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This doc­u­men­tary film project which will serve as an archival ref­er­ence to the sto­ry of nov­el­ist Aslı Erdoğan, part­ly as a filmed biog­ra­phy, has pro­ceed­ed for a long time with the film mak­er’s per­son­al means.

It real­ly needs finan­cial sup­port for its final­iza­tion. You are prob­a­bly some of Aslı’s read­ers. Would you like to lend a hand? Even a small con­tri­bu­tion, even a drop will help…

We have nev­er stint­ed in our sup­port for Aslı Erdoğan and, with the inter­view that fol­lows, we con­firm our involve­ment by her side. If we were able to serve as a mod­est resource for the many sol­i­dar­i­ty ini­tia­tives that sprang up on all con­ti­nents, so much the bet­ter. Each and every one of us added a stone to the effort.

Here are the essential words shared with Adar Bozbay, the film maker responsible for the documentary currently in the works, “Incomplete sentences”…

• Dear Adar, did you have a pre­cise syn­op­sis in mind when you start­ed on this project? Or did you rather let your­self fol­low the flow where Aslı led?

I start­ed this project when Aslı Erdoğan was in prison. I had dis­cov­ered her lit­er­a­ture in the 90s, par­tic­u­lar­ly through her texts on the Kurds. The texts in which she spoke of the cru­el prac­tices car­ried out in the Kur­dish vil­lages… The fact that a ‘white’ Turk sided with Kurds, espe­cial­ly in a dan­ger­ous peri­od such as the 90s had great­ly moved me, as a Kurd. Then, she start­ed writ­ing in the news­pa­pers and her nov­els began to appear.

In oth­er words, I was one of those who fol­lowed and loved Aslı Erdoğan’s writ­ing and I admire her. When she was impris­oned, I felt it was my duty to ren­der her jus­tice… How can I say this. I felt behold­en. She stood in sol­i­dar­i­ty with us, she wrote about the Kurds even in the riski­est of times. I thought then I had to stand by her, the same way she had stood by us. At that time, I was the man­ag­er of a wom­en’s bar, Bigu­di. We orga­nized two events for Aslı in this venue. A col­lec­tive writ­ing work­shop for let­ters to be sent to pris­ons, and a spe­cial day of read­ing and talks, with the par­tic­i­pa­tion of two deputies from Ger­many also.

After this, I start­ed prepar­ing a video. Through Aslı’s case, I want­ed to speak of vio­la­tion of rights in Turkey. Aslı’s writ­ing brought me to this point, I could see that she was also writ­ing for those who were dis­crim­i­nat­ed against: Kurds, Arme­ni­ans, Jews, those affect­ed by sex­ist poli­cies… Not only in Turkey, she wrote for all the ones dis­crim­i­nat­ed against in the world. As a Kurd and also as a Queer, I had my own wounds. I had been sub­ject­ed to all kinds of dis­crim­i­na­tion. I tried to pre­pare the project I saw in my head. When Aslı was lib­er­at­ed, I sug­gest­ed this film to her. Hon­est­ly, I thought she would refuse, I knew through Mehmet Atak, her best friend who then became a com­mon friend, that Aslı was an author who was most­ly direct­ed inward toward her inner world, and I thought hav­ing her accept such a pro­pos­al would not be easy. But she accept­ed, I don’t know, I think she trust­ed me…

I explained that I had imag­ined the project in sev­en chap­ters: we would film in sev­en cor­ners of Istan­bul, talk about her sev­en books. In fact, we were unable to make the doc­u­men­tary this way. Fol­low­ing her lib­er­a­tion, Aslı was for­bid­den to leave the ter­ri­to­ry and was denied the return of her pass­port. Dur­ing the spring and sum­mer months, we saw each oth­er reg­u­lar­ly and talked. End of August, ear­ly Sep­tem­ber, we start­ed film­ing in Istanbul.

