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Last Novem­ber 29, Metin Cihan, an excel­lent inves­ti­ga­tor and whis­tle blow­er start­ed a dis­cus­sion thread begin­ning with “Do you know Erişah Arı­can?”  We would like to share the trans­la­tion of the infor­ma­tion he reveals in this series of tweets.

But first, read what fol­lows for a reminder and a bet­ter understanding:

  • On Sep­tem­ber 27 2018, Erişah Arı­can, an aca­d­e­m­ic, becomes the Pres­i­dent of ‘Bor­sa Istan­bul’, the Turk­ish stock exchange locat­ed in Istan­bul, some 10% of the shares of which were recent­ly sold to Qatar. Erişah Arı­can is also a mem­ber of the TWF board of governors.
  • TWF, the Turkey Wealth Fund, is a joint-stock com­pa­ny found­ed in 2016. Its objec­tive is “sup­port­ing the devel­op­ment of the Turk­ish econ­o­my” and it holds a port­fo­lio of pub­lic shares in 20 com­pa­nies in 8 sec­tors of activ­i­ty, 2 licens­es in bet­ting games and real estate, and admin­is­tered 177 bil­lion Turk­ish lira in 2020. [The com­pa­nies are list­ed here].
  • The TWF is man­aged by Zafer Sön­mez and presided by the Turk­ish Pres­i­dent Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in per­son and, from 2018 to Novem­ber 27 2020, its vice-pres­i­dent was none oth­er than Erdoğan’s son-in-law and for­mer Trea­sury and Finance Min­is­ter, Berat Albayrak who decid­ed to resign from his job by pub­lish­ing a mes­sage on his Insta­gram account.
  • Pri­or to read­ing what fol­lows, we should also bear in mind that on Sep­tem­ber 24 2016, Berat Albayrak, who was already Erdoğan son-in-law and Min­is­ter of Ener­gy, had the entire con­tent of his email stolen by the Red­Hack who demand­ed in exchange “the lib­er­a­tion of all left­ist oppo­nents before 5PM on Sep­tem­ber 27 2016”. After that delay, the group made pub­lic more than 5 000 mes­sages in a mail fil of 20Go, copied by them and now avail­able on Wik­ileaks, in the file labelled “Berat’s Box”.

Do you know Erişah Arıcan?”

The orig­i­nal of the dis­cus­sion thread is avail­able here on Metin Cihan’s Twit­ter account.

The thread begins on Novem­ber 29 2020

■ “Do you know Erişah Arı­can? I did not know her either before read­ing Albayrak’s email box, open to all. This is where I learned that Mis­ter Berat Albayrak owed his “Dr” title to this lady. Then, notic­ing her name in third posi­tion in the lead­er­ship of TWF, right after Erdoğan and Albayrak, I thought, here we go!


■ Then Berat Albayrak resigned. Erişah Arı­can became the sec­ond in line. More­over, since 2018, Erişah Arı­can heads the stock exchange. As you know, last week the YWF sold part of the Istan­bul stock exchange to Qatar. See­ing the entan­gle­ment of per­son­al­i­ties and insti­tu­tions, I decid­ed to dig a bit deeper.


■  I attempt­ed to under­stand how things work at the top. I am here in order to share all of this with you. If you have a bit of time, I would like to back up a bit first.


■ In 2008, the asso­ciate pro­fes­sor des­ig­nat­ed for Berat Albayrak’s the­sis defense was Dr. Hasan Eken. Mr. Berat Albayrak did not appear before the mon­i­tor­ing com­mit­tee. In Jan­u­ary 2009, he received an email from the school. “Your the­sis direc­tor Prof. Dr. Hasan Eken sum­mons you to appear.” Berat Albayrak pre­ferred to ignore the mes­sage. Link to e‑mail


■ A new email arrives in Octo­ber 2009. “Your request con­cern­ing a change in the­sis direc­tor and the assign­ment of Mrs Erişah Arı­can to this posi­tion is accept­ed.” Mr. Berat Albayrak had thus pre­ferred chang­ing inter­locu­tor rather than respond­ing to the sum­mons of his for­mer the­sis direc­tor, and had suc­ceed­ed in doing so.


