Planned at first for pub­li­ca­tion in Decem­ber 2018, on the anniver­sary of Robos­ki, we had tak­en the wise deci­sion of delay­ing this arti­cle for after Zehra’s lib­er­a­tion from jail.

FrançaisCastellano | English

On Decem­ber 28 2011, 34 res­i­dents of the vil­lage of Robos­ki, 19 of which were minors, were torn from life by aer­i­al bomb­ings by the Turk­ish army. In this bor­der region, 8 years lat­er, impuni­ty still reigns and the fam­i­lies are still sub­ject­ed to con­stant repres­sion by the authorities.

At the time, Erdo­gan had spo­ken thus: “A group of 30–40 peo­ple, peo­ple and mules. From the air, it isn’t pos­si­ble to know if it’s Ahmet or Mehmet. The Turk­ish army did its job with sincerity.”

Since then, vis­tims have died again and again… Like so many oth­ers, this mas­sacre has still not been offi­cial­ly recognized.

Fer­hat Encü, deputy for Şır­nak who lost his broth­er and 9 oth­er mem­bers of his fam­i­ly in this attack, was jailed on Decem­ber 4 2016 along with oth­er deputies and Kur­dish men and women. He has not ceased repeat­ing: “Our fight for Robos­ki will con­tin­ue”…He was lib­er­at­ed on Feb­ru­ary 15 2017…then thrown in jail again, as has become the cus­tom in Turkey.

In order to com­mem­o­rate Robos­ki, a pris­on­er we know well, author and jour­nal­ist Zehra Doğan drew from her prison.

Here are two unpub­lished works, done with the lim­it­ed means avail­able in jail, using recy­cled bed­sheets with artistry…

(click for a larger view)
Zehra Doğan Roboski
Zehra Doğan, December 2018, Tarsus prison.
Cigarette ashes, tomato paste, tea, coffee.
Zehra Doğan Roboski

Zehra Doğan, December 2018, Tarsus prison.
Cigarette ashes, tomato paste, tea, coffee.
Photos : Jef Rabillon

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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.