Fol­low­ing these ses­sions, Aslı Erdoğan had to go to Ger­many to receive the Erich-Maria Remar­que Peace prize. So I went with her. But she was unable to return. The news­pa­pers said very dif­fer­ent things, the tri­al with a request was ongo­ing, request­ing a sen­tence in per­pe­tu­ity. Clear­ly, return­ing was very risky. She could have been arrest­ed at any moment, sent back to prison, and her health was not the great­est. All this was very wor­ri­some. She said: “I can­not return from this trip to Ger­many I took for a few days with­out even clos­ing the win­dows in my apart­ment.” It was some­thing very painful. A very dif­fi­cult deci­sion. She could express this much bet­ter her­self, but there you have it, I was one of the peo­ple with her when she took this dif­fi­cult decision.

And so, Aslı did not return and stayed in Ger­many. She obtained a lit­er­ary grant, she want­ed to con­tin­ue writ­ing over there. I returned to Turkey. But since Aslı had stayed in Ger­many there began a peri­od of Euro­pean trips for me. I fol­lowed Aslı, through all the prize recep­tions that fol­lowed. The Simone-de-Beau­voir prize for wom­en’s free­dom in France, the Swedish PEN Club’s Tuchol­sky prize… We man­aged to film dur­ing some of the cer­e­monies and not dur­ing oth­ers for rea­sons con­nect­ed with Aslı’s health. But I wit­nessed all these events, and I was dis­cov­er­ing Aslı more and more, from up close. So, of course, the doc­u­men­tary took a dif­fer­ent turn…

In a way, Aslı was liv­ing through the life of the char­ac­ters she had built in her books. As with The Stone Build­ing. She wrote The Stone Build­ing, after which she was arrest­ed and expe­ri­enced prison… Yes, at first, there was a syn­op­sis for the film but it changed four, five times… With each change, we filmed anew. The “vio­la­tion of rights in Turkey” angle of the begin­ning of the project was trans­formed. The doc­u­men­tary veered toward Aslı’s health prob­lems, her life in exile and the dif­fi­cul­ties of writ­ing in these dif­fi­cult con­di­tions. Because I saw Aslı every day, and every day, her phys­i­cal as well as her psy­cho­log­i­cal health were declin­ing. On one side, ill­ness, stress and on the oth­er side life in exile affect­ed her deeply. More­over, her tri­al was ongo­ing in which she was at risk of a sen­tence in per­pe­tu­ity. Aslı was strug­gling with all that…  So I worked on these aspects in my film.

In look­ing close­ly at Aslı’s expe­ri­ence, I start­ed think­ing about all the peo­ple who are in the same sit­u­a­tion and liv­ing with the same prob­lems. The lives of many jour­nal­ists, aca­d­e­mics, activists are filled with these same dif­fi­cul­ties… Among all of these peo­ple, Aslı appears as a sym­bol. Since she is known, she is more vis­i­ble, but a num­ber of oth­er peo­ple have the same expe­ri­ences as she does. And that in itself is a tor­ture. In its final form, the doc­u­men­tary tells about the dif­fi­cul­ties Aslı must bear, the health prob­lems, exile, writing.


• You start­ed film­ing three years ago. I think you felt the need to recon­sti­tute the pre­ced­ing peri­od. The times of the news­pa­per Özgür Gün­dem, the tri­al, impris­on­ment, the inter­na­tion­al sol­i­dar­i­ty… What archives did you con­sult for your research?

Work on the doc­u­men­tary last­ed more than three years, in fact… We began film­ing in 2017 to mark a sig­nif­i­cant date, Sep­tem­ber 1st, “the World Peace Day”… But of course there was prepara­to­ry work before that. From March to Sep­tem­ber, par­tic­u­lar­ly in July and August, we met with Aslı. When she was with her moth­er in Altınoluk, we had long phone con­ver­sa­tions. I spoke very often with her best friend, her moth­er and her prison friends. I start­ed to know Aslı’s uni­verse better.

