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To let polit­i­cal pris­on­ers know that they are not for­got­ten, a beau­ti­ful poet­ic ini­tia­tive was born in Ireland…

The ini­tia­tive is launched by poets Nan­di Jola, Viviana Fiorenti­no, Maria McManus, Ane­su Mtowa, Csil­la Toldy and artists Wil­helmi­na Peace, Dragoș Mușat, but also sup­port­ed by oth­er poets, writ­ers and artists.

Var­i­ous pris­on­ers are list­ed includ­ing jour­nal­ist Ned­im Tür­fent; musi­cian Nûdem Durak, busi­ness­man phil­an­thropist Osman Kavala, singer Hozan Cane, Jiyan the singer of the group Koma Rosi­da, but also hostages from oth­er coun­tries such as human rights activist Lou­jain al-Hatoul, Sau­di Ara­bia; or the Uig­uri­an poet Chi­men­gul Awut.

This is how the appeal is presented…

And so, her name at the top left-hand side of the envelop; under it, the address of her prison”

Joseph Andras

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For Poet­ry Day Ire­land, in a dif­fi­cult moment where peo­ple all over the world are locked up at home because of the pan­dem­ic, we want to bond with artists and activists who are kept in pris­ons for their art or for prac­tic­ing free­dom of speech, or because they are fight­ing for human rights.

In such a world, where few are grant­ed uncon­di­tion­al right of move­ment, while most are exclud­ed from this priv­i­lege, or under­go immo­bi­liza­tion — we want to invite every­one to write a poet­ic let­ter, or a poet­ic mes­sage of few lines, to be sent to artists and activists who are impris­oned by dic­ta­tor­ships at the moment.

We cre­at­ed a list of names to raise aware­ness about their lives but also to invite you to add to the list by address­ing your let­ter or mes­sage to an artist or activist you have in mind.

We don’t wall in our imag­i­na­tion – on the list there are also artists who lost their lives while in prison. Still, we believe poet­ry will reach them because ‘Let­ters are winged now’ (Fre­da Laughton) wher­ev­er they are, where we are.

Take a pic­ture of your lines and post it on the FB page ‘Let­ters with wings’. We will keep post­ing for 24 hours on Poet­ry Day Ire­land (30th April) and col­lect mes­sages from all over the world!

After poet­ry day we will try to reach these peo­ple in prison and send them our col­lect­ed messages.

Join in!

Here’s how:

  1. Choose an activist/artist prisoner
  2. Take a pho­to of your poem/poetic let­ter (alter­na­tive­ly, you can sim­ply write it)
  3. Make sure to post it on the 30th April on Let­ters with wings page with artist’s full name and Let­ters with wings, with hastags: #Poet­ry­DayIRL #Let­ter­swith­wings

Face­book Let­ters with wings | Event 30 avril
Twit­ter @WingsLetters

You may use and share Kedistan’s articles and translations, specifying the source and adding a link in order to respect the writer(s) and translator(s) work. Thank you.
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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.