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Decem­ber 29 2014. By a cool win­ter morn­ing, men and women fight­ers of the PKK sat in a cir­cle on plas­tic chairs around a fire on which they warmed their hands. They talked with one of their own, sit­ting with them, an old­er man with thin­ning hair. Noth­ing set him apart from the oth­ers, except the respect­ful tone used in address­ing him. Reg­u­lar­ly, their dis­cus­sion was inter­rupt­ed by some­one bring­ing him a mes­sage. He gave his orders in a calm and poised voice. This man was Egîd Civyan, coman­dant in the HPG.

When ISIS sent its fight­ers to com­mit a mas­sacre in Shen­gal, he was the one who, with a hand­ful of PKK fight­ers, went to the help of the Yezi­di pop­u­la­tion aban­doned by the pesh­mer­gas who were on the pay­roll of the Barzani fam­i­ly and flee­ing across the moun­tain. Thus, he allowed the open­ing of a cor­ri­dor toward Roja­va by which 150 000 peo­ple man­aged to escape being mas­sa­cred. He then orga­nized a counter-attack against ISIS and the secur­ing of lib­er­at­ed zones for Yezi­di refugees, up to the offen­sive to reclaim the town of Shen­gal, begin­ning in Decem­ber 2014 and end­ing one year later.

Egîd Civyan

Pho­togra­phie: Loez

Accord­ing to a release from the HPG com­mand, Egîd Civyan fell as a mar­tyr in the Van region on Sep­tem­ber 11 2020. He was then a mem­ber of the HPG com­mand and respon­si­ble for the region of Botan. He died in the aer­i­al counter-attack launched by the Turk­ish avi­a­tion, fol­low­ing the storm­ing of a Turk­ish army com­mand at the top of a hill by a group of fight­ers, dur­ing which the HPG claim to have killed sev­er­al high-rank­ing Turk­ish officers.

Egîd Civyan was born in the region of Gev­er, in Bakur (North­ern Kur­dis­tan) under the name of Vahdet­tin Karay. He dis­cov­ered Öcalan’s think­ing dur­ing his stud­ies. In 1995, he aban­doned the uni­ver­si­ty to join the PKK and fought in its ranks for 25 years, from Botan to the Zagros moun­tains. He com­mand­ed sev­er­al zones. Dur­ing the gueril­la’s retreat from North­ern Kur­dis­tan in 2013, he moved about in the Medya defence zone where he was active notably in orga­ni­za­tion and education.

After the lib­er­a­tion of Shen­gal in 2015, he remained there for two more years and par­tic­i­pat­ed in the set­ting up of an autonomous admin­is­tra­tion based on the mod­el of that in Roja­va, before return­ing in 2017 to the Medya defence zone and in the Botan in 2018.

With his death, the PKK has lost a bat­tle-hard­ened com­bat­ant and a valu­able com­man­dant.


Pho­togra­phie: Loez

Illus­tra­tion: Pho­togra­phie by Loez.

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
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Pho­to-jour­nal­iste indépendant
Loez s’in­téresse depuis plusieurs années aux con­séquences des États-nations sur le peu­ple kurde, et aux luttes de celui-ci.