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Funding Drive

Sev­er­al months have gone by with­out our solic­it­ing read­ers for a bit of finan­cial sup­port. And that is sim­ply because the pan­dem­ic has total­ly reduced all activ­i­ties oth­er than the down­load­ing of the mag­a­zine – as will prob­a­bly be the case for the first semes­ter of 2021.

Dona­tions from 2020 thus allowed us to cov­er reg­u­lar expens­es for the year„ for which we again thank our donors. We take the oppor­tu­ni­ty to remind them these dona­tions are tax deductible and declar­ing them will pro­vide them with a tax cred­it. To this pur­pose we have cho­sen the Hel­lo Asso plat­form who should for­ward the sum­ma­ry. Should this not be the case, please con­tact us via the web­site address.

None of the Kedis­tan team mem­bers are paid. We are all vol­un­teers. The “Friends of Kedis­tan” Asso­ci­a­tion is not for prof­it and has no employ­ees. We do not rent premis­es, the mag­a­zine does not receive any press sub­si­dies, although we have a mag­a­zine sta­tus, and we still refuse all adver­tis­ing. If we con­sid­er impor­tant to repeat this, it is because there is always a ill-inten­tioned tongue some­where that insists on claim­ing oth­er­wise. And when we pro­mote a book, it is always because this book strikes us as impor­tant, not as a spon­sored item.

Those being the kib­bles we might eat by surf­ing on alter­na­tive infor­ma­tion sites con­cern­ing Turkey and the Mid­dle East!

How­ev­er we have cho­sen a secure plat­form for the web­site, allow­ing flu­id con­nec­tions for con­sul­ta­tions, with reg­u­lar main­te­nance; such tools are not free of cost, Those are the main expens­es for which we request a hand. Here again, we take the oppor­tu­ni­ty to remind you that if your nav­i­ga­tor always sig­nals the web­site as “non secured” accord­ing to GAFA norms, this is sim­ply because the manip­u­la­tions required in order to archive almost 3 500 arti­cles and ten times that num­ber of exter­nal or inter­nal links require an appro­pri­ate time slot dur­ing which to put the mag­a­zine in “repair mode”. Don’t wor­ry, you will soon see a “https” with a green logo on your nav­i­ga­tor. Google will be pleased.

You can always sub­scribe to the week­ly newslet­ter, entire­ly free of charge. It will pro­vide you every Sat­ur­day with a sum­ma­ry of the week’s arti­cles in you email.

So, quite sim­ply, dear read­ers, you give what you can or what you can’t … but want to give. Giv­en this sup­port, you would deserve the mon­ick­er of “share and share alike”… as the same ones seem to do the shar­ing regularly…
With our thanks.


In a few clicks, even for a sym­bol­ic 1€…

In order to keep on line an alter­na­tive infor­ma­tion source,
its archive of 3500 arti­cles, and allow the addi­tion of new materials.

Make a contribution

KEDISTAN on EmailKEDISTAN on FacebookKEDISTAN on TwitterKEDISTAN on Youtube
Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.