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For the other articles see > SPECIAL ARCHIVE UKRAINE

There is talk of Godot here and there, and gas has replaced him some­what, while images of war crimes and destruc­tions accu­mu­late along with the feigned with­draw­al of the occu­py­ing army.
The West has giv­en itself an appear­ance of coher­ence, while in oth­er parts of the world, this impe­r­i­al war by Putin  brings up mem­o­ries of oth­er wars, by the same one, in Geor­gia, Chech­nya, Syr­ia, or yet again, those fought by “the West” in the Mid­dle-East and on the African continent.

Godot no longer serves any pur­pose oth­er than jus­ti­fy­ing tem­po­riz­ing while some in Europe shame­less­ly car­ry on with   pro­vid­ing their inter­pre­ta­tions of the ori­gins of this war, to a back­ground of elec­tion­eer­ing for some, and of fears for ener­gy sup­plies for oth­ers, and Russ­ian tac­ti­cal pull­back of troops uncov­ers their killings and oth­er crimes.

The fierce resis­tance of the Ukrain­ian pop­u­la­tions, the orga­ni­za­tion and sol­i­dar­i­ty of which they are capa­ble caused a momen­tary surge in uni­fied con­dem­na­tion of the Russ­ian aggres­sion and in the will to iso­late the aggres­sor while aid­ing Ukraine, includ­ing with weapons. Appar­ent­ly, such is a uni­fied response from the Euro­pean States and NATO.

Yet, there are still voic­es denounc­ing the ship­ment of weapons for Ukraine’s mil­i­tary resis­tance or for lim­it­ing them, even while wit­ness­ing an entire peo­ple orga­niz­ing a war of resis­tance. The Ukrain­ian peo­ple refuse what was called in oth­er his­tor­i­cal times, armistice and col­lab­o­ra­tion from the same voic­es sug­gest­ing  “nec­es­sary com­pro­mise” fol­low­ing urgent “nego­ti­a­tions”.
Are these same voic­es still ques­tion­ing them­selves on the “red lines” of “non-inter­ven­tion”  set by the “West­ern­ers” themselves?

For that is the vocab­u­lary now re-emerg­ing, with its pro­ces­sion of  “val­ues” ques­tioned quite right­ly by a num­ber of coun­tries across the world, before align­ing or not around decid­ed sanc­tions. On which of the bombs are these “val­ues” inscribed?
And with­out search­ing any fur­ther, why are they dif­fer­ent when it comes to refugees?

How can they express them­selves in real time, through human sol­i­dar­i­ty, dur­ing every pass­ing day of this war, while, at the same time, hav­ing the taste in our mouths of the lies spo­ken by inter­na­tion­al polit­i­cal leaders?

Con­sid­er­ing the destruc­tion of towns and cities, the anni­hi­la­tion of all poten­tial­i­ties for social and eco­nom­ic life, the delib­er­ate assas­si­na­tion of civil­ians, ter­ror per­pe­trat­ed against them through every means avail­able, rapes, kid­nap­pings, bomb­ings, the oblig­a­tion to flee. The words “war crimes” emerge then, and with them the idea of inter­na­tion­al jus­tice pass­ing judgment.
But a good num­ber of mem­bers of the very Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil at the UN have rat­i­fied none of the con­ven­tions rec­og­niz­ing the pow­er of the tri­bunal over their actions. Exit the crimes com­mit­ted in Irak, for exam­ple. Noth­ing about those com­mit­ted in Chech­nya, or Syr­ia, Libya, Erithrea…
While almost every sin­gle con­tract signed with Rus­sia for weapons in the last few years were hon­ored, giv­en the partner’s snow-white innocence.

So, will we set­tle for yam­mer­ing against “dirty wars”, “the same as all the oth­ers” or even men­tion­ing at times the “stress expe­ri­enced by Rusian sol­diers poor­ly greet­ed by the pop­u­la­tions” (sic)?
So as not to add “war to war”, will the Euro­pean States impel these vio­lat­ed and dis­placed pop­u­la­tions to a  “ter­ri­to­r­i­al com­pro­mise” ? It would def­i­nite­ly be in the best of Euro­pean traditions.

