You must have noticed that Kedis­tan has tak­en on a new look. There are still a few adjust­ments to make and every­thing will be oper­a­tional for anoth­er year.

Français | English

Some of our read­ers still see the men­tion “unse­cured site” when they log on. This is nor­mal. The site is not “secured” as Google under­stands the term in its attempt at impos­ing its own norm. Kedis­tan is not a bank but we pro­tect your data, instead of mak­ing mon­ey out of them as Google does. We have kept to a min­i­mum the col­lec­tion of data when con­nect­ing to Kedis­tan and, most of all, we do not share the email address­es you may pro­vide when sub­scrib­ing or in oth­er con­tacts. Still no ads or paid arti­cles. Sub­scrip­tion to the “week­ly let­ter” is still free also.

Vol­un­teer work is always the rule for the team. It is even a prin­ci­ple. The web­site is also open to col­lab­o­ra­tions, in this same spirit.

With­out con­fus­ing our read­ers, we have attempt­ed to make the front page as pleas­ant, acces­si­ble and func­tion­al as pos­si­ble. There will be oth­er improve­ments. The load­ing of the site should be faster, and read­ing off a mobile or tablet should be eas­i­er. We know that more than 60% of you read us that way.

As new arti­cles emerge they will also be airi­er, and eas­i­er on the eye.

As for con­tent, please don’t be dis­mayed if we pub­lish less musi­cal infor­ma­tion, cat news or humor. It would do us all a world of good, but have you seen the con­di­tion the world is in?

The agen­da will not longer appear. Arbi­trary pub­lish­ing choic­es led to resent­ments. The Face­book page now han­dles this aspect.

The site is enriched by trans­la­tions through new con­tacts, mean­ing that French-speak­ing read­ers now make up less than 50% of the readership.

The geeki­er ones among you are invit­ed to sub­scribe to the web­site, the Face­book page and Twit­ter also. And, most of all, to become our best dis­sem­i­na­tors by shar­ing arti­cles that speak to you on your own plat­forms. All the required tools are avail­able with three clicks. Three clicks that will be the best help you could provide.

Of course, over the past 5 years, we have not only col­lect­ed friends… A few bad encoun­ters are already forgotten…

Kedis­tan does not prac­tice “jour­nal­is­tic objec­tiv­i­ty”, as you may have noticed. We don’t spe­cial­ize in groom­ing arti­cles and we are com­mit­ted to the sud­den and long-term friend­ships that lead us to com­mit­ments in sol­i­dar­i­ty cam­paigns. The A will also remain. We will keep on this way.

Do not hes­i­tate in pro­vid­ing your impres­sions on Kedis­tan’s new look.

And do not hes­i­tate either in pro­vid­ing a help­ful hand on occa­sion, we will always make good use of your aid.

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.