The Gre­co-Turk­ish bor­der has seen a con­sid­er­able arrival of migrants due to the Turk­ish regime’s black­mail on the Euro­pean Union. Here also, the “coro­n­avirus” is act­ing as a reveal­er, as well as a threat.

Türkçe Taz Gazete | Français | English

The report by Vecih Cuz­dan was pub­lished in Turk­ish on Taz Gazete on March 19 2020.

The Turk­ish Min­is­ter of the Inte­ri­or has closed the bor­der toward Greece because of the coro­n­avirus. Turned back at the bor­der, the migrants attempt to pick up their life in Turkey. Some are deter­mined in not com­ing back.

Mah­yar who worked for a bar­ber in the Esen­ler neigh­bor­hood in Istan­bul who only hired Ira­ni­ans, received an unex­pect­ed phone call on Feb­ru­ary 28. A col­league who had­n’t shown up for work was call­ing. This is how Mah­yar learned that the bor­ders were open. He decid­ed to seize the oppor­tu­ni­ty. With ten oth­er peo­ple, includ­ing his com­pan­ion Mari­am and three col­leagues, he rent­ed a minibus at a cost of 170€ and head­ed for Edirne. Once there, while pos­ing for jour­nal­ists they met, they fig­ured this would be their last pho­to of Turkey where they had been liv­ing for a year or so.

But when they saw how the Greek secu­ri­ty forces were act­ing at the bor­der, they decid­ed to head back imme­di­ate­ly to Istan­bul. Where Mah­yar now waits, once again, for the same cus­tomers in the same bar­ber shop. He wears a cap bear­ing the fol­low­ing words: “My life is my life”. He speaks, low­er­ing his head: “So it was­n’t the right moment to head for Europe. Even if we had man­aged to make it into Greece, we would have been stuck over there. The Turk­ish gov­ern­ment and the media lied to us.”

Fol­low­ing the Turk­ish gov­ern­men­t’s mes­sage at the end of Feb­ru­ary “we have opened the doors”, tens of thou­sands of migrants trav­elled toward the Gre­co-Turk­ish bor­der. From the onset of the cri­sis, the Min­is­ter of the Inte­ri­or, Süley­man Soy­lu had com­mu­ni­cat­ed dai­ly fig­ures of peo­ple who had entered Europe. His last dec­la­ra­tion was on March 7th. Claim­ing that the num­ber of migrants who had crossed the bor­der num­bered over 143,000, Soy­lu spoke enourag­ing words: “The weath­er is warm now and the tem­per­a­ture is still ris­ing. The water lev­el is down to 45 cm in cer­tain areas. This means you can cross over on foot.”

Because of the prob­lems find­ing shel­ter, food and hygien­ic con­di­tions, along with the uncer­tain­ty of the sit­u­a­tion, a num­ber of peo­ple went back to the towns they had left. Pres­i­dent Erdo­gan, crit­i­cized for his poli­cies, held a video­con­fer­ence on March 17 with Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron and Boris John­son. The Euro­pean lead­ers said they were favor­able to finan­cial aid for Turkey from the Euro­pean Union, so that the migrants remain in Turkey. The fol­low­ing day, the Turk­ish Min­is­ter of the Inte­ri­or announced that the Greek and Bul­gar­i­an bor­ders were closed due to the coro­n­avirus. Fol­low­ing this deci­sion, it is expect­ed that those who have gone on wait­ing for three weeks in the buffer zone between the bor­ders of Pazarkule and Kas­ta­nies will be sent back to Istanbul.

Despite head­ing back to Istan­bul, Mah­yar (28) and his com­pan­ion Miri­am (24) have not lived down what they expe­ri­enced at the bor­der. Mari­am, who works part-time in a beau­ty salon and sells on Insta­gram dress­es she cre­ates says she fell into a depres­sion upon return­ing from Edirne. She says it was not easy, see­ing all those peo­ple sleep­ing under tarps and speaks of how she felt when one of the gas pel­lets fell at her feet. “I could­n’t breathe, I could­n’t think. All I heard were voic­es. Women scream­ing, chil­dren crying…all I want­ed was to flee.” She says she has tried talk­ing with her friends, and get­ting back to a dai­ly rou­tine. “We had things to lose, even if they were very few things. We tried to cling to them.”

Syr­i­ans with a “tem­po­rary pro­tec­tion” sta­tus in Turkey are allowed to work, under spe­cif­ic con­di­tions and lim­i­ta­tions. Most of the migrants from Iran, Irak or Afghanistan have less rights. For exam­ple, the res­i­den­cy per­mit, based on visa agree­ments between Iran and Turkey, can­not extend more than a total of 90 days every 6 months. Strangers with no legal sta­tus must pay a “res­i­den­cy tax” dur­ing their stay in Turkey.

