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June 5 2021. Enter this date on your agen­da right away.

Toutes aux fron­tières” (All of Us to the Bor­ders), a call to a fem­i­nist action against Euro­pean bor­ders. The action to take place next June 5th.

The objec­tive: assem­bling thou­sands of fem­i­nists in Nice!

Why ?

Since 2015, the Euro­pean Union has not stopped tight­en­ing its polit­i­cal bor­ders as well as its exter­nal fron­tiers, thus increas­ing the crim­i­nal­iza­tion of migra­tion. The Schen­gen Space is con­stant­ly rein­forc­ing a repres­sive arse­nal against per­sons forced into exile. This sit­u­a­tion only favors the devel­op­ment of mafia economies in which all forms of vio­lence com­bine against the exiled. These poli­ci­cies of crim­i­nal­iza­tion of mobil­i­ty weigh par­tic­u­lar­ly heav­i­ly on the women who rep­re­sent 54% of the migrants in Europe, notably against les­bians and trans indi­vid­u­als. Dur­ing the migra­to­ry tra­jec­to­ry any per­son not con­form­ing to the patri­ar­chal order is tar­get­ed for vio­lence. It is more than time to deploy our strengths to make vis­i­ble what is kept hidden.”

If you also tell yourself,

We, fem­i­nists liv­ing in Europe, from every social con­di­tion and of every age, no mat­ter our ori­gins, our choic­es, our worlds… we raise our voic­es in order to say: No! You do not rep­re­sent us…

If you also tell yourself,

In order to break with a mil­i­tarist and patri­ar­chal his­to­ry in favor of the free­dom of cir­cu­la­tion on the plan­et, for a Europe with­out bor­ders, for a dig­ni­fied recep­tion and the acknowl­edge­ment of all rea­sons for seek­ing asy­lum spe­cif­ic to women, les­bians and any per­son not in con­for­mi­ty with the patri­ar­chal order, in order to cre­ate spaces of resis­tance and sol­i­dar­i­ty in the struggles.”


When? June 5 2021 Where? Nice — Why? For a Europe with­out walls!

Toutes aux frontières” (All of Us to the Borders)
What is it? Who are they? Qu’est-ce ? Qui sont-elles ?

In Gene­va, from Sep­tem­ber 27th to 29th 2019, the Wom­en’s World March (Switzer­land) took the ini­tia­tive in orga­niz­ing a Euro­pean fem­i­nist meet­ing “Women, migra­tions, shel­ters”. Fol­low­ing this meet­ing, no less than 263 activists gath­ered to form a Euro­pean fem­i­nist resis­tance net­work. Since then, the net­work has widened and our deter­mi­na­tion to act against Euro­pean poli­cies crim­i­nal­iz­ing migra­tion has strength­ened. The PACA (Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region in France) All of Us to the Bor­ders ! group was born in 2020. A num­ber of activists and Euro­pean fem­i­nist col­lec­tives have since joined with it in the per­spec­tive of orga­niz­ing a large scale event in Nice on June 5 2021 to affirm and make vis­i­ble the expres­sion of fem­i­nists on cur­rent Euro­pean migra­tion policies.”

The final pro­gram will soon be avail­able on the web­site

There you will also find all the com­mu­ni­ca­tion mate­ri­als required for spread­ing the call on your net­works. But also, pos­si­bil­i­ties for sup­port, prac­ti­cal infor­ma­tion, resource texts in sev­er­al lan­guages and more are being added. You can con­tribute as an indi­vid­ual or as an orga­ni­za­tion. Do not hes­i­tate in shar­ing your know-how… Trans­la­tors, artists, cre­ators, your sup­port is pre­cious

There is no such thing as a small ges­ture of sol­i­dar­i­ty. Each shar­ing is a form of sup­port… If you are on social net­works, here are the use­ful links: Face­book @toutesauxfrontieres, Insta­gram @toutesauxfrontieres, Twit­ter @TAFrontieres, hash­tag #Toute­sAuxFron­tieres

Already sup­port­ing:

ACORT (Paris), ADN (Nice), ANAFÉ France, Association Agate, armoise et salamandre (Fourcalquier), ATTAC France, Bibliothèque anarchaféministe de Toulouse, La CIMADE, Collectif Diables Bleus (Nice), Collectif Droits des femmes, Collectif Nous Toutes 06, Comité de défense de Pinar Selek, Coordination Suisse romande pour la grève féministe, Ensemble ! (PACA), FASTI France, Forum Civique Européen France, Collectif GRAF (Nice), Habitat et citoyenneté (PACA), Kedistan, Kféministe (Ardèche), Ligue des Droits de l’Homme (06), Mappamondo (San Remo, Italie), Marche Mondiale des Femmes Suisse, Marseille Féministe, Migreurop (réseau euro-africain), MRAP (06), Non una de Meno Italia, NPA 06, Planning Familial (05, 06), Parti de Gauche (06), PC (06), Rete Sanremo solidate, Roya citoyenne, SHE’LTER France, Sublimes Portes, (Marseille), SUD-Solidaires (06), Transat Association (Marseille), .….

Of course, as a media, Kedis­tan is in sol­i­dar­i­ty and will par­tic­i­pate. So, see you in Nice on June 5th!

And until we meet…

Why not take advan­tage of what we hope will be the final weeks of the pan­dem­ic in order to cre­ate a home-work­shop with this excel­lent tuto­r­i­al video by Gra­zie Clau­dia: “How to make a vagina/kite”!

Headline illustration: Drawing by Naz Oke
Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
You may use and share Kedistan’s articles and translations, specifying the source and adding a link in order to respect the writer(s) and translator(s) work. Thank you
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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.