■ On June 2 2019, the new the­sis direc­tor sent Mr. Albayrak an email. She for­ward­ed the file that she had pre­pared her­self and that would be sub­mit­ted to the the­sis com­mis­sion. Mr. Albayrak is lucky. Not every­one is lucky enough to have a direc­tor who pre­pares the the­sis for you. Link


■ On June 28 2010, Mrs. Erişah Arı­can, while prepar­ing Mr. Berat Albayrak’s the­sis, requests his inter­ven­tion at a meet­ing in Ankara, con­cerninga per­son with whom she is in con­flict. Son-in-law Berat, who had no offi­cial func­tions at the time, responds favor­ably. Link


■ July 2010. Mrs Erişah Arı­can tells Mr. Albayrak “I am send­ing you the the­sis under the file labelled bre­ton­woods”. Which means his pro­fes­sor wrote the the­sis Mr. Albayrak was sup­posed to write, and is sub­mit­ting it to his approval. And she does­n’t omit thank­ing him for the gifts offered to her col­leagues at this time. Link


■ Days go by, Erişah Arı­can goes on send­ing reg­u­lar reports. She informs him on the progress of the the­sis she con­tin­ues writ­ing. Likk 1Link 2Link 3


■ On Novem­ber 22 2019, the pro­fes­sor direct­ing his the­sis writes to her stu­dent: “The the­sis is fin­ished. All that is left are the cor­rec­tions. If you can­not han­dle them, we will take care of them our­selves.” Link


■ And we under­stand, from anoth­er mail on the same day (Novem­ber 22) that Mr. Berat Albayrak does not han­dle the cor­rec­tions on the the­sis writ­ten for him and sent to him by his pro­fes­sor. Some­one by the name of Mehmet Muş takes care of this for him, with his team. Does the name Mehmet Muş strike you as famil­iar? Link


■ Mehmet Muş is a very nasty fel­low because dur­ing this same peri­od, he had addressed him­self to “Mr” Berat Albayrak by call­ing him “big bro”. He is cur­rent­ly a mem­ber of the gov­er­nors of the AKP and vice-pres­i­dent of the AKP’s par­lia­men­tary group. Link

Kedis­tan offers you the con­tent of this mail (from the cor­rec­tor) and attempts to keep some of its orig­i­nal fla­vor: “Big bro, salaam aleikum. When I sent you a mail yes­ter­day, as can be seen below, I invol­un­tar­i­ly only used your first name. Big bro, this was total­ly in error. I just real­ized it and I’m ter­ri­bly embar­rassed. Big bro Berat. Big bro, real­ly, I felt ill when I noticed it. I apol­o­gize. May your Fri­day be blessed.”

■ We are not day­dream­ing. Thanks to the help he received from Mrs Erişah Arı­can and Mr. Batu and Mr. Güçlü (which is clear­ly expressed in the mail), Mr. Berat Albayrak obtained his title of “Dr.” I admit I have not dug any deep­er for Sirs Batu and Güçlü. I don’t know what has become of them now, if you find any­thing, please share. Link


■ Mrs Erişah Arı­can even sends her stu­dent the sum­ma­ry of the the­sis he must sub­mit. Link


■ And sooooo, Mrs Erişah who is so help­ful would also have answered some of the require­ments expressed by Mon­sieur le Min­istre. In her own way, she iden­ti­fies left­ists, Free Masons, Grey Wolves in her uni­ver­si­ty and turns their names over to Mr. Berat. Link


■ When we come to 2015, we see that the exchanges between Erişah Arı­can and Berat Albayrak are about inter-Par­ty activ­i­ties. Mrs Erişah informs Berat Albayrak, whom she now calls “Ven­er­a­ble Mas­ter” on Kur­dish “opin­ion lead­ers. Link


■ Pri­or to writ­ing all this, I want­ed more infor­ma­tion on Erişah Arı­can. But for some rea­son, every­where I looked, her CV begins in 1988 at Mar­mara Uni­ver­si­ty. Where was she born? Where did she obtain her license. Non-exis­tent information.


