Türkçe | Français | English

Ned­im Tür­fent, a jour­nal­ist from the Dicle (DIHA) news agency was arrest­ed on May 13 2016 in Van. He was then sen­tenced by the tri­bunal in Hakkari to 8 years and 9 months of prison.For his activ­i­ty as a jour­nal­ist, he is accused of “belong­ing to a ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tion” and of “ter­ror­ist pro­pa­gan­da”, the two great clas­sics of Turk­ish jus­tice. His lawyers have appealed. ON last Octo­ber 9, the Supreme Court upheld Ned­im’s sen­tence, negat­ing the words of wit­ness­es who said “we were forced to tes­ti­fy against him, with a gun to our head and with teeth pulled out”…

Ned­im has been in jail for more than 3 years. Sev­er­al orga­ni­za­tions, includ­ing PEN Inter­na­tion­al, have denounced his con­dem­na­tion and demand­ed his lib­er­a­tion. You can also bring your sup­port by sign­ing this peti­tion in French, for exam­ple, or this one in Eng­lish at PEN International.

In sol­i­dar­i­ty, Kedis­tan is pub­lish­ing a French trans­la­tion of a poem by Ned­im Tür­fent we will not attempt to adapt into English.

Instead, we refer Eng­lish-speak­ing read­ers to this let­ter pub­lished on the PEN Inter­na­tion­al website:

To our friend and col­league Ned­im Türfent,

As writ­ers, jour­nal­ists, pub­lish­ers, artists and activists, we have denounced the con­tin­u­ous dete­ri­o­ra­tion of free­dom of expres­sion in Turkey. For over two years, we have wit­nessed the Turk­ish author­i­ties pur­sue an unprece­dent­ed crack­down against inde­pen­dent voic­es, severe­ly restrict­ing fun­da­men­tal rights and free­doms. Although the state of emer­gency has now offi­cial­ly been lift­ed, Turkey remains the largest jail­er of jour­nal­ists in the world. Amongst those unfair­ly impris­oned is you, Nedim.

Today you have spent 1000 days behind bars.

1000 days trapped in a prison cell for sim­ply being a journalist.

Pri­or to your arrest in May 2016, you were cov­er­ing Turk­ish mil­i­tary oper­a­tions in south­east Turkey. For this, you paid a heavy price. Tar­get­ed with sys­tem­at­ic online harass­ment cam­paigns, you received death threats online and were threat­ened by the secu­ri­ty ser­vices unless you left the area, yet you refused. You stayed.

Charged with ter­ror­ism offences, you were kept in soli­tary con­fine­ment for near­ly two years, in har­row­ing con­di­tions in your four-meter-long prison cell, where you were denied access to TV, radio, books and news­pa­pers and forced to read ‘the back of deter­gent box­es’ to pass time.

When your tri­al opened, you were repeat­ed­ly denied the right to be phys­i­cal­ly present in court and instead had to tes­ti­fy via video­con­fer­ence, expe­ri­enc­ing severe con­nec­tion and inter­pre­ta­tion issues when you tried to give evi­dence in your native lan­guage of Kur­man­ji Kur­dish. Out of 20 wit­ness­es called to tes­ti­fy against you, 19 retract­ed their state­ments, say­ing they had been extract­ed under tor­ture. Despite such clear evi­dence of fla­grant fair-tri­al vio­la­tions, you were sen­tenced to eight years and nine months in prison in Decem­ber 2017.
Yet you stayed strong in the face of injus­tice. You took out a piece of paper, a pen, and start­ed com­pos­ing poetry.

You would keep writing.

You would not be silenced.

Today, we are writ­ing to let you know that you are not alone. We stand along­side you and unite our voic­es to call for your imme­di­ate and uncon­di­tion­al release. We will con­tin­ue to fight for the rights of jour­nal­ists and writ­ers – in Turkey and around the world – to be able to write freely, and for all those jailed for peace­ful­ly express­ing their views to be free.

Hold strong, dear friend.


To sign the peti­tion -> Click HERE
You can also write to Ned­im and his friends…

Ned­im Türfent
Van Yük­sek Güven­lik­li Kapalı Ceza İnf­az Kurumu

You can find the address­es of oth­er pris­on­ers HERE.

nedim türfent

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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.