Since her forced trans­fer to the vile prison of Tar­sus, along with 19 oth­er co-detainees, Zehra shares the same quar­ters as Moth­er Sisê.

A few months ago, jour­nal­ist Özgür Amed wrote [French and Turk­ish] for Kedis­tan the life sto­ry of this old woman, present­ly impris­oned despite sev­er­al health prob­lems. Mobi­liza­tion by the media, social net­works or admin­is­tra­tive approach­es for her release have been inef­fec­tive. And here is the deci­sion of the Health Com­mis­sion: “She is malin­ger­ing, she stays in jail.”

Yet, accord­ing to the report done at Mersin hos­pi­tal fol­low­ing 8 days of exams in Novem­ber 2018, Moth­er Sisê no longer knows the day, the month and the year in which she is, does not know her age, no longer remem­bers what she ate the pre­vi­ous day, can­not mem­o­rize the names of her co-detainees, can­not tell the dif­fer­ence between day and night, suf­fers from incon­ti­nence and mus­cu­lar deficits.  Fol­low­ing a cough, the biop­sy prac­ticed at the hos­pi­tal revealed sus­pi­cions of lung can­cer. In sum­ma­ry, tak­ing into account  her age, her health prob­lems and her phys­i­cal and men­tal deficits, the report not­ed a loss of auton­o­my reach­ing 97% and spec­i­fied that keep­ing her in jail endan­gered her.

This is the report that was sent to the “Med­ical Com­mis­sion” with the request for Moth­er Sisê’s release…

This Com­mis­sion is con­vinced that Sisê Bingöl “is malin­ger­ing”, and fol­low­ing a per­func­to­ry aus­cul­ta­tion on Jan­u­ary 7 2019, the report claims her gen­er­al con­di­tion is accept­able, that she has no mem­o­ry lapes, and that her res­pi­ra­to­ry and heart func­tions are nor­mal. She shows some lim­i­ta­tions in mov­ing her legs and hips, mus­cu­lar pains and fail­ing eyesight.

The final report notes that, since Sisê Bingöl does speak Turk­ish, con­trols of her spa­tio-tem­po­ral ori­en­ta­tion could not be done, but that she walks and express­es her­self per­fect­ly nor­mal­ly. Ver­ti­go and loss­es of con­scious­ness were not­ed, due to hyper­ten­sion, she must use tow­els because she is incon­ti­nent and has expe­ri­enced a few inci­dents of uncon­trolled defe­ca­tion. No motor pathol­o­gy was observed in the neu­ro­log­i­cal exam­i­na­tion. She claims a loss of mem­o­ry but when she is made to talk, there is an effort on her part “to pre­tend being in bad health”. Oth­er than con­se­quences of dia­betes, there are no observ­able neu­ro­log­i­cal deficits.

So Mother Sisê will stay in jail…

Zehra has drawn Moth­er Sisê on many occa­sions… She sends us a mes­sage with a new draw­ing, done, as usu­al, with­in the con­straints of the prison envi­ron­ment.  She draws Sisê’s por­trait, and that of baby Der­sim, 2 years old, who is incar­cer­at­ed with her con­temned mother.

These being the youngest and the old­est of the women with whom she now shares her dai­ly life in jail.

The result of Moth­er Sisê’s pro­ce­dure at the med­ical commission…They have pro­duced a report stat­ing she must stay in jail. Her health is very bad. She coughs all the time. She does­n’t sleep at all at night. Her blood pres­sure is too high and she can’t man­age to eat. Our let­ter explain­ing her sit­u­a­tion was con­fis­cat­ed. They made her wait and wait and told her she would be freed. Now, they say she can stay in jail. We haven’t told her, so as not to sad­den her.”

Leyla Güven par Zehra Dogan

Click to enlarge

At the same time as Ley­la Güven, HDP deputy on hunger strike, has just been freed from the prison in Amed (Diyarbakır) where close to 230 oth­er pris­on­ers have also adopt­ed this form of strug­gle, Zehra con­tin­ues her work as a jour­nal­ist in prison, under the worse of con­di­tions, and uses her art to do so.

She rubbed shoul­ders with Ley­la Güven for months in Diyarbakır and also did her por­trait before her forced trans­fer to Tar­sus. This does not make of her a crim­i­nal or a terrorist.

Jour­nal­ism and por­trait art are not crimes!

To support Mother Sisê:

Sisi Bingöl 
Tar­sus Kadın Kapalı CİK C‑3
Ali­fakı mahalle­si, Ali­fakı sokak
Tar­sus – Mersin TURKEY


mere sise bebe dersim par zehra dogan

Un rap­port inique : “Mère Sisê simulerait la mal­adie” Cliquez pour lire

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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.