Accord­ing to Mah­yar, Turkey sees refugees as tourists and only cares about their mon­ey: “One day they say ‘you can stay’, the next day ‘we won’t give out any more res­i­den­cy per­mits’. If you have mon­ey, buy an apart­ment and become a cit­i­zen. If you have no mon­ey, you have no busi­ness being here. It is not a sta­ble sit­u­a­tion.” Mah­yar men­tions they had sought per­mis­sion from their boss who is a good and under­stand­ing per­son: “We told him we would come back if we could­n’t get through. He said ‘ok’ and gave us two, three days for the attempt.”

This is not the case for many peo­ple who have been wait­ing by the bor­der for the past three weeks. The migrants patient­ly wait­ing , faced by bar­ri­cades, blocks of con­crete and barbed wire have no life wait­ing for them in Istan­bul. On March 13, two young Afgha­nis began a hunger strike and sewed their mouths shut as a protest against what is going on on the border.

An activist who does not wish to be iden­ti­fied and who has been fol­low­ing events on the bor­der for the past 20 days, says peo­ple from Afghanistan are numer­ous in the zone: “Among them, the major­i­ty feels they were tricked. Most of them had a more or less set­tled life and came here, leav­ing a house, leav­ing a job. Some don’t want to go back for that very rea­son, they say they don’t know what they will would do if they went back.

Negotiations are ongoing, perhaps there will be some result”

Kusay, a Syr­i­an, has been “shel­ter­ing” for the past two weeks with his fam­i­ly under a makeshift tent. The zone being closed off to all media except those close to the gov­ern­ment, Taz Gazete was able to reach Kusay any­way, over the phone. He explained they were try­ing to stay clean by wash­ing in the riv­er, stand in line for hours in order to eat. Kusay says he must pro­vide his fin­ger­prints in order to leave the zone and go to a super­mar­ket some three kilo­me­ters away and for this pro­ce­dure in itself, he must wait in line for hours.

Among the migrants who learned the bor­ders would be closed, there are some who board­ed the bus­es wait­ing to take them back to Istan­bul, but there are oth­ers still attempt­ing to cross into Greece by cut­ting through the barbed wire… Kusay says he wants to wait here, at least for a few more days, despite every­thing. There is no work wait­ing for him in Istan­bul: “Per­haps there will be some pos­i­tive result, fol­low­ing the nego­ti­a­tions between Erdo­gan and the Euro­pean leaders.”

From time to time, Kusay hears bit of news. In a group on Telegram titled “The pro­ces­sion break­ing through bor­ders”, there are news and the men­tion of any progress. There is also con­firmed infor­ma­tion… One Syr­i­an writes “Nego­ti­a­tions are ongo­ing, per­haps there will be some result”. Anoth­er shares a video of an extra­or­di­nary ses­sion at the Ger­man Par­lia­ment under the head­ing “The Europan Union votes for the migrants’ sit­u­a­tion.” At times, over one thou­sand mes­sages are pub­lished. Peo­ple no longer know who they should believe. Hope that springs up sud­den­ly dis­ap­pears just as quick­ly. But the real­i­ty in Europe is that what is hap­pen­ing on the bor­der is dis­cussed less and less as the days go by. Because, hence­forth, coro­n­avirus defines what is news and what isn’t…

Aca­d­e­m­ic Cavi­dan Soykan who works on themes of human rights, asy­lum and migra­tion, also states that, because of the coro­n­avirus, the media no longer pro­vide infor­ma­tion con­cern­ing the peo­ple crammed at the bor­ders and that the “open door” pol­i­cy is com­ing to an end. She adds that per­sons who are sent toward the bor­der may find them­selves with jail sen­tences or fines for hav­ing left the town where they were reg­is­tered and points out that the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion leads to an increase in racist attacks against the migrants: “I’m con­cerned by the thought that, should Covid-19 become a seri­ous epi­dem­ic, the price for this will be paid by the migrants forced to return from the border”.

In the bar­ber­shop in Esen­ler, the news has also changed. The cou­ple who came from Iran to Turkey with the hope of a life more free and secure has put a hold on its dream of reach­ing Europe for the time being. They are nonethe­less con­vinced that Turkey holds no promise of a future for them. Mah­yar goes on work­ing 12 hours a day. In this large and spa­cious salon, on the ground floor of a recent­ly built build­ing, half of what each cus­tomer pays for a shave, is for him.

After a momen­t’s silence, he asks the ques­tion both­er­ing him: “does the coro­n­avirus also touch barbers?”

Vecih Cuz­dan

A few days later:
Evacuation of Migrants on the Greco-Turkish border

Pho­to à la Une : Murat Bay

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
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*A word to English-speaking readers: in all instances where the original text is in Turkish or Kurdish, the English version is derived from French translations. Inevitably, some shift in meaning occurs with each translation. Hopefully, the intent of the original is preserved in all cases. While an ideal situation would call for a direct translation from the original, access to information remains our main objective in this exercise and, we hope, makes more sense than would a translation provided by AI…
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