Beside the fact this would mean there is noth­ing else to wait for except the next war, that would mean using Ukraine’s soil to cov­er over oth­er legit­i­mate resent­ments, ready to break out again, and would be noth­ing oth­er than the peace of the assassins.
Twen­ty-six years after the fact, even the tri­bunal over Ex-Yugoslavia — which was fol­lowed by a dis­guised eth­nic par­ti­tion — did not pro­vide pro­tec­tion for what is already announc­ing itself in this con­text of Russ­ian aggres­sion. This mat­ter of inter­na­tion­al jus­tice then becomes noth­ing oth­er than a way to atten­u­ate the pow­er of the images arriv­ing from crime scenes. What has the EU retained of Srebrenica?

It is dif­fi­cult for cap­i­tal­ist Euro­pean States to ques­tion the applied glob­al­iza­tion mod­el in which Russ­ian fos­sil ener­gies took pride of place and to real­ize that this hap­py facade of glob­al­iza­tion was built on an absence of rec­i­p­ro­cal secu­ri­ty pacts, oth­er than the call to the pro­tec­tion by NATO,  itself noth­ing but a mil­i­tary agree­ment. These same States were made to real­ize, when a far right pop­ulist was in pow­er in the USA that their « pro­tec­tion » rest­ed on his good will, and, at the same time, that they had closed their eyes for 20 years over the nature of the Russ­ian regime, sud­den­ly so clear­ly revealed in the light of day. These last twen­ty years were dom­i­nat­ed by Euro­pean Neo-lib­er­al­ism, with polit­i­cal alliances between social democ­ra­cies and right-lean­ing lib­er­als, they were the years of the Euro and of free enter­prise, not that of the union of the Peo­ples in Europe and beyond, and of  those tru­ly indis­pens­able “com­pro­mis­es”, those required for a com­mon liv­ing space on the Continent.

Yet, Peace through Mon­ey has lived.

There is no dearth of lit­er­a­ture, con­gress­es and meet­ings, pro­grams and stud­ies, sem­i­nars, speech­es, books and films show­ing that the Peo­ples in Europe have notions con­cern­ing their future.

And that future does not go through com­pe­ti­tion through trade be it free or tricked,  nor through mil­i­tary or eco­nom­ic war either. Not through that path which is the one of dereg­u­lat­ed cap­i­tal­ism whose only reg­u­lat­ing mech­a­nisms are through crises, wars and impe­ri­al­ist ventures.

Thus does the war in Ukraine reveal this fail­ure for the peace rep­re­sent­ed by this pseu­do hap­py cap­i­tal­ist glob­al­iza­tion.  Not only does this finan­cial cap­i­tal­ism make war between the class­es among the Peo­ples, but it can make them rise up against one anoth­er. And if the EU had man­aged to occult it for a time, real­i­ty is still there. This cap­i­tal­ism does not pro­tect from wars, it even feeds on them.

This war also occurs as polit­i­cal sov­er­eignism invades Europe and its polit­i­cal elites. This terme of “elite” is poor­ly cho­sen no doubt, when one sees the weak­ness and stu­pid­i­ty of the iden­ti­tar­i­an pop­ulist lead­ers pro­vid­ing the scum on this sov­er­eignist broth. But the facts are there, this war and the appar­ent uni­ty with­in the EU can­not hide the ide­o­log­i­cal prox­im­i­ties that per­sist. Those cur­rent­ly turn­ing their backs on Putin because of the war, con­tin­ue car­ry­ing the same visions of pow­er as he does.

More than ever, this war turns us into spec­ta­tors. Even sol­i­dar­i­ty becomes a spec­ta­cle. Often the media over here show us more of the sol­i­dar­i­ty and gen­eros­i­ty gen­er­at­ed for the Ukrain­ian peo­ple than it does  of that exist­ing among them­selves; when faced by such aggres­sion, pop­u­la­tions would not have been able to resist with­out extreme­ly strong links of inte­ri­or sol­i­dar­i­ty and shar­ing. Here also, this type of cov­er­age serves to assuage guilty con­sciences and push­es back ques­tions about how to get the aggres­sor to yield, how to avoid let­ting this war become a stink­ing canker on the Euro­pean con­ti­nent becom­ing accus­tomed to the stench.

VLADIMIR - Was I sleep­ing while oth­ers suf­fered? Am I sleep­ing at the moment? Tomorow, when I will think I’m awak­en­ing, what will I say about this day?

Wait­ing for Godot by Samuel Beckett.

To be con­tin­ued, while waiting…

For the other articles see > SPECIAL ARCHIVE UKRAINE

Translation from French by Renée Lucie Bourges

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Let­tres mod­ernes à l’Université de Tours. Gros mots poli­tiques… Coups d’oeil politiques…