■ I did­n’t find any­thing for the longest time. I was los­ing my mind over it. The wom­an’s life seemed to begin with her uni­ver­si­ty research mis­sion. I’m not exag­ger­at­ing. Try search­ing, you will see. Any­way, lat­er in an infor­ma­tion arti­cle, I at least found out she was born in Derik, Mardin dis­trict. Giv­en the lack of infor­ma­tion, this was precious.

On Novem­ber 30, Metin continues…

■ Copies of Mrs Erişah’s CV show up in many places, but they all begin with her uni­ver­si­ty research in 1988. No infor­ma­tion on her license. She is hid­ing it. Why? I’ve done a lot of search­ing to no avail. Please help me.


■ We have at least found out she was born in Derik. Let’s take it from there.


■ Hop­ing to find infor­ma­tion on her license, I searched for traces in Derik. Found noth­ing. But I was able to con­firm she is from Derik, And even, on Face­book, the proud com­ment by some­one from her part of the coun­try, “Erişah Arı­can of the Xıdran (Hıdıran) tribe heads the stock mar­ket,” thus also telling me the name of her tribe.


■ I looked up the Xıdran tribe. I found detailed infor­ma­tion on the web­site of peo­ple from Derik. The con­tent did not hold my atten­tion but when I saw the sig­na­ture at the end of the arti­cle, I said to myself, great, here we go! It was writ­ten by Hasan Eken. You remem­ber, Berat Albayrak’s first the­sis direc­tor. He is from Derik also.


■ I searched to see where Prof. Dr. Hasan Eken would find him­self these days. He has become the chief advi­sor to Kılıç­daroğlu [the Gen­er­al sec­re­tary of the Peo­ple’s Repub­li­can Par­ty – CHP]. Which is to say that the pro­fes­sor who was demand­ing a the­sis in con­for­mi­ty with the pro­ce­dure is now Kılıç­daroğlu’s advisor…And the pro­fes­sor who wrote Berat Albayrak’s the­sis for him is now in the lead­er­ship of the TWF and head of the stock market.


■ I also see that Berat and his broth­er Ser­hat Albayrak obtained their “Dr” titles in the same place. Both of the the­sis direc­tors are from Derik. One occu­pies the sec­ond place after Erdoğan at the TWF, the oth­er is advi­sor to Kılıç­daroğlu. Note: Erişah Arı­can is again the one who super­vised from the shad­ows Ser­hat Albayrak’s the­sis. The doc­u­ments appear below.



■ Erhan Eroğlu a teacher at Kadir Has Uni­ver­si­ty, adds the fol­low­ing to Erişah Arı­can’s becom­ing Berat Albayrak’s the­sis direc­tor. “With Erişah you will be a Dr in a year, Dr. Berat Albayrak” and he adds that Ser­hat Albayrak also became a Dr with Erişah’s help. Link


■ Then a teacher at Kadir Has Uni­ver­si­ty, Erhan Eroğlu send his stu­dent Berat Albayrak the ques­tions for the exam. “Inch’Al­lah, you will pass this time” he says and adds a note at the end of his mal “this must remain between us, even your clos­est kin must not know”. Link


■ Then, Erhan Eroğlu who helps Mr. Berat in obtain­ing his Ph.d and even pro­vides him with exam ques­tions when required, also has requests. For exam­ple, he has a dream: becom­ing a pilot. His wish is grant­ed. He is hired, yes, yes. Link

