Win­ter, the snow mak­ing every­thing more dif­fi­cult, the cold and piti­less night. The bombs…You can feel all this in North­east­ern Syria.

Shah­ba, where refugee camps begin and war takes over.

Français | English

Zones hold­ing refugee camps should be pro­tect­ed at the inter­na­tion­al lev­el by the Gene­va Conventions.

Images and videos from these zones show that this is not the case. This secu­ri­ty and this pro­tec­tion are utopic. A few kilo­me­ters away from places that were designed as a shel­ter, the sounds of bombs and fight­ing are heard. The Syr­i­an Kur­dish forces are defend­ing the lives of these peo­ple with their own.

Rus­sia roars against the Turk­ish aer­i­al strike. The whole por­trait is that of a com­plex chess board on which the lives of civil­ians con­tin­ue to serve as pawns.


What a hor­ri­ble night. What a night­mare,” the fam­i­lies tell us, shak­ing their heads between their hands.

They are not even eight kilo­me­ters away. This place is full of peo­ple dis­placed out of Afrin. What more do they want?”

Life. That’s what Turkey wants, the life of those who live on these lands the Turk­ish State wish­es to appro­pri­ate. Life at the heart of things, devoid of any peace, and with­out the Euro­pean Union lift­ing its eyes on the mud.

Rossel­la Assan­ti for Kedis­tan

A child remains a child every­where, no mat­ter what happens…
Pho­tos by @AzadiRojava on Twitter

  • Refugiés Shehba

Rossella Assanti

Rossella Assanti, activist and freelance journalist specialized in Kurdistan issues.
She believes in truth as a means of making justice win. Travel so that his pen becomes the voice of those who are silenced.

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
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