So, appar­ent­ly you French peo­ple are stuck with a politi­cian caught with his hands down his pants? Over here, we usu­al­ly catch them with their hands “in the cook­ie jar”. But appar­ent­ly, you take it more seri­ous­ly when they show off their phys­i­cal endowments.

Français | English

I have trou­ble imag­in­ing how dur­ing the recent elec­toral cam­paign in Istan­bul, a can­di­date could have found him­self caught show­ing off the seat of his pow­er… That’s just not done over here. As proof of their pow­er, politi­cians over here like to parade their wives, tur­banned prefer­ably.  If I under­stand cor­rect­ly – I’m attempt­ing a form of com­par­a­tive anato­my here – when lib­er­al­ism is applied to patri­archy it leads to  dis­play­ing one’s “pow­er organ”, where­as in the Mid­dle East, the sex­u­al object i.e. the wife is exhib­it­ed behind a chaste veil. In oth­er words, this would mark   the dif­fer­ence between “Ori­en­tal charm” and “lib­er­al pronography”.

You are going to say I am prud­ish and charg­ing that poor man who was the vic­tim of  a set­tling of scores. Rest assured that I could not care less what he did with his attrib­ut­es. From ages 7 to 99, no law that I know of  for­bids pulling on one’s elas­tic, except in pub­lic, as a mat­ter of respect for oth­ers. Come to think of it, over here, it would sure­ly be prefer­able to the mar­riage of minors now being rein­tro­duced by the back door. Sex is not the issue, rather its rela­tion­ship to pow­er as insti­tut­ed by patri­archy with the addi­tion, over here, of a big­ot­ted religiosity.

In short, even out­side this “lit­tle French affair” the ques­tion for me is “for what rea­son do men exhib­it their equip­ment the most often?” The rest of their per­son isn’t inter­est­ing enough? Or are they dis­play­ing as  a trun­cheon, the sym­bol of pow­er? To them, this rep­re­sents the instru­ment of absolute pos­ses­sion? I leave you to  pon­der your lech­er­ous thoughts, both hands in the air!…

As for the sec­ond ques­tion in my mind: “Why does a tale about a man’s ‘equip­ment’ pro­duce more desta­bi­liza­tion for you than would the rev­e­la­tion of huge scams?” Because I seem to note some fair­ly impres­sive ones in your fair coun­try… Since your kid-pres­i­dent has been in pow­er, and just as much before him too. But, strange­ly, embez­zle­ments don’t make the head­lines, they don’t deserve more than the fifth page. Except for a few lob­sters that escaped from a hold­ing tank and showed up on the table of a politi­cian upstart in Paris, mon­ey issues get buried in the cat­a­combs. You say this is because sex being sex, it tit­il­lates… And yet, mon­ey is where the true pow­er lies.

Wars are con­duct­ed with mon­ey, not with the cock to the fore. Although… Rape is a favorite with the mil­i­tary. And even the so-called reli­gious ones pro­vid­ed a strong exam­ple of this with ISIS. All of a sud­den, I’m not so sure of myself.

I only want­ed to give my opin­ion using an exam­ple from Parisian vaude­ville, and here I am in the thick of things… Since I’m here, I may as well continue.

The Turk­ish flag is being dragged through blood again…and the coun­try is hys­ter­i­cal, almost ready to sup­port patri­archy while stand­ing at atten­tion for the Turk­ish forces on their road to Dam­as­cus. If that was what this was all about! Just a sto­ry of conversion…from nation­al­ism to the accep­tance of mul­ti­cul­tur­al­ism. But no, the Reis’ pow­er instru­men­tal­izes dis­placed civil­ian pop­u­la­tions, ter­ror­iz­ing them while pre­tend­ing to fight against one even more nation­al­is­tic than he is, enrolling and equip­ing recy­cled Jihadists. And our politi­cians applaud as a sin­gle man for each bomb that kills…Oh yes, we are some dis­tance away from a lit­tle jerk-off, I told you. But all the atten­tion paid to it only serves to hide the misery.

You under­stand that as long as wankers will lead the world, we won’t make our way out of the brothel.

And they go at it with both hands while they’re at it.

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
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