In one of his mails, Erhan Eroğlu tells Berat Albayrak: “I went to the appoint­ment thanks to your inter­ven­tion. But since I had nev­er seen a cock­pit before, I did­n’t get a very good result on the sim­u­la­tion test…”

■ All right, let’s get back to Erişah Arı­can. The one who was the­sis direc­tor to the Min­is­ter of Finance who signed the coun­try’s eco­nom­ic col­lapse, but also of Murat Uysal, the direc­tor of the Cen­tral Bank of the Repub­lic of Turkey (TCMB) who was relieved of his duties on Novem­ber 7 2020. She per­son­al­ly wrote Albayrak’s the­sis, as for Uysal’s, it turned out to have been pla­gia­rized. Yet, Erisah is still an author­i­ty in the economy.


■ The fact may not be ter­ri­bly impor­tant in itself, but since she insists on hid­ing it, it arous­es curios­i­ty. Where did Erişah Arı­can obtain her license? You can­not find it either? In a pri­vate mes­sage, I was informed that her name at birth was Abdur­rahi­moğlu. This was not enough to achieve some progress.

A few days lat­er, we dis­cov­er with Metin that Erişah Arı­can has been hid­ing her uni­ver­si­ty past because she would have obtained her diplo­ma through …a cor­re­spon­dence course…

Metin Cihan picks up the thread on Decem­ber 1st 2020…

■ Three aca­d­e­mics write a stu­den­t’s the­sis and, in exchange, receive gifts. You are now famil­iar with Erişah Arı­can. She heads the stock mar­ket and the TFW. The two oth­ers, Batu Tunay and Güçlü Okay are cur­rent­ly exec­u­tives at the “School of bank­ing and insur­ance” of Mar­mara Uni­ver­si­ty. E‑mail images


■ This may be slight­ly off top­ic but…Every month, mon­ey drawn from our pock­ets enters Erişah Arı­can’s wal­let. They have called this a “Right to Seren­i­ty”. The direc­torate at the Bor­sa Istan­bul set the month­ly amount itself: 24 000 Turk­ish lira (approx­i­mate­ly 2 500€)

bourse turquie

Deci­sion tak­en on 14.04.2020 for the allowance of month­ly “Right to Seren­i­ty” allowance , for the Bor­sa’s direc­tor, 24 000 TL and for mem­bers of the board of gov­er­nors 18 000 TL.

Decem­ber 2, the sto­ry continues

■ The infor­ma­tion has come in. A cross-check with the emails pro­vid­ed a con­fir­ma­tion. Guess what? He taught cours­es at Mar­mara Uni­ver­si­ty on: “How to write a the­sis”. Coor­di­na­tor: Erişah Arı­can. The course was offered by: Berat Albayrak.

Erişah Arı­can, “I’m send­ing you the list of all the iden­ti­ty num­bers of stu­dents that have par­tic­i­pat­ed in the course up until now”. [Kedis­tan: send­ing ID num­bers to a prof!?]

Metin Cihan does­n’t give up, we are now on Decem­ber 3

■ We greet Fahret­tin Altun to the series. The day after request­ing that the cit­i­zens each donate 10 Turk­ish lira for the sol­i­dar­i­ty cam­paign “Biz bize yeter­iz” (We are self-suf­fi­cient) [in order to replen­ish the cof­fers for the fight against the pan­dem­ic] on Erişah Arı­can’s pro­pos­al, they decid­ed to add the “Right to Seren­i­ty” to oth­er salaries, 24 000 TL for the direc­tor and 18 000 TL for mem­bers of the board of gov­er­nors… tax-exempt.

A slight clarification:

Fahret­tin Altun heads the Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Direc­torate of the Pres­i­dent of the Turk­ish Repub­lic, found­ed on July 24 201. With the fol­low­ing mis­sion: “Estab­lish­ing deep and mul­ti­lat­er­al rela­tion­ships with pub­lic opin­ion, deciders and nation­al and inter­na­tion­al media; insur­ing a qual­i­fied rep­re­sen­ta­tion of Turkey in all areas through the use of tools and meth­ods of com­mu­ni­ca­tion, and con­se­quent­ly ‘rein­forc­ing the Turkey label”.

