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A ripe spring gave over­ripe, and even rot­ten fruit… Bring on sum­mer.

Well, Ramadan is over and so are the hol­i­days. The Reis offered his belat­ed wish­es in a speech. I notice he does­n’t miss a sin­gle oppor­tu­ni­ty to address him­self to the Naaaa­tion, even if he must steal the words from his min­is­ters, those who are doing the work, but he has to be the one to say it per­son­al­ly. That’s what being Reis is all about.

In this lat­est speech in which he cel­e­brates as usu­al “the suc­cess of Turkey which has become an exam­ple to the world when it comes to fight­ing the coro­n­avirus”, he spec­i­fies that “we are con­vinced that a bright future awaits us, because dur­ing this peri­od our Nation demon­strat­ed its deter­mi­na­tion in avoid­ing all the traps laid out on its path, one after the oth­er, in order to reach the objec­tives laid out for 2023.“

That famous 2023 is the cen­ten­ni­al of the found­ing of the Turk­ish Repub­lic on Octo­ber 29 1923. But under the wrap­pings of 100 repub­li­can years, the Reis and his mus­cled ones are most­ly focused on the date of the sig­na­ture of the Lau­sanne Treaty, on July 24 1923 and, using the notion that the Treaty will no longer be viable beyond 100 years, tit­il­late the crowds with the car­rot of a “New Ottoman” empire.

“May 27 is the date on which the virus of the State coup entered Turkey for the first time,” said the Reis. Fun­ny, I though that the virus was Armen­ian, Kur­dish, or from some oth­er minori­ties, or LGBT, unless it be women… I see the word “virus” is pop­u­lar and gets used with­out mod­er­a­tion…

As for May 27th… You can take a look at the arti­cle “1960 Turk­ish coup d’é­tat” on Wikipedia. If I sum­ma­rize for you, it says “The 1960 mil­i­tary coup d’é­tat in Turkey was orga­nized on May 27 1960 by a group of Turk­ish army offi­cers against the demo­c­ra­t­i­cal­ly elect­ed gov­ern­ment of the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty (…) Pres­i­dent Celal Bayar, Prime Min­is­ter Adnan Menderes and a few oth­er mem­bers of the gov­ern­ment were arrest­ed and judged by an irreg­u­lar tri­bunal set up by the jun­ta, on the island of Yassıa­da in the sea of Mar­mara. These politi­cians from the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty were accused of high trea­son, of mis­use of pub­lic funds and of abro­gat­ing the con­sti­tu­tion. (…) The tri­als con­clud­ed with the exe­cu­tion of Menderes, of the For­eign Affairs Min­is­ter Fatin Rüştü Zor­lu and of the Finance Min­is­ter Hasan Polatkan on the island of Imralı on Sep­tem­ber 16 1961. Pres­i­dent Celal Bayar was sen­tenced to life impris­on­ment. The mil­i­tary dis­solved the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty, then accused of being an Islamist Par­ty.”

Still on a roll, the Reis con­tin­ued: “Unfor­tu­nate­ly, from that date for­ward, we have been con­front­ed by many attacks such as putschs, jun­tas, mem­o­ran­dums, procla­ma­tions or attempts at coups. Between clever foot­work and attempts at coups, from attacks by ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tions to the offence of eco­nom­ic manip­u­la­tions, every means have been attempt­ed but the great and pow­er­ful jour­ney of our Turkey has nev­er been stopped.”

“Menderes and his friends paid the price of the ser­vices ren­dered to our coun­try and Nation, through heavy tor­ture, humil­i­a­tions, impris­on­ment and the march to the gal­lows.“

But Erdo­gan the First is con­fi­dent: “The will and the courage that our Nation dis­played on July 15 [dur­ing the 2016 attempt­ed coup] is the sign that the days of jun­tas, putschs and trustee­ships are over, inch’al­lah.”

He fol­lows with the “Feast of the Con­quest” which cel­e­brat­ed the cap­ture of Con­stan­tino­ple by Otoman forces. He announces that dur­ing the week of cel­e­bra­tions orga­nized by the Min­istry of Cul­ture and Tourism, prayers will be held in San­ta Sophia, begin­ning tomor­row, May 29… God, such beau­ti­ful symbolism!

For more (in French) read on historian Etienne Copeaux’ blog Susam Sokak
Esquisse n° 45 — Notes sur les commémorations de la Fetih avant 1996
Esquisse n° 46 — Erdogan, Erbakan et la prise de Constantinople


He con­tin­ues with account­ing on the peri­od of the epi­dem­ic which is far from over in Turkey…

“From Mau­ri­ta­nia to Bolivia, we did not aban­don a sin­gle one of our cit­i­zens.” Then he under­scores: “We man­aged to respond to 100 of the 135 coun­tries that request­ed our aid or our prod­ucts. Allah be thanked, with the sup­port pro­vid­ed by our Nation, with our health ser­vices and oth­er mea­sures, we head the list of coun­tries hav­ing come through the pan­dem­ic peri­od with the least concerns.”

Indeed, along with “mea­sures” unique in the world, while over here we were dying from a lack of masks and of tests, along with the 10 Turk­ish lira request­ed from the peo­ple, plus mon­ey col­lect­ed from the tax­pay­er, sev­er­al aids were sent here and there, for com­mu­ni­ca­tion purposes…

printemps génocide

Oper­a­tion “out­stretched hand” of the great coun­try that is Turkey, in its Paris Embassy.

For exam­ple, at the end of April, pro-AKP media informed that “after extend­ing a hand” to Spain and Italy, Turkey had respond­ed to a request from Nathalie Goulet, Sen­a­tor in the French départe­ment of Orne who likes the Reis very much1Turkey sent 500 san­i­tary blous­es and 20 000 masks.

The aid was hand­ed over to Nathalie at the Turk­ish Embassy in Paris, pre­cise­ly dur­ing the 10th anniver­say of the Armen­ian Geno­cide, in the hall express­ly dec­o­rat­ed with por­traits of Turk­ish diplo­mats assas­si­nat­ed (80′) by the Asala (Secret Armen­ian Army for the Lib­er­a­tion of Arme­nia).

Right in the kiss­er, a stink­ing com­mu­ni­co­pro­pa­gan­da oper­a­tion, as rot­ten as the fruit!

printemps fruits pourris

The cher­ry fly “Rhago­letis cerasi” attacks cher­ries exclu­sive­ly : its white mag­gots gorge on the pulp of the fruit, ren­der­ing it unfit for human consumption.

In short, I spare you his usu­al lan­guage and innu­en­dos, the Reis is announc­ing the return of trips, the re-open­ing of parks and gar­dens, cafés and restau­rants along with the return of ini­tia­tives such as open air con­certs, all of this under­lined by the impor­tance of “the peo­ple respect­ing san­i­tary rules.”

The fruit is spoiled… The sum­mer promis­es to be rot­ten too.

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
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Ten­dress­es, coups de gueule et révolte ! Bil­lets d’humeur…