Castellano | Français | English

Moira İvana Mil­lán is one of the women lead­ers in the strug­gle for land and free­dom of the Mapuche peo­ple. She is one of the impor­tant fig­ures rep­re­sent­ing the Mapuche wom­en’s move­ment.1

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symbole mapuche

When the Ter­ri­cide ren­ders the air unbreath­able, the prob­lem is not solved with an oxy­gen mask. You must clear the air, the earth; you must remove cen­turies of dirt and shit which con­sti­tute the foun­da­tions of power.

Every­thing smells rot­ten, like an ancient decom­po­si­tion that nev­er seems to end. We are sick to our stom­achs. So much impuni­ty makes us nau­seous, but still we can’t man­age to over­come our fears in order to clean out the ter­ri­to­ries and free them from the ter­ri­cides and the death speculators.

Thou­sands of burned acres, added to thou­sands of oth­ers, become mil­lions. The earth moans under its mor­tal pain and we, indige­nous women, begin to roar with tel­luric cries for our dead and those of our chil­dren, now not only because of the famine, the con­t­a­m­i­na­tion, the stolen water, or the racist vio­lence. Now, they are burn­ing our souls by set­ting our lands on fire.

moira millan incendies

Here, every­thing burns…

We have become dis­pos­able bod­ies, sac­ri­ficed ter­ri­to­ries, throw-away lives, denied jus­tice. They kill the earth and its guardians, and that does­n’t even seem impor­tant. The vio­lent expul­sions go on and the ter­ri­to­ries are dis­posed of shame­less­ly to min­ing, gas, for­est firms, and all man­ners of ter­ri­cides. I won­der if there will be a human life in the future to pick up our bones and the remains from the terricide.

We are told that the geno­cide of the indige­nous peo­ple was nec­es­sary for the birth of this bloody colo­nial Nation-State. What birth do they expect to obtain from this cur­rent ter­ri­cide? We don’t yet have the exact fig­ures of the zones burned down this sum­mer because the fires are ongo­ing. All of them intentional.

Nor do we have the sta­tis­tics on fem­i­ni­cides because they are still assas­si­nat­ing us: we don’t have the exact num­ber of deaths and the dif­fer­ent assas­si­na­tion meth­ods the sys­tem uses. But we are cer­tain of one thing: that we must urgent­ly take action to put an end to all these deaths.

You will cer­tain­ly say that this COVID sce­nario is not suit­able for tak­ing to the streets and fight­ing, but it cer­tain­ly is suit­able for the advance­ment of mega-mines, frakking, dams and extra-activism of every kind. The States are deter­mined to avoid our death by COVID; how­ev­er, they can kill us them­selves through hunger, pol­lu­tion, repres­sion and sex­ism. But of COVID, you are for­bid­den to die.

I’ve seen the burn­ing moun­tains of a brown­ish red and I thought to myself that it was the red of anger, of the anger of pow­er against the peo­ple say­ing No to extrac­tion! They pun­ish us for hav­ing defend­ed life; but the clear light of dawn will take over and bring the truth.

This is why we, indige­nous women, say that as long as we will not have jus­tice, there will be no peace!

From the bot­tom of my piwke/heart, I ask for your support.

Ter­ri­cide must be con­sid­ered a crime against nature; and ter­ri­cides must be condemned.

Xepenge kom pu che!

Moira Mil­lán, Wey­chafe Mapuche
In Puel­willima­pu, Chubut, March 12 2021

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