The TRT sta­tions but also Anadolu Agency (AA) “Their Mas­ter’s Voice” that our dear French-lan­guage media relay with­out any qualms in France are all linked to this young “insti­tu­tion”. The very one that deliv­ers Turk­ish press cards.

No surpise if the famous salaried trolls of the regime are under the orders of that same house…

Of course, they don’t leave Metin alone…

… ■ I think they are attempt­ing to hack my account. I’m receiv­ing secu­ri­ty warn­ings. If I lose every­thing in my attempt to pro­tect my account, don’t hold it against me. But they must­n’t over­do it either. I’ll go have a drink of water and come back with a new account. What­ev­er hapens, I will go on writ­ing. Know­ing truths is every­one’s right.

… ■ All is well. Appar­ent­ly there is no prob­lem. I’ve increased the secu­ri­ty on my account, but it might still hap­pen any­way. At the same time, I don’t wor­ry over it too much… In any event, it was some­thing like an ad break, sor­ry about that.

Decem­ber 8

Metin explains how his curios­i­ty was raised and how he start­ed explor­ing the top­ic, how he goes about it, attempts to cross-ref­er­ence the infor­ma­tion he finds in the emails with oth­er sources and tes­ti­mo­ni­als… He adds “in fact, I’m curi­ous, I search, I inves­ti­gate, I find, I share. I think every­one is enti­tled to know every­thing. That is my ‘secret’ 🙂 Besides, I have fun when I see the com­mu­ni­ca­tion con­tor­sions the Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Direc­tor Fahret­tin Altun goes through with attempts at respons­es from the 25-sto­ry build­ing and the house on the shores of the Bospho­rus, and through salaried trolls act­ing as go-betweens.”

Metin then shares Twit­ter sta­tis­tics. Indeed, the dis­cus­sion thread has been viewed close to 6 mil­lion times. Metin empha­sizes that although Prof Hasan Eken, Berat Albayrak’s first the­sis direc­tor, replaced at his request by Erişah Arı­can, has con­firmed that events hap­pened exact­ly in the way we have so clear­ly fol­lowed through the exchange of emails, the media do not dare car­ry the infor­ma­tion and no pros­e­cu­tor has opened an inquest.

Metin CihanIn a tweet, he address­es Fetul­lah Altun directly:

■ Since Erişah Arı­can is not a Twit­ter user, I put the ques­tion direct­ly to Fetul­lah Altun, a mem­ber of the stock exchanges’s board of gov­er­nors. You have thus tak­en the deci­sion of allo­cat­ing your­self a salary + 18 000 TL tax-free as a month­ly “Right to seren­i­ty” + plus an offi­cial car / all expens­es, and all this free of every fis­cal impo­si­tion? …And the direc­tor is Erişah Arı­can in person?


■ I add here the doc­u­ment of this deci­sion @fahrettinaltun, so that you may go deep­er into silence… Look, in April while the peo­ple were con­vuls­ing under the pan­dem­ic, how could you hold a meet­ing to extend such priv­i­leges to your­self. When will you be sati­at­ed? Link to the document


■ Do not think I am receiv­ing files… I was vac­u­um­ing when I sud­den­ly thought about it, I typed “Istan­bul stock exchange min­utes board of gov­er­nors” on google. That’s all. Try it and see… Link + archival link in case the doc­u­ment disappears


■ The media are start­ing to talk about it now. The CHP deputy, Özgür Özel dis­plays the doc­u­ment and explains the details dur­ing a press con­fer­ence. The top­ic is final­ly going beyond social networks.


■ Fahret­tin Altun declares that he has received “Right to Seren­i­ty” pay­ments from the Istan­bul stock exchange for the past two years, but that he uses this mon­ey for char­i­ty and good deeds.

