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While these events are sched­uled to take place in France, the cli­mate they aim to denounce are far-reach­ing ones, not lim­it­ed to this coun­try. Oth­ers else­where may wish to con­sid­er sim­i­lar actions on that day or on anoth­er, as an ongo­ing, inter­na­tion­al but local­ly-struc­tured move­ment elsewhere.

12 juin


Marching for our FREEDOMS
Against Extreme Far-Right Ideas

Sat­ur­day June 12 2021 
Full Infor­ma­tion on mobilizations


Along with oth­er media, Kedis­tan mag­a­zine has signed the appeal to demon­stra­tions in France on June 12 2021 “For Free­doms, Against Extreme Far-Right Ideas”.

This sup­port is in the very log­ic of our exis­tence and val­i­dates all of our com­mit­ments con­cern­ing our priv­i­leged treat­ment of top­ics relat­ed to the Mid­dle-East and beyond. The con­stant upsurges of exclud­ing nation­alisms, war­like iden­ti­tar­i­an indrawings,of sov­er­eign­ties serv­ing as dis­guis­es for Nation-States fur­bish­ing weapons for destruc­tive nation­al growths in com­pe­ti­tion instead of break­ing with the cap­i­tal­is­tic finan­cia­riza­tion lead­ing human­i­ty to its ruin, all this is redo­lent of an ide­ol­o­gy  of which the pre­vi­ous cen­tu­ry expe­ri­enced the consequences.

True, His­to­ry does not repeat itself, but the accu­mu­la­tion of sim­i­lar caus­es pro­duces sim­i­lar effects.

In this race at ide­o­log­i­cal one-upman­ship with the far-right, France is speed­ing ahead in join­ing a num­ber of Euro­pean coun­tries where notions of the need for “strong lead­er­ship” in times of “inse­cu­ri­ty” and the “falling apart of val­ues and of iden­ti­ty” sup­pos­ed­ly result­ing from an open­ing out on the world, are at the pub­lic fore­front, or already exer­cis­ing power.

This ide­ol­o­gy which serves as the matrix for every form of fas­cism is pre­sent­ed as pro­vid­ing solu­tions to eco­nom­ic woes as well as resolv­ing social crises, when all of these are gen­er­at­ed by the suc­ces­sive glob­al crises of cap­i­tal­ism. It treats the world eco­log­i­cal cri­sis due to cli­mac­tic change as a sim­ple “prob­lem” tech­nol­o­gy can resolve, and con­sid­ers it more as hold­ing back growth as a sim­ple con­se­quence of “glob­al­ism”. Although it is noth­ing but the tail end of  the neo-lib­er­al comet that pro­vid­ed the pros­per­ous days of dic­ta­tor­ships on the South-Amer­i­can con­ti­nent, this neo-fas­cism presents itself as the pseu­do-renew­al of the old world, requir­ing strong lead­er­ship and strong States, nations weld­ed around a strong iden­ti­ty, while wish­ing to trust the economies to the “mar­ket” in a more “sov­er­eign” frame­work than that pro­vid­ed by the finan­cia­rized cap­i­tal­ist globalization.

This man­i­fests itself as a will to rein in a num­ber of social issues. The pro­posed New Order is a car­bon copy of the old in which patri­archy dom­i­nates, gen­der dis­crim­i­na­tions are every­where , human rights are scorned by  a racism upheld as a duty of assim­i­la­tion sub­ject­ed to one and only nation­al nar­ra­tive, in an old colo­nial­ist reflex.

We are well aware of how these ide­olo­gies were recy­cled in the Mid­dle-East, of the wars they gen­er­at­ed and go on gen­er­at­ing, of the syn­the­ses being real­ized with rad­i­cal reli­gious ide­olo­gies in process­es aimed at main­tain­ing and peren­niz­ing pow­er structures.

So when the media cup over­flows and spills over into sick­en­ing, nau­se­at­ing shows, when the coun­ter­vail­ing forces sup­posed to take them to task col­lab­o­rate in the process, when tired polit­i­cal insti­tu­tions and sys­tems spin in the void and pro­duce “lan­guage ele­ments” and “sound bites” instead of com­mon sense, among oth­er things, it is more than time to react and, most­ly to demon­strate that, even if in the minor­i­ty at the moment, human­ist thought still exists in the face of the pre­vail­ing growth of rot.

All this may seem like grandil­o­quence in the face of an evolv­ing real­i­ty. But words are often all that is left in a mouth before a brown and obscure pow­er comes to apply the muzzle.

Here are more such words which con­sti­tute the terms of the uni­tar­i­an appeal:


For sev­er­al months now, we have been aware of an alarm­ing polit­i­cal and social climate.

Alliances with the far-right or the adop­tion of its ideas are no longer con­sid­ered as for­bid­den. Racist and sex­ist dis­cours­es and actions pro­lif­er­ate at work and in dai­ly set­tings. Attacks against free­doms and social rights are in seri­ous increase. In this polit­i­cal, eco­nom­ic, social and san­i­tary con­text, injus­tices explode and gen­er­ate strong social misery.

Sev­er­al free­dom-destroy­ing laws are set­ting up an author­i­tar­i­an soci­ety based on sur­veil­lance and con­trol, one that would pre­clude inform­ing on police vio­lence, already much too preva­lent. More­over, if some of these laws stig­ma­tize a part of the pop­u­la­tion based on its reli­gion, oth­ers find them­selves tar­get­ed because of their activism.

As sig­na­to­ries to the appeal for free­doms and against the dead­ly ideas of the far-right, we all feel the urgent need to build a strong and uni­tar­i­an response in the form of an alliance for free­doms, for work and for  a sus­tain­able future.

Fac­ing this cli­mate of hatred, racist and destruc­tive of indi­vid­ual and col­lec­tive free­doms, we have decid­ed to col­lec­tive­ly orga­nize on Sat­ur­day June 12 a first great nation­al day of demon­stra­tions and mobi­liza­tions to take place at the local level.

See for the list of first sig­na­to­ries and where you can sup­port this appeal and con­sult all the list­ed local initiatives.

Read also > The vile beast

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
You may use and share Kedistan’s articles and translations, specifying the source and adding a link in order to respect the writer(s) and translator(s) work. Thank you.
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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.