Dur­ing this peri­od, I also con­duct­ed research. We delved in the archives, of course. Those at Kedis­tan are a part of it. I worked with a num­ber of jour­nal­ists in Turkey, I had the sup­port of press orga­ni­za­tions. Aslı’s child­hood, her days in Rio… We con­sti­tut­ed the pho­to­graph­ic archives of these peri­ods. This was an entire archival effort in and of itself…I re-read her books again and again. I re-opened the press archives, her arti­cles in Özgür Gün­dem, in Radikal… I looked at ini­tia­tives car­ried out in the four cor­ners of the world in the sol­i­dar­i­ty campaign…

See­ing all this, my admi­ra­tion for Aslı Erdoğan kept on grow­ing (she laughs). This was rel­a­tive­ly dif­fi­cult for me; you are an admir­er and you are mak­ing a doc­u­men­tary. I had to find my place as film mak­er but a woman stood before me and the more I knew her, the more I admired her. She was one of the first Turk­ish physics spe­cial­ists to work on the Hig­gs Boson at the Euro­pean Nuclear Research Orga­ni­za­tion (CERN). She has writ­ten on Africans, on Kurds. She was threat­ened for all that… She’s a woman with a clas­si­cal dance back­ground. She has a pro­found­ly musi­cal soul. Her books, her pen are mag­nif­i­cent. There is so much, in this way… She learned to read at age four or five. She is con­sid­ered as excep­tion­al­ly gift­ed. Her life is inter­wo­ven with her books…

I learned these things from her moth­er, from her friends, and I was filled with enthu­si­asm with­out real­ly know­ing by what end I should begin. A woman with so many sides and who suc­ceeds in so many areas, there were moments when I thought I would lose my foot­ing for the doc­u­men­tary. Every­thing was impor­tant. But I could not deal with every­thing in a sin­gle doc­u­men­tary. I had to find an angle and stick to it. If I start­ed talk­ing about every­thing this mul­ti­ple-facetted women does, I would have to do a series of doc­u­men­taries (she laughs). I had to approach the top­ic from a pre­cise angle and I had a lot of trou­ble choos­ing it. Then, as I said ear­li­er, with the back and forth with Aslı, the accom­pa­ni­ments, the vis­its, the doc­u­men­tary took shape spontaneously.

Asli Erdogan

• You moved for­ward a project requir­ing a lot of com­mit­ment, and you did so with your own means. I sup­pose the appear­ance of the pan­dem­ic cre­at­ed addi­tion­al prob­lems. Can you talk about the dif­fi­cul­ties you encoun­tered, and the sup­port you received?

Yes, I moved for­ward with my own means. In any event, I had start­ed the project on my own. But cin­e­ma is an artis­tic field that requires col­lec­tive work and (she laughs) it is the most expen­sive artis­tic field in the world… At the same time, it is the most pow­er­ful of the arts, the one that res­onates the most. Of course, you can change things with a book, a paint­ing or a draw­ing, these are very pow­er­ful artis­tic branch­es. A book is not read by mil­lions of peo­ple, except for best-sell­ers, but mil­lions can see a film. Sev­er­al peo­ple can share a film in a house at the same time.

Cin­e­ma is an artis­tic field that is both pow­er­ful and dif­fi­cult. It requires huge bud­gets. It can­not be done by one per­son alone, off in her cor­ner, like a writer who picks up his pen­cil and starts to write. You are talk­ing about a team. Pho­tog­ra­phy direc­tor, cam­era, sound, assis­tants, if it’s a doc­u­men­tary, archivists, if its fic­tion, actors, actress­es, if there’s ani­ma­tion, the artists, fol­lowed by the edit­ing, sound, col­ors… There are so many stages and dimen­sions that I can’t name them all. So it’s a dif­fi­cult process that requires impor­tant means. Of course, all those who work on it earn their liv­ing this way and nat­u­ral­ly, must be paid for their work, so the project calls for a large budget.

