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Metin Cihan, excel­lent inves­ti­ga­tor and whis­tle blow­er, con­tin­ues to scrounge around in the email of Berat Albayrak, Erdoğan’s son-in law and for­mer min­is­ter of the econ­o­my, dis­missed at the end of Novem­ber 2020 : he had post­ed a sim­ple mes­sage on his Insta­gram account at the time…

These emails are a trea­sure trove with ines­timable nuggets. Embez­zle­ment, cor­rup­tion, misappropriations…As a reminder on Sep­tem­ber 2016, Berat Albayrak, already Erdo­gan’s son-in-law and his Min­is­ter of Ener­gy to boot, saw the con­tent of his email hacked by the Red­Hack who claimed in exchange “the lib­er­a­tion of all left­ist oppo­nents, before 5 PM on Sep­tem­ber 27 2016”. Beyond this delay, the group pub­lished more than 5 000 mes­sages in the 20Go file copied by them and now pub­licly avail­able on Wik­ileaks, under the title “Berat’s Box”.

Here, Metin Cihan invites us to share a few cho­sen excerpts;

A mini series in four episodes filled with suspense and tension: a career story”…


elif yetim


We are in 2015. The saga begins with an email from Elif Yetim, a young woman belong­ing to the caste engen­dered by Erdo­gan. She begins her rise, as do thou­sands of oth­er youths ben­e­fit­ing from pulled strings: the “AKP children”.

With a diplo­ma from the reli­gious lycee Imam Hatip, Elif posts her plaque nam­ing her the “2nd in the school” as proof of her “suc­cess” under the nose of Berat Albayrak, still a min­is­ter-to-be at the time, but already a son-in-law… She asks him for a job as a senior exec­u­tive in the Turk­ish Air­lines Anony­mous Soci­ety, and con­sid­ers this her “nat­ur­al right”…

The rest of the “exchanges” give mat­ter for reflection.

metin cihan elif can yetim

Episode 1

From: Elif Can Yetim
To: Berat Albayrak
Date: 12-07-2015

Almost all the new­ly appoint­ed peo­ple are from here but none had a suc­cess such as this one. Under these con­di­tions, in the restruc­tura­tion, respon­si­bil­i­ty & duty are rights flow­ing to me nat­u­ral­ly. Is this not so?

Image: Plaque from the Imam Hatif school in Kartal, dated June 22 1999 for the second place of those receiving diplomas in 1998–1999 “I congratulate Elif Yetim and implore the great Allah for the pursuit of her successes in health and happiness.” Signature of Abdullah Sarımermer, President of the School Association.

From: Elif Can Yetim
To: Berat Albayrak
Date: 31-07-2015

Hap­py Holy Fri­day from the vol­un­teer guardian of the Turk­ish Air­lines Anony­mous Soci­ety 🙌 😃

From: Elif Can Yetim
To: Berat Albayrak
Date: 30-09-2015

You should have brought me along to the UN meet­ing, as the rep­re­sen­ta­tive of THY. 😇 😇 😇 😇

From: Elif Can Yetim
To: Berat Albayrak
Date: 06.11–2015

Is there real­ly no way to work with­out think­ing about the title and the rank, if we could cre­ate a shin­er­gy1. 😲  😲  😲  😲
May Allah give me the pos­si­bil­i­ty of being among peo­ple like that, InchAllah!

From: Berat Albayrak
To: Elif Can Yetim
Date: 06-11-2015
Subject : Re:

If you find peo­ple like that, let me know…

From: Elif Can Yetim
To: Berat Albayrak
Date: 07.11–2015

Big broth­er,
I don’t want to wait any longer. I’m going to request the required inter­views, then I will take a deci­sion.
What do you think about this?

From: Berat Albayrak
To: Elif Can Yetim
Date: 07-11-2015
Subject: Re:

Don’t rush…
We’ll talk about it…

metin cihan elif can yetim


2nd Episode

We saw in episode 1 how requests and flat­tery reach the roy­al court. Let’s continue…

From: Elif Can Yetim
To: Berat Albayrak
Date: 24.11–2015

😃  I’ve just heard that YOU ARE NOW a Min­is­ter 👍  🙌  👏  👏  👏  👏  Hur­ray! Tonight will be par­ty time.
😃  Infi­nite thanks to Allah 🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌

From: Elif Can Yetim
To: Berat Albayrak
Date: 4-12-2015

Hey, big broth­er, uh, my dear Min­is­ter 👏  👏 👏  👏  💐  💐  💐  😇  😇  😇  Hap­py Holy Friday!

From: Elif Can Yetim
To: Berat Albayrak
Date: 28-12-2015

Why does­n’t any­one say Elif YETIM is one of ours, we know her, will we do some­thing with her?

From: Elif Can Yetim
To: Berat Albayrak
Date: 29-12-2015

Am I wrong in what I write????

From: Elif Can Yetim
To: Berat Albayrak
Date: 29-12-2015

I’m wait­ing for an answer????

From: Elif Can Yetim
To: Berat Albayrak
Date: 01-01-2016

Big broth­er, I’m wait­ing for an answer! I’m com­ing to Ankara on Monday!!!!

From: Elif Can Yetim
To: Berat Albayrak
Date: 01-01-2016

To obtain what is mine by right, I have to come!!!


