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As evi­denced by its date, this let­ter from Keziyên Kesk (Green Tress) of Roja­va was sent to Brigitte Macron but also to polit­i­cal per­son­al­i­ties and French media in May 2021…

Clear­ly, although the top­ic is of vital impor­tance for the pop­u­la­tion of an entire region, it did not fea­ture in polit­i­cal or media pri­or­i­ties in May, no rat any time since. The prob­lem denounced in the let­ter is still cur­rent and it has received no solu­tion. At the request of our friend and Kedis­tan con­trib­u­tor, Gulis­tan Sido, one of the found­ing mem­bers of Green Tress, we are pub­lish­ing this let­ter so that pub­lic opin­ion can be aware of this non-assis­tance to endan­gered peo­ple and of the use of water sup­plies as a “war” instru­ment. And, as we know, this “water war” is not only car­ried out in North­ern Syria.

Do not hes­i­tate in relay­ing this call for help which, vis­i­bly, did not touch polit­i­cans busy with elec­tion­eer­ing in France.

An open letter to Madame Brigitte Macron

I am a Kurd from Syr­ia, orig­i­nal­ly from Afrin “a town occu­pied by Turkey since 2018”, hold­er of an M2 diplo­ma in Mod­ern Lit­er­a­ture from Paris III in 2006. I am cur­rent­ly liv­ing in the region of Adjaz­eré in Roja­va. I am one of the found­ing mem­bers of the eco­log­i­cal ini­tia­tive “Green Tress”, a civil­ian ini­tia­tive begun in Octo­ber 2020 with the aim of fight­ing against deser­ti­fi­ca­tion, improv­ing cli­mate through the increase of nat­ur­al “green” spaces, and of rais­ing aware­ness in the pop­u­la­tion on envi­ron­men­tal ques­tions. We launched a cam­paign for the plant­i­ng of 4 mil­lion trees over five years.

You are undoubt­ed­ly aware of the dra­mat­ic sit­u­a­tion of Syr­i­ans who have now suf­fered the impacts of an end­less war for ten years. Entire towns were destroyed, infra­struc­tures dam­aged, secu­ri­ty destroyed, dis­place­ments made con­stant… etc. It is as if we had been con­demned to suf­fer, as if mis­for­tune pur­sued us, all kinds of weapons have been used against us. This year is marked by an excep­tion­al drought, because of the lack of rain but also, aggra­vat­ing this sit­u­a­tion, poli­cies con­duct­ed against Roja­va and North­east­ern Syr­ia by neigh­bor­ing coun­tries such as Turkey. The Turk­ish State does not lim­it its attacks to the occu­pa­tion and dis­man­tling of our lands, but it attempts to make us bend by instru­men­tal­iz­ing water as a weapon.

Indeed, for the sec­ond year in a row, and con­tin­u­ous­ly for the past four months, the Turk­ish State has repeat­ed the same sce­nario, reduc­ing the flow of water in the Euphrates, which has fall­en by 60% in the past two weeks, although the riv­er is one of the most impor­tant water resources and means of sub­sis­tance for the region. This fla­grant vio­la­tion of agree­ments and inter­na­tion­al treaties signed by Turkey will have cat­a­stroph­ic reper­cus­sions on the envi­ron­ment and on humans, not only in the regions in North­ern Syr­ia, but all along the riv­er basin in Syr­ia and in Irak.

The issue of reduc­tion by Syr­ia of water in the Euphrates is not a recent one, and this is not the first time that Turkey has cut off water and threat­ened the lives of the pop­u­la­tion. Turkey has already dried out streams and rivers in Syr­ia, such as the Khabur, the Sajur, the Jaq­jaq, the Tigris, the Black riv­er, etc.

These sys­tem­at­ic prac­tices by the Turk­ish State have a direct neg­a­tive effect on the envi­ron­ment in the entire zone of the Euphrates basin, threat­ened with deser­ti­fi­ca­tion because of a lack of plant cov­er and the con­fis­ca­tion of water resources. In this way, Turkey tar­gets the means of sub­sis­tence of pop­u­la­tions and threat­ens food security.

The dis­as­trous risks and con­se­quences of the reduc­tion of water lev­els in the Euphrates riv­er are not lim­it­ed to its direct effects on mil­lions of Syr­i­ans, but more gen­er­al­ly, it imper­ils the envi­ron­ment, the eco­log­i­cal bal­ance and will accel­er­ate cli­mat­ic change and direct neg­a­tive impacts on life resources such as cat­tle and fish. Ground cov­er will dimin­ish. Food pro­duc­tion and soil fer­til­i­ty will decrease.

