Français | English

Mobil­i­sa­tion keeps on spread­ing for the lib­er­a­tion of Aysel Tuğluk, the Kur­dish polit­i­cal fig­ure impris­oned and in ill health. One after the oth­er, a num­ber of appeals have been launched over the past few weeks. A cam­paign launched by women called “1 000 Women appeal for Aysel Tuğluk’s free­dom” is also open to sig­na­tures by all.

Aysel 5000 femmesOne thou­sand women from sev­er­al coun­tries, includ­ing the Unit­ed States, France, Den­mark, Ger­many, the Nether­lands, Switzer­land and Eng­land, includ­ing the women at Kedis­tan have joined this appeal  that has gar­nered over 5 000 sig­na­tures in only 4 days.

One thou­sand of us start­ed off  with an appeal for Aysel Tuğluk’s release. Thou­sands more women respond­ed from one day to the next. Hence­forth, we rep­re­sent a com­mon force for free­dom, for Aysel! Through the per­son of Aysel Tuğluk we also defend the rights of many sick pris­on­ers”, declared the ini­tia­tors address­ing pub­lic opin­ion. “We are with Aysel with all of our being. We await your sig­na­tures and your support.”

Click on this link to read the Eng­lish ver­sion on, and sign. 

If you are on Twit­ter, you can also offer your sup­port by fol­low­ing @BinlerceAysel and relay­ing the shares…

In order to know who is Aysel and why she is kept in prison so relent­less­ly, you can also read on Kedis­tan “Aysel Tuğluk and Lost Mem­o­ry”, a recent col­umn by Naz Oke, one of the 1 000 signatories.

On Jan­u­ary 9th, women led an all-day cam­paign on social media with the slo­gan “Free­dom for Aysel Tuğluk and for all sick pris­on­ers” and the hash­tag #Bin­lerceAy­seliz, “we are thou­sands of Aysel” or yet again with the sen­tence “I am one among the thou­sands of women demand­ing Aysel’s freedom.”

Adapted in English from French by Renée Lucie Bourges
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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.