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The Kur­dis­tan Red Cres­cen­t’s rep­re­sen­ta­tive in Switzer­land, Hey­va Sor, informs us of the cur­rent dif­fi­cul­ties gen­er­at­ed by the Covid-19 pan­dem­ic for its aid activ­i­ties and ini­tia­tives. With the pan­dem­ic, local con­di­tions have become even more dif­fi­cult, nec­es­sary inter­ven­tions more wide­spread and aids from Europe have diminished.

Kedis­tan is more than will­ing to serve as a relay for their increas­ing­ly urgent appeals. And we will con­tin­ue inform­ing you on their upcom­ing events as well as on the use made of your donations.

Sol­i­dar­i­ty is not only a mat­ter of denounc­ing, no mat­ter how strong­ly, it is also a ques­tion of respond­ing to needs in con­crete terms.

The Swiss Kurdistan Red Crescent — Heyva Sor is a politically and religiously neutral organization basing its action on the Geneva Conventions as well as on  the fundamental principles of the Red-Cross movement, such as: humanitarianism, impartiality, neutrality, independence, volunteer work and universality. 
The organization defines its action as follows : “We supply our aid in various regions of the Middle East and more particularly in Kurdistan, according to demonstrated needs. We assist victims of war, poverty, natural disasters or of any other situation requiring on-the-spot or long-term humanitarian aid. We focus on the most vulnerable people and groups subjected to these sufferings: children, orphans, families, single-parent families, the sick, the wounded, those unable to work, the isolated elderly.” 
Ongoing projects in three Kurdistan regions: 
In Bakur / Southeastern Turkey:
• An educational and medical support project for children
• A sponsorship project for families devoid of basic necessities
• A shelter construction project for families who have lost their homes
In Başûr / Northern Irak:
• A treatment center project for children with psychiatric issues
In Rojava / Northern Syria:
• A project for a medical center providing artificial limbs
The Swiss Kurdistan Red Crescent and affiliated organizations on location function almost totally on a volunteer basis thus allowing for extremely low administration costs (6%). In 2018, this organizational system allowed for 94% of the donations to reach the targeted regions.

The peo­ples of Roja­va need your support.
Togeth­er we must attempt the avoid­ance of a human­i­tar­i­an disaster. 

For more infor­ma­tion, you can vis­it in its Ger­man, French and Kur­dish ver­sions and fol­low it on  Face­book and Twit­ter.
You may also serve as a relay to their appeals on your social media, increas­ing their vis­i­bil­i­ty is also a means of support… 

In immediate terms,
two appeals await your aid with the greatest of urgency. 


Appeal for family sponsorships

Let’s act against the prop­a­ga­tion of the coronavirus! 
Let’s help fam­i­lies in emer­gency situations 

Due to the ongo­ing pan­dem­ic, the whole world is in a san­i­tary emer­gency. In   Kur­dis­tan, hun­dreds of fam­i­lies and indi­vid­u­als are con­cerned.  The sit­u­a­tion of detainees in Turk­ish pris­ons is par­tic­u­lar­ly dif­fi­cult. That in the occu­pied ter­ri­to­ries of Afrin, Serekaniye, Gire Spi is even worse: hun­dreds of thou­sands of dis­placed per­sons ben­e­fit from no pro­tec­tion what­so­ev­er against the virus. Iran­ian Kur­dis­tan will soon be reached by the pan­dem­ic, along with Shen­gal and the refugee camp of Makhmour.

The Swiss Kur­dis­tan Red Cres­cent has mis­sioned itself with aid­ing these peo­ple. Let’s act in sol­i­dar­i­ty dur­ing this cri­sis and save the lives of peo­ple in emer­gency situations!

We are launch­ing a cam­paign to aid our broth­ers and sis­ters in Kur­dis­tan. Here are the con­di­tions for participation:

110 CHF (Swiss Francs) per months will be pro­vid­ed to each fam­i­ly in a pre­car­i­ous sit­u­a­tion. The action will last 3 months.
Per­sons wish­ing to help the fam­i­lies will find all nec­es­sary infor­ma­tion with the Swiss Kur­dis­tan Red Crescent.

Mem­bers of the Kur­dish dias­po­ra may aid the fam­i­lies direct­ly or through the Swiss Kur­dis­tan Red Crescent.

Let’s car­ry out our human duty of sol­i­dar­i­ty for those in great­est need! 

Banque Cantonale Vaudoise
IBAN: CH6200767000L54334165

heyva sor rojava corona


In Roja­va (North­east­ern Syr­ia) the dai­ly exis­tence of mil­lions of Kur­dish, Arab, Assyr­i­an, Chris­t­ian and Yazi­di civil­ians has been rav­aged for over eight years by death, destruc­tion, exile and illness.

The risk of prop­a­ga­tion of the new coro­n­avirus (COVID-19) through­out the region is trou­bling, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the refugee camps. Life in the camps, with its heavy con­cen­tra­tion of pop­u­la­tion and pre­car­i­ous hygien­ic facil­i­ties is con­ducive to the devel­op­ment of epi­demics. Insta­bil­i­ty caused by the recent Turk­ish inva­sion has also aggra­vat­ed the human­i­tar­i­an sit­u­a­tion and the con­test­ed polit­i­cal sta­tus of the region ren­ders impor­ta­tion of med­ical sup­plies difficult.

  • rojava heyva sor

With lim­it­ed funds, our on-site part­ner, the Kur­dish Red Cres­cent (Hey­va Sor a Kurd), has imple­ment­ed pre­ven­tive mea­sures: dis­in­fec­tion of pub­lic places, infor­ma­tion cam­paign aimed at the pop­u­la­tion, restrict­ed move­ments and assem­blies (cur­few, clos­ing of schools and uni­ver­si­ties, etc). How­ev­er, these will not be suf­fi­cient. The Kur­dish Red Cres­cent is in urgent need of med­ical aid from the inter­na­tion­al community.

Local med­ical infra­struc­tures are lack­ing med­ical mate­r­i­al, masks in par­tic­u­lar, and N95 masks more than oth­ers, gloves, pro­tec­tive cloth­ing, hel­mets and spe­cial­ized shoes, as well as screen­ing devices. They are short of qual­i­fied staff, par­tic­u­lar­ly nurs­es as well as spaces in which to iso­late con­ta­gious patients. They lack lab equip­ment to ana­lyze the virus, as well as ster­il­iza­tion equip­ment. They are also short of qual­i­fied ambu­la­to­ry units in the region’s vil­lages and ham­lets. There is a lack of res­pi­ra­tors as well as oxy­gen generators.

Due to these lacks, it is cur­rent­ly very dif­fi­cult to diag­nose cas­es of   COVID-19.

Banque Cantonale Vaudoise
IBAN: CH6200767000L54334165

Head­line Pho­to: Refik Tekin, Cizre 2016

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges 
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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.