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With the osten­si­ble media vis­it of Tal­iban rep­re­sen­ta­tives in Turkey, one is well beyond plain and sim­ple diplo­mat­ic rela­tion­ships between slight­ly dis­tant neighbours.

Although Turkey’s Min­is­ter of Freign Affairs, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu pro­vides a rather cir­con­vo­lut­ed expla­na­tion accord­ing to which “Turkey wish­es to help Afghanistan with­out rush­ing into a recog­ni­tion of its gov­er­nance”, the vis­it took on an offi­cial dimen­sion, giv­en its media treat­ment, and a par­al­lel dec­la­ra­tion from Erdoğan announc­ing that “sup­port was ongo­ing”.

On the For­eign Affairs side, Çavuşoğlu “exhort­ed” those block­ing finan­cial hold­ings abroad by Afgha­nis not to do so. “The Afghani econ­o­my must not col­lapse”, he said. They also had offi­cial exchanges should “Afghani migrants in Turkey wish to return”, hop­ing to obtain “guar­an­tees” on this top­ic. This prob­a­bly in antic­i­pa­tion of some pos­si­ble expul­sions treat­ed as “returns”. Final­ly, the Turk­ish min­is­ter, speak­ing as the spokesman for “Mus­lim Coun­tries” request­ed “return­ing women to work” and  “girls to schools”.

These polit­i­cal posi­tions are very close to those emerg­ing from G20 lead­ers who recent­ly pro­nounced them­selves in favor of human­i­tar­i­an aid. For its part, the EU has already promised to put one bil­lion into the com­mon pot. The great dec­la­ra­tions on the wel­com­ing of migrants, quick­ly con­tained then turned con­di­tion­al, are already issues for the past.

Fol­low­ing the Amer­i­can deser­tion, the after-sale ser­vice is get­ting set up and the Turk­ish regime – although it did not man­age to obtain a strong pres­ence through the admin­is­tra­tion of Kab­ul air­port, com­pet­ing as it did with “more Mus­lim” ones in Qatar — is attempt­ing to play a region­al reole. For the Turk­ish regime, suc­ceed­ing in mak­ing itself indis­pens­able would give an appear­ance of bal­ance in the com­plex rela­tions between Biden and Putin.

This is why the Turk­ish regime deployed the kilim.

The Tal­iban’s For­eign Affairs min­is­ter, Amir Khan Mut­taqi, was just back direct­ly from Doha, which has become the base for diplo­mat­ic exchanges, after serv­ing as  that of tal­iban lead­ers in exile. The fact he trav­elled to Turkey was in itself a sign of rec­i­p­ro­cal recog­ni­tion, espe­cial­ly since the Turk­ish Min­is­ter also declared he would be doing the same in a near future.

The fact also that he was greet­ed by the Diyanet (respon­si­ble for the man­age­ment of the Mus­lim cult in Turkey) shows the angle under which the Turk­ish regime is attack­ing the prob­lem and also the grow­ing impor­tance this insti­tu­tion is tak­ing on in Turkey, as part of the gov­ern­ing team and in its for­eign policy.

The tal­iban del­e­ga­tion also met with the “Red Cres­cent” to express their accep­tance, or even their own demands, for the pur­suit of human­i­tar­i­an aid in Afhanistan. Of course, a thaw in the frozen assets would be a plus.

This fake-front real­i­ty is in fact the result of an inter­na­tion­al patch-up fol­low­ing the failed Amer­i­can depar­ture from Kab­ul. It is also the obvi­ous proof of a pol­i­cy of del­e­ga­tion to region­al pow­ers of ques­tions in need of resolution.

The world has tru­ly aban­doned Afghani pop­u­la­tions to their fate, this we already knew, but we now find our­selves faced with all the geopo­lit­i­cal ingre­di­ents allow­ing for what is known as “region­al sta­bi­liza­tion” and a balac­ing of pow­er forces, in which Iran and Pak­stan will play the roles of “the con­tained” while Turkey will spread its bro­ken wings.

A final illus­tra­tion of this hyp­ocrites’ ball can be found in Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu’s words – yes, him again – picked up by Anadolu, the offi­cial agency of the Mas­ter’s Voice, at the time of the visit.

We pro­vid­ed some advice to the tal­iban gov­ern­ment. Once again, we insist­ed they must be inclu­sive in order to insure the coun­try’s uni­ty. We spoke of the impor­tance of includ­ing indi­vid­u­als belong­ing to oth­er eth­nic groups than that of the tal­ibans in the new administration”.

Not only did the Min­is­ter ascribe to him­self a role of big broth­er but, most of all, he pro­vides advice the Turk­ish regime does not even fol­low itself, giv­en the manda­to­ry Turci­ty. Kurds in Turkey will ful­ly appre­ci­ate these fine words at their true level.

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
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Let­tres mod­ernes à l’Université de Tours. Gros mots poli­tiques… Coups d’oeil politiques…