For three years I han­dled all this on my own because I did­n’t have a pro­duc­er. Dur­ing that time, I had oth­er activ­i­ties. I man­aged the bar Bigu­di, I made clips…I financed this film with the rev­enues from these activ­i­ties. In fact, it was a rel­a­tive­ly expen­sive doc­u­men­tary because the sim­ple fact of going with Aslı on her trips in Europe required a bud­get all its own. After the begin­ning of the doc­u­men­tary, my com­pan­ion Melek Bal took on the job of assis­tant direc­tor and helped me a lot. Beyond assist­ing, she act­ed as a pro­duc­er and was a great help, for the finan­cial aspects as well as the orga­ni­za­tion and the reflec­tion. I was able to car­ry the film this far thanks to her but, of course, we have a num­ber of oth­er friends who con­tributed in dif­fer­ent areas.

adar bozbay asli erdogan incomplete sentences filmThings were very dif­fi­cult dur­ing the pan­dem­ic. Like all the oth­er bars, Bigu­di shut down in March. Re-open­ing has not been autho­rized yet. Thus, my main source of rev­enue dried up. But the final stages of the project are close, we are at the post-pro­duc­tion phase.

Sup­port? I did not receive much finan­cial aid. At the very begin­ning the Göte­borg Book Fair gave us a bit of a hand, a few peo­ple offered their per­son­al sup­port. But of course, these aids were not suf­fi­cient to cov­er a project run­ning over three years. In this final phase we final­ly came to an agree­ment with Jor­gen Lorentzen, a Nor­we­gian doc­u­men­tary film pro­duc­er We decid­ed that the col­or and music would be han­dled in Nor­way. And our pro­duc­tion relay in France is assured by our friend Tahin Demi­ral. But we still need an impor­tant bud­get, par­tic­u­lar­ly for the ani­ma­tion sequences that must be incor­po­rat­ed in the film.

This film is meant to trav­el in fes­ti­vals. We want to do every­thing so that it can reach the great­est num­ber of view­ers. This film will be pow­er­ful because the writer it fea­tures has a very pow­er­ful pen. I would also like for peo­ple to see, under­stand and be sen­si­tized to the destruc­tion exile pro­duces on human beings. Some­where, you are enter­ing a note in His­to­ry and the more you can make it vis­i­ble, the hap­pi­er you will be. You want to send your film to tele­vi­sion sta­tions, this requires a bud­get. You want to enter it in fes­ti­vals, for sure this is also a bud­getary ques­tion… In fact, once a film is fin­ished, the finan­cial need continues…

The film would appear to be ready for com­ple­tion in ear­ly Feb­ru­ary or late March 2021. And for this final surge, we need to find emer­gency funds. This is why we have opened a fund­ing dri­ve. We hope peo­ple will sup­port us to help us through the final phase, so that our doc­u­men­tary may reach a wide audience.

Aslı Erdoğan

Aslı Erdoğan’s tal­ent and writ­ing are pre­cious. She is a woman of let­ters with an inter­na­tion­al rep­u­ta­tion, very appre­ci­at­ed. But also, she is a sin­gu­lar and unique per­son. Would you have any­thing to say on this topic?

Aslı Erdoğan has a pow­er­ful and excep­tion­al pen. Already in 2005, she was includ­ed on the list of “Tomor­row’s 50 world writ­ers”. She is like no oth­er in the lit­er­ary world. As a human being, she is also very dif­fer­ent. For this rea­son, I had a lot of trou­ble for this doc­u­men­tary… I can say it like this: even if Aslı Erdoğan had not been a writer, a spe­cial writer, I would have want­ed to make a doc­u­men­tary of the woman she is… Tal­ent­ed, excep­tion­al­ly gift­ed, full of suc­cess but, at the same time, she car­ries kind­ness and heart to the point of endan­ger­ing her­self for oth­ers, for the oppressed. A woman who is not afraid to slide her hand under the stone. Yet, even if as a nov­el­ist she is turned toward her inner world, she can also sit there and con­verse with you for hours… When I am asked: “What would you like to say about Aslı?” I can answer so many things that time and pages would not suf­fice. I would get lost in the answer…

