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Four arti­cles by Aslı Erdoğan were used in the Turk­ish State’s indict­ment against her. Kedis­tan pub­lished them in sup­port for the cam­paign to obtain her freedom.

Writer Aslı Erdoğan was detained as of August 16 2016 in Istan­bul’s Bakırköy prison while await­ing sen­tenc­ing. The charges called for life impris­on­ment. She was released on

The Eng­lish ver­sions you are read­ing are derived from trans­la­tions from Turk­ish to French done by Kedis­tan dur­ing the peri­od of her impris­on­ment. As such, they do not claim to be faith­ful ren­di­tions of Asli Erdo­gan’s orig­i­nals and are pro­vid­ed as a means for Eng­lish speak­ers to famil­iar­ize them­selves with the con­di­tions Aslı Erdoğan described…and how the texts were used against her by the Turk­ish government.

Arti­cle pub­lished on July 8 2016

The most cruel of months

(May 30 2016, Evrensel) 76th day of the cur­few and the siege in Nusay­bin. After the YPS announced the retreat of their armed forces, the oper­a­tion took on more strength, the bomb­ings , the strikes from tanks and canons gained in apli­tude. 24 of the 42 per­sons extract­ed from the neigh­bor­hoods hav­ing been arrest­ed, there are reports that many civil­ians are being tor­tured. “Those who came out were civil­ians, most of them young. A lib­er­a­tion was staged in a com­pas­sion­ate man­ner, but after­wards they sub­ject­ed them to tor­ture: their fam­i­lies saw that dur­ing cus­tody, their skull, their arms were broken.”

Şır­nak was hit by shells on the 76th day, a con­stant unin­ter­rupt­ed bomb­ing, sev­er­al hous­es were burned down.

In Cizre, Emrul­lah Er (19) while going to fetch his moth­er so as to go see his grand­fa­ther who had not left his house since the 35th day of the cur­few, was tak­en as a tar­get and arrest­ed by the police and before they were fin­ished with him, he may lose his arm…“They said  they would not open fire on the white flag…They fired, they arrest­ed him despite his being wounded.”

 The fate of Hurşit Kül­ter of Şır­nak remains uncer­tain.  After the pre­fec­ture declared that Kül­ter was not being held in cus­to­ry, it was sig­naled on the Twit­ter account of the spe­cial forces that he was being held by TEM [anti-ter­ror­ist unit]. The answer giv­en to Mah­mut Kül­ter by BÖF Tweet_Güneydogu,  when he asked for news of his cousin:

You’ve come too, gun­di (peas­ant in Kur­dish) @Kultemahmut stay calm. Hurşit is on the knees of his big broth­ers of the TEM, in shorts, we have made him sweat a lit­tle, but he’s bet­ter now. Don’t stress, wait your turn. (May 28 17:11)

One month lat­er, June 30 – As the mil­i­tary oper­a­tion begins in Lice, con­tacts are cut off with 19 vil­lages and 58 ham­lets. The IHD [Human Rights Asso­ci­a­tion] declares it is con­cerned for the lives of civil­ians and that there are fires everywhere.

No news of Hurşit Kül­ter for the past 35 days. His moth­er describes the month that has just gone by since the dis­ap­pear­ance of her son as a “night­mare”.

(July 6, Özgür Gün­dem) The mil­i­tary and spe­cial police forces that laid siege on the ham­let of Mehla, of Ker­was vil­lage, Lice com­mune on June 30th sub­ject­ed to tor­ture the 34 vil­lagers who were fight­ing against the fires. Mehmet Şirin Kocakaya lost his life dur­ing the tor­ture. “They were kick­ing Mehmet and his broth­ers, Mehmet’s moans could be heard from 300 meters away, reach­ing his par­a­lyzed father… They took us all – they left the three lit­tle chil­dren and Mehmet’s father in the armored car and made us wait. Ten min­utes lat­er an ambu­lance arrived for Mehmet. We asked a sol­dier: “they put him in the ambu­lance but there’s a good chance he’s dead, he said.”

Three chil­dren among the 42 civil­ians held in Nusay­bin relat­ed the tor­ture in a let­ter they sent from prison. H.A. and E;T., 16 years old, wrote that the sol­diers who hand­ed out cakes and fruit juices in front of the cam­eras took them back once the cam­eras were shut off. And that they were then sub­ject­ed to vio­lence for hours, that the women were dragged by the hair and thrown down the stairs. H.A.‘s arm was burned, his index fin­ger bro­ken by rifle butts, he may lose an eye. C.K (16 years old) who was tor­tured despite his bul­let wound to the bel­ly, wrote how he was hand­cuffed and dragged, after the cam­eras were shut off.

No news from Hur­sit Kül­ter for the past 41 days. “Give me back my son, dead or alive. What have they done to him?” 

Back page news: City Hall in the Van metrop­o­lis is work­ing to treat domes­tic ani­mals in Gev­er. Traces of burns were found on a major­i­ty of the ani­mals and the risk of famine and epi­demics is great. On the pho­to­graph, there is a street dog, his muz­zle all black, who has tak­en refuge in a house trans­formed into a pile of rub­ble: where he took refuge, under the win­dow, between an upturned chair and and a chest of draw­ers, he died. No wounds, no blood, he may have been par­tial­ly burned. A torn white cur­tain hangs from the win­dow: with com­pas­sion and mag­nif­i­cence, the June sun shines down on the dog who has lost his coloring.

To reach the four arti­cles and more, click on this file

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.