Anoth­er year is com­ing to an end. No snow in Istan­bul to mark the occa­sion. And the anti-San­ta Claus hys­te­ria isn’t a box-office suc­cess this year. The beard­ed ones must be busy believ­ing else­where, no doubt.

If your fel­low in red rais­es the val­ue of the Turk­ish lira, so much the bet­ter. If only believ­ing was all it takes…

Did you know arche­ol­o­gists declared last Octo­ber that they had found the tomb of your San­ta Claus in an ancient church of the dis­trict of Dem­re (Myra), in south­west­ern Turkey? “We will dig in this spot and per­haps we will find the intact remains of Saint Nicholas”, this is what they said. I don’t know if they also found the authen­tic recipe of Coca Cola in the same spot. I’m more than will­ing to believe it…

We have been told that the beards have become short­er in Syr­ia and in Irak and even that a peace process might be launched in 2018. I seem to have under­stood that the first meet­ings would be held in Rus­sia, in Sotchi. But had­n’t I heard San­ta Claus lives in Norway…and that peace agree­ments were con­clud­ed in Gene­va? I guess my peace geog­ra­phy is one war out of date. Who does­n’t wish to believe in it anyway?

Except that once you start believ­ing every­thing they tell you, you end up no longer believ­ing in anything.

And yet, if the hun­dreds of polit­i­cal hostages in our jails lost what is left of their spir­it of resis­tance, the one that makes them go on believ­ing that tomor­row may be a day of free­dom and jus­tice, if the thou­sands whose jobs were liq­ui­dat­ed by decree ceased hold­ing on to the con­vic­tion that men and women will some day change their dis­as­trous fate by dint of their refusal to give up, if the migrant gave up because of exhaus­tion, all of us incred­u­lous ones would become desperate.

So, behind the false mag­ic of these bright lights at year-end, let’s not be sat­is­fied with say­ing they will not trick us again. Open­ing a new “there is no alter­na­tive” along with our presents would only serve the inter­ests of our mas­ters and their gods.

A new year is about to begin, let us lift our glass­es and see them as half-full. It will be our job to fill them completely…

Here’s to a Bet­ter Year !

Français : Croire ou ne pas croire, that is… Cliquez pour lire

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
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Ten­dress­es, coups de gueule et révolte ! Bil­lets d’humeur…