From: Elif Can Yetim
To: Berat Albayrak
Date: 01-01-2016

I’m com­ing to Ankara on Mon­day, right???

From: Berat Albayrak
To: Elif Can Yetim
Date: 02-01-2016
Subject: Re:

What’s the prob­lem? Send me the details.
I’ll speak with Mis­ter Ilker.

metin cihan elif can yetim

3rd Episode

The requests and sol­lic­i­ta­tions, the pulled strings, still noth­ing works out.

From: Elif Can Yetim
To: Berat Albayrak
Date: 03-01-2016

Note 1: The one who is nom­i­nat­ed is from lycée Imam Hatif in Kar­tal (Istan­bul neigh­bor­hood). I receive no sup­port from col­leagues. There is not a sin­gle per­son whose office I can enter to drink his tea, his cof­fee. On the the con­trary, they take the atti­tude ‘you are not my interlocutor.’

Note 2: On this road begin­ning with the job of direc­tor, I will always need your full support!

Note 3: In the next phase, Elif YETIM is also a can­di­date for posi­tions above the direc­torate. Every­one must know this, that I aspire to the high­est posi­tion, in order to place THY S.A. in safe hands for the next 5 years.

From: Elif Can Yetim
To: Berat Albayrak
Date: 05-01-2016

Big broth­er, I’ve just received a call from the Board of direc­tors. The lady said we want­ed to know if you were in your office. I think they will call me back today…
I will let you know before going over.

From: Elif Can Yetim
To: Berat Albayrak
Date: 14-01-2016

I have my inter­view with the Pres­i­dent of the Board of Direc­tors tomor­row at 11!!!!

From: Berat Albayrak
To: Elif Can Yetim
Date: 01-02-2016

Go to the inter­view, first, you will talk about it face to face over there. If it does­n’t come through this week either, we’ll talk and see what to do.

From: Elif Can Yetim
To: Berat Albayrak
Date: 09-02-2016

We wait, big brother?

From: Berat Albayrak
To: Elif Can Yetim
Date: 09-02-2016
Subject: Re:


From: Elif Can Yetim
To: Berat Albayrak
Date: 12-02-2016

They’ve announced the appoint­ments. I’m not among them. The names have changed for the direc­torates I men­tioned.
Once again, I did­n’t under­stand a thing????

metin cihan elif can yetim

Episode 4

But fol­low­ing an intervention…

From: Elif Can Yetim
To: Berat Albayrak
Date: 17-03-2016

My big brotherrrrr,

Thanks to you, we have accom­plished my first pro­mo­tion. I am filled with an odd feel­ing of seren­i­ty.
You effort is great.
I thank you very much.

Image: We wish to announce the recent nomination decided by our executive committe: Mrs. Elif Yetim, a specialist in Strategic planning and investments, was named Director of the Data Analysis and Reports section.

From: Elif Can Yetim
To: Berat Albayrak
Date: 29-03-2016

On the road to Wash­ing­ton… May Allah go with you and help you!!!

From: Elif Can Yetim
To: Berat Albayrak
Date: 19-04-2016

Oy, what did I see this morn­ing on my door
🙃  😃

Image: Director – Data and reports Analysis

From: Elif Can Yetim
To: Berat Albayrak
Date: 10-05-2016

Big broth­er,
I’m look­ing for engi­neer ana­lysts. I want­ed you to know. If there are peo­ple, let them come and we’ll do the inter­views right away. 🙃

In today’s Turkey, with a bank­rupt econ­o­my, with mas­sive unem­ploy­ment, with the unem­ployed com­mit­ting sui­cide, those with diplo­mas leav­ing the coun­try, cor­rup­tion fol­lows its mer­ry way.

This series of emails, cho­sen at ran­dom, show how the roy­al court effect is preva­lent in the AKP and the cor­ri­dors of pow­er and how small and big cen­ters of pow­er call the shots, fab­ri­cat­ing lack­eys and indebt­ed ones. A com­mon fea­ture in the antecham­bers of total­i­tar­i­an powers. 

From: Elif Can Yetim
To: Berat Albayrak
Date: 24-05-2016

Dear big broth­er, I wish with all my heart that the great God will Bring you the great­est of successes.

From: Berat Albayrak
To: Elif Can Yetim
Date: 13-06-2016
Subject: Re: Tableau Conference Londres

Que Allah t’aide et fasse en sorte que tu réus­siss­es Inch’allah.

From: Elif Can Yetim
To: Berat Albayrak
Date: 21-09-2016

This shows I take Beau­ti­ful photos. 

Image: Photo taken during a flight.

In today’s Turkey, in a bank­rupt econ­o­my, with mass unem­ploy­ment, unem­ployed peo­ple com­mit­ting sui­cide, grad­u­ates leav­ing the coun­try, cor­rup­tion is rampant.

This series of emails, cho­sen at ran­dom, show how the roy­al court effect is preva­lent in the AKP and the cor­ri­dors of pow­er and how small and big cen­ters of pow­er call the shots, fab­ri­cat­ing lack­eys and indebt­ed ones.  A com­mon fea­ture in the antecham­bers of total­i­tar­i­an powers.

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
You may use and share Kedistan’s articles and translations, specifying the source and adding a link in order to respect the writer(s) and translator(s) work. Thank you.
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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.