Con­front­ed by images of women dragged by the hair or by the feet, grabbed by the waist to the point of being undressed by police­men in hel­mets and riot gear, the State Sec­re­tary respon­si­ble for “Equal­i­ty between women and men and the fight against dis­crim­i­na­tions” declared that these women “vis­i­bly anti-cap­i­tal­ists”, had not “respect­ed the course autho­rized for the demonstration.”

Français | Türkçe | English

The State Sec­re­tary, Mar­lène Schi­ap­pa jus­ti­fied in those terms the blows and the gassing dis­trib­uted on the demon­stra­tors to the “World Day for the Defence of Wom­en’s Rights”. Every­one knows that the orders came from Didi­er Lalle­ment, the Police Pre­fect in Paris.

(We apologize for this referral to a mainstream source…)

We men­tion a few com­ments col­lect­ed on social networks:

• You’re right, Mar­lène, every time my kid goes out­side the lines in the col­or­ing book, she gets two slugs in the face. Well-deserved.
• Mar­lene, you’re play­ing at Lili Mar­lene in pro­tect­ing Lallement
• With Mar­lene, it isn’t stay in the kitchen any­more, it’s stay under the trun­cheon of patri­ar­cal law enforcement

Mean­while, com­ments were broad­cast by the Pres­i­dent con­cern­ing the “nec­es­sary pro­tec­tion of women against violences”.

All this would be laugh­able if it were almost a first time against an March 8 demon­stra­tion in France.

For a good while, the wom­en’s move­ment had cho­sen to recon­nect with the “night march­es”, because of the not­ed increase in fem­i­ni­cides, the expo­nen­tial growth in sex­ist vio­lence and the grow­ing recon­sid­er­a­tion of rights. This is why, half a cen­tu­ry ago, fem­i­nists had start­ed “march­es against rape”.

This March 8th occurs in a con­text of sys­tem­at­ic reg­u­lat­ing, net­ting and repress­ing of the social move­ment and where the num­ber of peo­ple muti­lat­ed by the launch­ing of “defen­sive bul­lets” or “dis­per­sal grenades” has gone through the ceil­ing. 2 200 wound­ed, 207 of them head wounds, and at least 23 peo­ple who have lost an eye (gov­ern­men­tal sources from March 7).

The orders of the Police Pre­fect are super­vised by a Min­is­ter who must ren­der accounts to his Pres­i­dent. No one can believe – despite the fact that this Police Pre­fect is ques­tioned with­in his hier­ar­chy – that he allowed police vio­lence and the obvi­ous enjoy­ment of macho vio­lences on his own accord. Besides, in oth­er cities, as in Nantes for exam­ple, the tear gas was not in short sup­ply either.

Some French main­stream media hailed this vio­lence as “a sign of male/female equal­i­ty from now on”, notably in these ele­gant terms from a jour­nal­ist at the Figaro.

Hence­forth, the police serves as the ram­part against all oppo­si­tion, a pro­tec­tive dyke for a polit­i­cal pow­er which in France has lost all con­sid­er­a­tion for the peo­ple, through serv­ing the spe­cif­ic inter­ests of the wealth­i­er social class­es. The wom­en’s move­ment is no excep­tion to this polit­i­cal author­i­tar­i­an drift and has just expe­ri­enced this bitterly.

France, the coun­try of Human rights, with­out the woman’s.

NB from Kedistan: Of course, this article is mainly aimed at the readership in Turkey where “Enlightened France” is the exact counterpart to “Orientalism” in France.

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.