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Does the silence, arro­gance and vio­lence of a regime jus­ti­fy that one sac­ri­fice one’s life through sui­cide? Those in Turk­ish pris­ons who have put an end to their days did not con­sid­er the ques­tion in this light. They put an end to their life as did Mohamed Bouaz­izi in Tunisia, Jan Palach in Cheko­slo­va­kia, Qang Duc in 1963 in Viet-Nam…

Sui­cide is a cho­sen modal­i­ty for the end of life, one that leaves lit­tle room for indif­fer­ence in sur­vivors. And yet, who remem­bers the hun­dreds of immo­la­tions by fire record­ed in the past ten years across the world, and their motivations?
Human his­to­ry only retains a con­text and the cat­a­lyst of the sac­ri­fice of a human life, done in order to upend the course of events.
Will the same hold true for these Kur­dish mar­tyrs top­pling into death?
Are hunger strikes and sui­cide equal as means of struggle?

We know that the Kur­dish move­ment drew lessons from the deaths from prison hunger strikes in the eight­ies and in the year 2000. Their leader Öcalan had per­son­al­ly paid trib­ute to their sac­ri­fice, but had also pre­ferred that fight­ers stay alive for the struggle.

Ley­la Güven who ini­ti­at­ed the hunger strikes, pays her respects to those who have thus died in prison, but does not asso­ciate with what appear as ulti­mate acts of despair.

Out­side her per­son, no one could launch this appeal not to die for the tor­tur­er’s pleasure.

On the 137th day of her hunger strike,
Leyla Güven sent an audio message on radio Dengê Welat

As a reminder, so far, three young peo­ple have put an end to their life in order to “break Öcalan’s iso­la­tion”: Zülküf Gezen on March 17th in the prison of Tekir­dağ, Ayten Beçet on March 23 in the prison of Gebze and Zehra Sağlam, on March 23rd in the prison of Oltu in Erzurum.

The same treat­ment was applied by the Turk­ish regime for the funer­als of all three young peo­ple. The police con­fis­cat­ed the bod­ies and sur­round­ed the ceme­tery. Only fam­i­ly mem­bers were autho­rized at the burial.

Mean­while in Ger­many, Uğur Şakar, griev­ous­ly wound­ed fol­low­ing an attempt­ed immo­la­tion on Feb­ru­ary 20, did not sur­vive and died on March 22. Also in Ger­many, dur­ing a vis­it by Erdoğan, Ümit Acar had also self-immo­lat­ed on Sep­tem­ber 27 2018, as a protest against Öcalan’s isolation.

On March 25th there was con­fir­ma­tion of a new sui­cide in Mardin (Medya Çınar). Medya Çınar who was among the peo­ple arrest­ed dur­ing the cur­few in 2015 in Nusay­bin, was await­ing final sen­tenc­ing along with 42 oth­er per­sons. Dur­ing the five hear­ings, Medya had men­tioned in front of the media the tor­tures to which she had been subjected.

kurdes sacrifice vie

Leyla Güven’s message:

Once again, the peo­ple have said “we will not accept life in iso­la­tion”. The iso­la­tion imposed on the leader of the Kur­dish Peo­ple is an iso­la­tion that tar­gets all of us.

The rulers have seen the mil­lions who took to publics spaces dur­ing Newroz. I am one hun­dred per­cent con­vinced they are try­ing to fig­ure out how they will get out of this one.

We are not the ones in trou­ble, the ones who are deaf, the ones who are with­out solu­tions. The AKP and the MHP are ones who don’t know what they can do. Because the elec­tions are loom­ing ahead of them. For that rea­son, they are with­out solu­tions and do not know what to do.

Com­rades, we have entered into a new phase. We have only a short way to go for a result. I see this and say in all sin­cer­i­ty: let us form a cir­cle around the strik­ers, a cir­cle of hope and will. Because vic­to­ry is near, we will win one hun­dred percent.

I wish that our com­rades pur­su­ing their strike in the jails may con­duct their action to the end, with morale, enthu­si­asm and seren­i­ty. Those who are not on hunger strike must gath­er round them.

I bow down with respect before the actions of our friends Zülküf, Ayten and Ugur, who want­ed to break the silence in a spir­it of sac­ri­fice. But I would like to say the fol­low­ing: each com­rade who com­mits these acts takes away a part of my body, of my spir­it and of my heart.

We show our respect before these actions. But I wish to say that we already have an ongo­ing action. We are already in action and are near­ing the result. We must take our places around the strik­ers. We must not start “new actions”.

Sac­ri­fi­cial actions are very pre­cious, we can­not inter­pret them, but these types of actions were also tak­en into con­sid­er­a­tion by the Kur­dish Peo­ple’s leader on numer­ous occa­sions: “You must hold life before you, not death”, “You must lift up your strug­gle for dig­ni­fied liv­ing”, “you must ele­vate the strug­gle, not by putting an end to your life, but by all oth­er means.” 

Friends, for these hunger strikes which have found an echo across the world, for this action which is a first in his­to­ry to obtain results, we must gath­er up our strengths. This is our objec­tive. For this rea­son, I pur­sue my action until this day, with morale and enthusiasm.

More impor­tant­ly, we must hold togeth­er with our com­rades in the pris­ons. We must rein­force and encour­age one anoth­er. For this rea­son, I make an effort to live every day, to be able to con­tin­ue liv­ing, in order for us to break through the iso­la­tion togeth­er. Let us cel­e­brate this day together.

And for this rea­son, I take care of myself, of my life. I ask you to gath­er round hunger strik­ers and not to per­form sac­ri­fi­cial actions. They weak­en me. What­ev­er is done reach­es me emo­tion­al­ly and makes the weight heav­ier to bear. I can­not move for­ward that way. I hope that my com­rades will act like this and that we will succeed.”

The strug­gle of the Kur­dish move­ment which dis­lo­cates the orga­nized real­i­ty of the Islam­ic State, and that may find itself aban­doned by the so-called “inter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty” con­cerns us. All of us have salut­ed the hero­ism of their fight­ers, fall­en against the ISIS bar­bar­ians, and most­ly in order to defend a project for the future. We have all fol­lowed by proxy the involve­ment of inter­na­tion­al vol­un­teers, even in small num­bers, by their side. From deep with­in our nonethe­less so-called demo­c­ra­t­ic states, we have fol­lowed the birth of the demo­c­ra­t­ic polit­i­cal process in Roja­va, now threat­ened by the cur­rent geopo­lit­i­cal con­text in the region. We are not igno­rant of the fact that the Kur­dish dilem­ma, in the face of inter­na­tion­al trea­sons and threats from the Turk­ish regime, will have to choose the life of the peo­ples of North­ern Syr­ia in biased nego­ti­at­ing conditions…

But that does not give us any right to judge acts of sui­cide for a cause. We have only one word as friends of the Kur­dish peo­ple who have, it seems to us, always fought the forces of death, in order to give birth to the fire of life.

Cov­er illus­tra­tion: Ley­la Güven by Zehra Doğan

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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.