Water reduc­tions will dev­as­tate activ­i­ties requir­ing abun­dant water, the most impor­tant being agri­cul­ture and indus­tri­al extrac­tions. Pro­duc­tiv­i­ty of cul­tures will dimin­ish and the soil will be exposed to the risk of ero­sion, lead­ing to the exhaus­tion of nutri­ents for plants. Vio­lat­ing the bal­ance in bio­log­i­cal diver­si­ty, this will lead to a loss of plant and ani­mal species that will be unable to grow and mul­ti­ply ade­quate­ly… And, a most impor­tant fac­tor, it will expose inhab­i­tants to ill­ness and will become a cat­a­lyst to the inten­sive prop­a­ga­tion of epidemics.

Accord­ing to inter­na­tion­al laws cov­er­ing the right to water access, Syr­ia is enti­tled to 500 cubic meters/second (agree­ment signed in Dam­as­cus in 1987), so as to main­tain the bal­ance, espe­cial­ly fol­low­ing the con­struc­tion of the dam on the Euphrates. Pur­su­ing cuts in water will have san­i­tary and human­i­tar­i­an reper­cus­sions, notably dur­ing the dif­fi­cult peri­od of Covid-19 where every­one is sup­posed to be atten­tive to hygiene and to the use of potable water. The pop­u­la­tion is faced with thirst and famine. Hydro-elec­tric instal­la­tions will be unable to pur­sue their pro­duc­tion. The main crops will be endan­gered and there will be no water for them.

Madame, in address­ing this let­ter to you, I allow myself to inform you of the grav­i­ty of this envi­ron­men­tal sit­u­a­tion, in order to sol­lic­it your pub­lic sup­port in exert­ing pres­sure against the Turk­ish State so that it will release the con­fis­cat­ed water of the Euphrates, in order to avoid an eco­cide and unpre­dictable cat­a­stro­phes, should the cuts continue.

With warm greet­ings and thank­ing you in advance, Madame, for the atten­tion you will bring to my letter.

Please accept the expres­sion of my sin­cere consideration.

Gulis­tan Sido
Qamich­lo Roja­va May 2nd 2021-06-17

Green Tress / Keziyên Kesk
Facebook | Twitter @tress_green

A note from Kedistan:

Water is used as a weapon of war agains Roja­va by Turkey who is a mem­ber of NATO. A con­trario, the Turk­ish regime plun­ders agri­cul­tur­al zones it occu­pies through its mili­tias, such as in Afrin. There, the pil­lag­ing flows in the oppo­site direction.

We can only deplore the num­ber of per­sons flee­ing these zones and attempt­ing to find asy­lum in Europe, while the direct cause of this con­tin­ues, with noth­ing but drown­ing as the in-between solu­tion for them. Those who, at each recep­tion of a Roja­va del­e­ga­tion in Paris by the French State, would have us believe that the French gov­ern­ment is act­ing to find solu­tions, do noth­ing but cre­ate a smoke screen hid­ing a dra­mat­ic sit­u­a­tion and the de fac­to of aban­don­ment and giv­ing up of the Kurds who served as can­non fod­der against ISIS, lest we forget.

All of this cre­ates time bombs await­ing explo­sion because of con­stant retreats and polit­i­cal hypocrisy, also evi­denced oth­er areas, such as the refusal to repa­tri­ate the Euro­pean com­bat­ants of ISIS in order to have them stand tri­al, or at a min­i­mum repa­tri­at­ing the chil­dren. We are also still await­ing deci­sions con­cern­ing firms, such as Lafarge for exam­ple, who col­lab­o­rat­ed with the Islam­ic State.

More­over, here in France, islam­o­pho­bia is instru­men­tal­ized by two thirds of the polit­i­cal class, most of the media, the pseu­do intel­lec­tu­als in TV stu­dios, while the true breed­ing ground for ISIS is not in the sub­urbs but tru­ly in those the­aters of war from which we turn away. There are even some here who allow them­selves to film a “lemon” on the Kur­dish strug­gle and to par­tic­i­pate in the smoke screen and the inaction.

For these rea­sons we are not sur­prised to learn that such an appeal from Roja­va res­onat­ed in a media desert, even from Rojava’s phoney supporters

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.