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The cur­tains are open and we, the rab­ble, were final­ly able to pay a vir­tu­al vis­it to Reis Erdoğan’s sum­mer res­i­dence, mod­est­ly known as the “Sum­mer Palace” which we paid for with our taxes.

Locat­ed in the Bay of Okluk in Mar­maris, Muğla dis­trict, there used to be a hum­ble dwelling where the 8th Pres­i­dent of the Repub­lic, Turgut Özal, spent his sum­mer hol­i­days. It was demol­ished in order to erect Reis Erdoğan’s lit­tle cot­tage. Con­struc­tion of the Sum­mer Palace was com­plet­ed in 2019 but remained sur­round­ed by mys­tery, until the archi­tect of the build­ing, Şefik Birkiye, shared pho­tos on her website…

Şefik Birkiye also designed 7 mosques, includ­ing the one imposed on Tak­sim Square in Istan­bul and, among oth­er prof­itable projects, the build­ing hous­ing Turkey’s Cen­tral Bank, built in Istan­bul’s Finance Center…

For the palace, 640 mil­lion Turk­ish lira (59 mil­lion euro) were tak­en from the pres­i­den­tial bud­get between 2018 and 2021… Con­struc­tion was done in great secre­cy by the “Röne­sans” enter­prise. The palace, con­sist­ing of 5 sep­a­rate ele­ments sits on a piece of land of 92 000 m², with three blocks of lodg­ings added to the com­plex as liv­ing quar­ters for the staff ser­vic­ing the great man…

A sec­tion of the shore mea­sur­ing 10 966 m² was filled in with spe­cial sand to build up a pri­vate beach equiped with bun­ga­lows and pon­toons for those refresh­ing lit­tle dips… Since land­fill to shore­lines is for­bid­den, sev­er­al voic­es were raised ques­tion­ing this arti­fi­cial beach…

plage palais erdogan

Before – After

With its 300 rooms – bed­rooms, liv­ing rooms, leisure and recep­tion areas – the palace greet­ed some of Erdoğan’s friends last sum­mer, such as Edi Rama, Prime Min­is­ter of Alba­nia and Ilham ALiyev, Pres­i­dent of Azerbaïdjan…

Ilyas Tetik

Fol­low­ing the pho­to­graph­ic rev­e­la­tions, indig­nant reac­tions rained down on social media, con­trast­ing the con­stant­ly grow­ing mis­ery of the most des­ti­tute, and the dai­ly increase of sui­cides caused by despair. To men­tion only one, that of Ilyas Tetik, a vir­tu­oso vio­lin­ist who took his own life after hav­ing per­formed for the most famous and pop­u­lar artists in the coun­try… He killed him­self on July 5th.

Unem­ploy­ment, pover­ty, prob­lems of sur­vival… Such is life under Erdoğan’s cor­rupt regime. As a mat­ter of fact at the end of 2020, the famine thresh­old set by the TÜRK-İŞ Union at 3 146 TL (equiv­a­lent to 300 €) for a fam­i­ly of four, con­sist­ing of min­i­mal food rations, was raised to 11 186 TL (equiv­a­lent to 1 100 €) as the pover­ty thresh­old, once lodg­ing, cloth­ing, trans­porta­tion, etc were worked in. (Cumhuriyet — Feb­ru­ary 2021)

The min­i­mum wage which stood at 287 € in ear­ly 2020 stood at 245€ by year end. The num­ber of per­sons liv­ing under the thresh­old of famine and pover­ty has increased by 20% in one year.

Accord­ing to the DİSK Con­fed­er­a­tion of Unions, unem­ploy­ment stood at 28,8% in ear­ly 2021, the num­ber of unem­ployed being of 10 mil­lion 382 thou­sand. Even the Turk­ish Insti­tute of Sta­tis­tics TÜİK, with its ten­den­cy of “mask­ing” results, could not dis­guise this sit­u­a­tion. Last May-June, close to 200 thou­sand peo­ple lost their jobs. Among youth, unem­ploy­ment is even more severe, with 1 young per­son out of 4 being unem­ployed. Still accord­ing to DİSK, Turkey is the lead­ing Euro­pean coun­try in num­ber of sui­cides linked to eco­nom­ic prob­lems. The num­ber of poor, 23 mil­lion, increased by 700 thou­sand peo­ple in one year. (The Inde­pen­dant Turk­ish June 18 2021)

Recent­ly, an AKP may­or allowed him­self the fol­low­ing com­ment con­cern­ing an eco­nom­ic sui­cide: “If sui­cide could be linked to the econ­o­my, then, half the cit­i­zens would kill them­selves.”  In a way, he was thus acknowl­edg­ing the coun­try’s eco­nom­ic reality…Yet, these sui­cides exist, they are clear­ly iden­ti­fied by the mes­sages left by the vic­tims them­selves and relayed in the media. In 2020, the aver­age num­ber of sui­cides in Turkey was of 9 per­sons per day. It should also be not­ed that there are also 40 times more attempt­ed sui­cides… (The Inde­pen­dant Turk­ish June 18 2021)

This is why this Sum­mer Palace for Erdoğan, at the tax­pay­er’s expense, pro­vokes so much indig­na­tion and why the  unac­cept­able com­ments by politi­cians and oth­er AKP per­son­al­i­ties, along with the head­lines in the regime’s pro­pa­gan­da-spew­ing media illus­trate this outrage…

Conseils pour les pauvres...Erdoğan

Indeed, the recent head­lines in “allied” media are inde­cent, as are those on social media, such as these, among oth­ers, on Takvim pub­lished under the head­line “Do not go shop­ping before read­ing this arti­cle”, offer­ing such good advice as “do not go shop­ping on an emp­ty stom­ach, do not bring your chil­dren along” or the reportage in A Haber,  claim­ing that “Long peri­ods with­out eat­ing pro­long life”…  We should also men­tion the doc­u­men­tary pro­duced by the State TV sta­tion TRT, “How to Feed Off Garbage.  Con­sid­er­ing how alter­na­tive lifet­styles, the fight against food wastage and pol­lu­tion gen­er­at­ed by garbage and trans­porta­tion are not real­ly defin­ing fea­tures of the Turk­ish regime, no more than it is a front­line defendor of free­gan­ism, it is easy enough to imag­ine how this doc­u­men­tary was received by the public…

We must also remem­ber the benev­o­lent advice  against pover­ty of First Lady Emine Erdoğan. It is fresh in our mem­o­ries, since these words were pro­nounced last June 30…
“Come, let’s take some sim­ple mea­sures: let’s pre­pare a shop­ping list before set­ting out, let’s reduced our portions.”

And so, in order to vis­it Erdoğan’s new sum­mer palace, you are kind­ly request­ed to leave your shoes at the door.

Adem Yarıcı hatay fevrier 2020 chaussures

The shoes left behind by Adem Yarıcı who immo­lat­ed him­self in Hatay at the end of Feb­ru­ary 2020…

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.