Français | English

The pos­si­ble release of Sela­hat­tin Demir­taş pri­or to his tri­al cer­tain­ly deserves that I bend the rules con­cern­ing my diet. So out comes the bot­tle slum­ber­ing in the closet.

The good news appeared today. The bravest and most hon­est politi­cian Turkey has ever known and who, like so many oth­ers, has no busi­ness being in jail might appear as a free man before the court at his next tri­al in Jan­u­ary. However…

Turk­ish Injus­tice at the ser­vice of the Reis has more than one trick in its bag. In order to con­form to a deci­sion of the Euro­pean Human Rights Tri­bunal, one tri­bunal in Sin­can near Ankara orders his release while Injus­tice reminds every­one that Mon­sieur Demir­taş has already been sen­tenced in anoth­er trial.

He was indeed sen­tenced on appeal, to four years and eight months in jail for “ter­ror­ist pro­pa­gan­da” on Decem­ber 4th 2018… Thus, he could only request ear­ly release and the Sin­can judge’s deci­sion, reached out­side Demir­taş’ pres­ence and that of his lawyer Ramazan Demir, sim­ply becomes a “demo­c­ra­t­ic” episode in order to appear “in sync” with the Euro­pean Tri­bunal, while Tayyip seemed to be say­ing he would­n’t pay it any mind.

In what dev­il’s kitchen was this tri­bunal deci­sion cooked up? Go figure.

So, say­ing that Sela­hat­tin Demir­taş is out of prison is count­ing the chick­ens before they hatch. If your French skills allow, read his books in the mean­time and, wher­ev­er you may be, do not stop demand­ing the release of this up-and-com­ing polit­i­cal fig­ure. We depend on his voice for peace and com­mu­nal liv­ing, along with his being a per­son­al­i­ty who would send pack­ing into the scrap heap of his­to­ry many a cur­rent lay or big­ot­ed fig­ure head.

But I’m pulling out the bour­bon anyway !

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
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