian police because a strand of hair was not cov­ered by her veil. The shock­wave is shak­ing Iran.”

Such are the open­ing words of the Iran­ian film mak­er, now become a Parisian since a good while and who signs her blog posts “Per­sian sparrow”.

We are quot­ing this arti­cle by Sepi­deh Far­si with a rec­om­men­da­tion to read it so that we do not have to repeat the cir­cum­stances of the death  Mah­sa Ami­ni, a young Kur­dish woman, and of the chain of mobi­liza­tions it set off.

Like so many oth­er assas­si­na­tions in Iran, and like all the suc­ces­sive polit­i­cal exe­cu­tions, this assas­si­na­tion could have sim­ply been yet anoth­er crime of the regime.

But the Iran­ian regime was soon con­front­ed with a mobi­liza­tion of women, of youths, joined by those suf­fer­ing both from the eco­nom­ic cri­sis and the yoke of reli­gious power.

Begin­ning in Iran­ian Kur­dis­tan (Rojhe­lat), where repres­sion has been fierce since, a mul­ti­tude of protests have spread over a good part of Iran and videos of them are every­where on social net­works, despite the regime’s repres­sive forces.

The fact Mah­sa Ami­ni was from Kur­dis­tan and that the Kurds of Iran have kept up a strong spir­it of resis­tance that a num­ber of young peo­ple have paid by hang­ing in the past ten years, is not insignifi­ant. Resis­tance against the author­i­ties who wished to bury the body dis­crete­ly, set off this revolt. Using the diaspora’s net­works to spread the infor­ma­tion set­ting off the first ele­ments of sup­port did the rest.

But that does not explain why so many young peo­ple, so many women who are con­front­ed by the regime’s repres­sion went from a form of apa­thy and appar­ent sub­mis­sion to brav­ing the regime’s hybrid forces , up to and includ­ing giv­ing up their life.

Mah­sa Amini’s assas­si­na­tion occurred in a con­text where Iran­ian soci­ety can no longer put up with both an eco­nom­ic cri­sis and the regime’s tight­en­ing of reli­gious obscu­ran­tism since the last elec­tions. Iran­ian civil­ian soci­ety is falling apart, some being dri­ven to search­ing for means of sur­vival, for oth­ers, the search for spaces of clan­des­tine free­dom, and despair over the future for the youngest ones. Con­trary to many oth­er reli­gious regimes how­ev­er, this soci­ety counts many peo­ple, both young and less young, who have received a top-lev­el uni­ver­si­ty edu­ca­tion. And these many edu­cat­ed social stra­ta are exclud­ed from polit­i­cal pow­er, with deci­sions affect­ing the whole of soci­ety being tak­en in Iran by the reli­gious caste, with a com­plexe sys­tem of repres­sion of social life insur­ing the appli­ca­tion of the law and order.

One of those repres­sive cogs is called to task for this revolt, of which the out­come is eas­i­ly guessed.

The regime made a con­ces­sion by announc­ing an “inquest” into Mah­sa Amini’s death, but was quick to widen it to “the cir­cum­stances hav­ing led to the trou­bles”, notably in Kur­dis­tan and in Teheran, dur­ing the demon­stra­tions and after. A great num­ber of women are par­tic­u­lar­ly tar­get­ed, and all the images are ana­lyzed to that purpose.

For the time being, the best sup­port con­sists in spread­ing this mobi­liza­tion across all social net­works. We must expect hav­ing to react to repres­sion and sup­port­ing per­sons who are arrest­ed and imprisoned.

How­ev­er a few addi­tion­al remarks are called for con­cern­ing reac­tions in Europe, in particular.

We know that the Car­o­line Fourest, Retail­leau and Co, and the worst of the far right racists will take hold of Mah­sa Amini’s assas­si­na­tion to devel­op their racist and islam­o­pho­bic neu­roses. This is the case in oth­er Euro­pean coun­tries where the xeno­pho­bic right wings are in need of fuel.

We know that those who are nos­tal­gic over the bloody regime that came before the Iran­ian Islam­ic Repub­lic will also line up in the front row.

The revolts in Iran do not denounce Islam but a regime of reli­gious, polit­i­cal and social oppres­sion that, has dri­ven the coun­try to the edge of the eco­nom­ic abyss by its poli­cies. And Euro­pean States are turn­ing pre­cise­ly toward this same regime in order to nego­ti­at­ed fos­sil fuel agreements.

These right-wing and extreme right-wing move­ments and par­ties as well as finan­cial cap­i­tal­ism thus have no inter­est in a desta­bi­liza­tion of Iran, and will use the mat­ter of the “Islam­ic veil” more than that of sup­port to mobi­liza­tions of women and young peo­ple in Iran.

Slo­gans such as “women over there, women here against the veil” already appear­ing are noth­ing but a farce pro­vid­ing no real sup­port to Iran­ian women, but in tune with xeno­pho­bic poli­cies over heres.

That women be at the fore­front of the strug­gle against the regime is pri­mor­dial, that they car­ry with them­selves the youths and wider swaths of Iran­ian soci­ety will prove essen­tial. And that is the move­ment of social eman­ci­pa­tion that will lead those reli­gious cler­ics to their mosques, where they belong.

And please vis­it this page.

Translation from French by Renée Lucie Bourges

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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.