Metin con­tin­ues:

■ Since there was men­tion of rev­enues enter­ing Fahret­tin Altun’s house­hold, inevitably, the ques­tion cropped up of his wife Fat­ma­nur Altun’s rev­enues as she is an inde­pen­dent mem­ber of the THY air­line com­pa­ny’s board of gov­er­nors. Those mem­bers receive month­ly salaries + trimes­tri­al bonus­es, with a total tax exon­er­a­tion. I shared the doc­u­ment of the decision.


■ Fat­ma­nur Altun declares that she is an “inde­pen­dent” mem­ber and receives no pay­ment. But the report on the THY’s activ­i­ties and poli­cies says no such thing. I also find that in 2019, THY paid its gov­er­nors, direc­tor and their assis­tants 25,224.300 TL (equiv­a­lent to 2,656,466€). Source: the THY website

Fur­ther to all this…

THY author­i­ties declare that Fat­ma­nur Altun has renounced receiv­ing these pay­ments. Metin Cihan shares this. But…

■ From pri­vate mes­sages, I learn that Mrs Altun tru­ly did ben­e­fit from these pay­ments up until now. So I ask when she gave them up. No answer.

Metin insists:

■ Since Fat­ma­nur Altun has blocked me on Twit­ter, I can­not ask her myself. Please ask her.

fatmanur altunTweets rain down labelled with her name and repeat­ing the same question…

Today, an “offend­ed” Fat­ma­nur Altun reacts on her Twit­ter account, in a rather unple­sant, polar­iz­ing and pre­sump­tu­ous post:

I see that once again, those who would strut around like Cre­sus if they were in the same posi­tion, con­sid­er those of our envi­ron­ment worth­less. Even my dec­la­ra­tion of renounc­ing to my salary did noth­ing to reduce their hatred. These are peo­ple which, once you give a hand want an arm, blind to their own faults, jeal­ous and indecent.”

One of her fans advis­es her: “If I were you, I would wear a very expen­sive fur and dri­ve them even cra­zier.” And Fat­ma­nur responds with a hap­py emoji.

Let’s stop here!

Since the time has come to pub­lish this arti­cle. While we were writ­ing it, infor­ma­tion from Metin con­tin­ued. In Turkey, every­one belong­ing to the pres­i­den­tial caste is relat­ed to anoth­er, every­thing is tan­gled. As you can see, as soon as you go through one door, rev­e­la­tions reveal anoth­er door to push…

No doubt about it, Berat Albayrak’s emails are a trove in which to dis­cov­er trea­sures of embez­zle­ments, cor­rup­tions, misappropriations…And he was the Min­is­ter of the Economy.

And that is how the econ­o­my pro­ceeds in Turkey under the lead­er­ship of its most serene author­i­ties. All of them with doctorates….From the Pres­i­dent down to the Min­is­ters, choco­late diplo­mas appear on every shelf. True enough, since the Pres­i­dent got angry at his friend Gülen, grey mat­ter, be it of the broth­er­hood kind, has some­what melt­ed in the ranks of the State’s admin­is­tra­tion. What is also remark­able here is how it brings to light the func­tion­ing of the car­tel. And, we have no doubt, pros­e­cu­tions will be launched against…the whistleblowers.

Do you know Erişah Arı­can? Yes, now you know a bit about her.

Final­ly, how many are there like her in the State machin­ery? We can’t know them all.

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
You may use and share Kedistan’s articles and translations, specifying the source and adding a link in order to respect the writer(s) and translator(s) work. Thank you.
*A word to English-speaking readers: in all instances where the original text is in Turkish or Kurdish, the English version is derived from French translations. Inevitably, some shift in meaning occurs with each translation. Hopefully, the intent of the original is preserved in all cases. While an ideal situation would call for a direct translation from the original, access to information remains our main objective in this exercise and, we hope, makes more sense than would a translation provided by AI…
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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.