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At 10 PM on July 7th, we received an urgent mes­sage: Erk Acer­er, a jour­nal­ist based in Berlin, was attacked by armed men at his home.

At 9: 56 PM , Erk shared on his Twit­ter account a pho­to show­ing the wounds to his head and face. “I was attacked  at home, with a knife and sev­er­al blows.” We learned a few min­utes lat­er, again though his tweets, that he was head­ing toward the host­pi­ral “I know who my assailants are” he said in the spur of the moment, “I will nev­er yield before fas­cism!” Lat­er he informed that he had been admit­ted and kept under obser­va­tion at the hos­pi­tal, but that luck­i­ly there were no life-threat­en­ing wounds.

Born in 1973 in Istan­bul, Erk Acer­er has worked for a num­ber of news­pa­pers and media, and pur­sues his jour­nal­is­tic activ­i­ty in Ger­many for Taz, Birgün, ArtıTV…He is also the author of a dozen books and his work received sev­er­al prizes, notably the Metin Gök­te­pe jour­nal­ism prize and the Musa Anter prize…You will have under­stood that Erk is a sea­soned jour­nal­ist, who speaks open­ly of his oppo­si­tion to the Turk­ish regime.

Today, Erk made a video dec­la­ra­tion on his Twit­ter account, along with a few lines: “This is my com­mu­nique to pub­lic opin­ion, to the media and to my jour­nal­ist friends: Know that we will keep on ask­ing for accounts to be ren­dered, and know also that we will be the ones who will close the accounts!”

A trans­la­tion of the video follows:

Greet­ings to everyone.

My face has changed a bit, but I’m told this will pass. I have just come back from the hos­pi­tal. Since there was sus­pi­cion of a skull frac­ture, I was kept under obser­va­tion, but my con­di­tion is not seri­ous, despite the con­cerns. I was attacked by three armed men in the court­yard of the build­ing where I live. One of the assailants hollered “man, you won’t write any more!” As the num­ber of wit­ness­es was increas­ing dur­ing the inci­dent, they could not make use of their weapons. This is evi­dence that every­thing we write and say con­cern­ing the fas­cist, islamist AKP-MHP pow­er is true. It is a demon­stra­tion,  the result­ing proof. As to the assailants, I of course have an idea and infor­ma­tion. Secu­ri­ty forces told me “for a few days, do not divulge names of indi­vid­u­als or groups, the cir­cle will widen and our work will be more com­pli­cat­ed.” But the answer to the ques­tion “Where are the 10 thou­sand dol­lars?” is pre­cise­ly there. 1. The arms mer­chants who stole pub­lic prop­er­ty are right beside us.

I must say they haven’t under­stood a thing. When we took to the road, it was not so that we could live qui­et­ly our­selves, but so our chil­dren could be in peace. This is why we are jour­nal­ists. Know that, as far as I can, I will not let myself by dis­pos­sessed of Berkin Elvan’s cause 2 nor that of Nihat Kazanan 3…You cre­at­ed a coun­try where chil­dren can­not sleep, are cold and go hun­gry. We have reached a point where we are ashamed to tuck in our own sleep­ing children.

I con­sid­er as a debt the thanks yous from my dear friends, read­ers and fam­i­ly. I will try to answer all mes­sages as best I can.

The time has come to be even more demand­ing. Do what you can, but know that we will con­tin­ue insist­ing on accounts. Also know that we will be the ones clos­ing the accounts!

This attack is not an iso­lat­ed case. More­o­ev­er, it “tar­get­ed” a demand­ing jour­nal­ist. It could be clas­si­fied under the head­ing of “Turk­ish State exter­nal actions”, tar­get­ed assas­si­na­tions or attempts, just like those that were exam­ined dur­ing the Inter­na­tion­al ses­sion of the Peo­ple’s Tri­bunal in Paris in 2018. The per­son­al­i­ty and tenaciy of a jour­nal­ist such as Erk Acer­er lead us to think so. See­ing it as noth­ing but an inci­dent, a tantrum by dis­grun­tled grey wolves, would be beside the point

Because this attack occurs pre­cise­ly while the set­tling of inter­nal accounts plays out in Turkey, con­cern­ing the ben­e­fi­cia­ries of cor­rup­tion and the role of some mafias allied with the reign­ing pow­er. Mafiosi Sedat Peker clear­ly has more than one file in hand that leads all the way back to the Reis. And we already know that all this rests on the ques­tion­ing of the ultra-nation­al­ist wing in Turkey, to the polit­i­cal solid­i­ty on which Erdoğan can rely, and thus, of all of their own future in the alliance.

One only has to note how the regime is going in cir­cles in the pro­ce­dure to pro­hib­it the HDP and how, for its own part, the MHP set­tles mat­ters direct­ly though assas­si­na­tions to under­stand there are a few dis­agree­ments when it comes to meth­ods. For exam­ple, embar­rass­ing the Ger­man Chan­cel­lor­ship with a tar­get­ed attack against a jour­nal­ist of the Turk­ish oppo­si­tion at a time when Tur­co-Ger­man rela­tion­ships are rather on the upswing, is an aspect of such disagreements.

And if some might have thought that all this was a mat­ter of com­ple­men­tar­i­ty in styles, would be quite mis­tak­en as to the grav­i­ty of the cri­sis affect­ing the regime.

Fol­low­ing the reac­tions of the Ger­man author­i­ties should prove inter­est­ing, as they go through their own peri­od of change, even if we already know that the com­pass will keep “migrants” at the core of issues.

We send Erk Acer­er all our wish­es for a speedy recov­ery  of course, and our full sup­port in his fight for the truth…

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.