Some peo­ple are born in the world for the world, too rarely. In my eyes, Aslı is one of these rare peo­ple. It is as if she does not belong to this low­ly exis­tence, a sage. As if she bears on her shoul­ders the weight of know­ing the secret of things. She always sides with the vic­tims, in the ranks of the “oth­ers”. Yet she knows that defend­ing vic­tims can mean becom­ing a prey… She does not use pol­ished words, does not put on airs. She walks like a cat, with a silent and del­i­cate step. She speaks in writ­ing. With­out yelling, with­out vul­gar­iz­ing, she makes the words dance. You can see in her writ­ing that she is a bal­le­ri­na. And she is a physi­cist of her lit­er­ary equa­tions. Even if some­one attempts to cut her tongue, to rip off her wings, she resists with her words as the only weapon she knows, for which she would give up every­thing else: writ­ing. She is always alone, always silent, flees from those who want to undo her silence. In pub­lic moments, prize cer­e­monies, sem­i­nars, round tables, when she is expect­ed to speak, she steps back. Her mod­esty makes her be qui­et about her suc­cess. When some­one sings her praise, she smiles, like a timid child, she changes the sub­ject with “oh well…” Her words are in her writ­ing, always. As if she feared to make them lose their mag­ic by say­ing them out loud. She loves them, pro­tects them like her chil­dren. She loves words, she finds plea­sure in touch­ing them. She likes pour­ing them on paper feel­ing them, breath­ing them. She blows soul onto a white page, she is a god­dess of words. She is wound­ed to the point of say­ing “papa, papa, why did you leave me?” She is gen­er­ous to the point of say­ing at her last meal “take this body, it is yours.” She is brave, to the point of say­ing to her moth­er, when she was tak­en to prison “don’t ever cry, don’t ever low­er your head”

We could have con­tin­ued this inter­view for hours still. But the film awaits your support.


Call to solidarity for the documentary on Aslı Erdoğan directed by Adar Bozbay

Three years ago, Adar Bozbay start­ed a doc­u­men­tary on Aslı Erdoğan, a nov­el­ist now in exile who was once impris­oned and threat­ened with a sen­tence in per­pe­tu­ity for her writ­ing, pri­or to going into exile. Today, this doc­u­men­tary is done for 80%. But sup­ple­men­tary funds are need­ed for post-pro­duc­tion (music, col­oriza­tion and ani­ma­tion), rea­son for this par­tic­i­pa­to­ry financ­ing dri­ve, dur­ing these com­pli­cat­ed times and in a sit­u­a­tion clos­ing the door to sub­si­dies. We need you! Thank you in advance…

A Call to solidarity!

We have fin­ished the doc­u­men­tary on Aslı Erdoğan, the nov­el­ist in exile which we began film­ing in 2017. Cur­rent­ly, 80% of the doc­u­men­tary is fin­ished; but we still need mon­ey for post-pro­duc­tion (music, col­oriza­tion and ani­ma­tion). We are queer artists and have a lot of trou­ble obtain­ing sub­si­dies and sup­port in Turkey. We need you! 
Stay with peace, love from Istanbul,

Adar Bozbay (film director)


Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
You may use and share Kedistan’s articles and translations, specifying the source and adding a link in order to respect the writer(s) and translator(s) work. Thank you.
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REDACTION | Journaliste 
Chat de gout­tière sans fron­tières. Jour­nal­isme à l’U­ni­ver­sité de Mar­mara. Archi­tec­ture à l’U­ni­ver­sité de Mimar Sinan, Istanbul.