Zehra Doğan’s forced trans­fer 600km away from Diyarbakır prison has bru­tal­ly cut off local links as well as the across-the-bor­der sup­port she was receiv­ing. There is urgent need to renew the links toward her new address which is:

Zehra Doğan C‑3
Tarsus Kadın Kapalı CİK 
Alifakı Mahallesi Alifakı sokak 
Tarsus – MERSİN 

Please note, any tran­scrip­tion error will void deliv­ery of your messages.

We do not yet know if the prison admin­is­tra­tors in Tar­sus will accept mail in anoth­er lan­guage than Turk­ish, some­thing that had final­ly been accept­ed by cen­sors at the Amed prison, in light of the heavy vol­ume of cor­re­spon­dence addressed to Zehra and her co-detainees.

That being the case, here is a first mod­el let­ter in Turkish:

Sevgili Zehra,
Tar­sus’a sevk edildiği­ni biliy­oruz. Dayanış­ma ve desteğimiz seni her yerde aynı sıcak­lık ve güçle izleyecek.
Seni ve tüm tut­sak kadın­ları sevgiyle selamlıyoruz.

Which means:

Dear Zehra,
We know you have been trans­ferred to Tar­sus. Our sol­i­dar­i­ty and sup­port will fol­low you every­where with the same warmth and strength.
We send affec­tion­ate greet­ings to you and to all of the women co-detainees.

The fam­i­ly con­nec­tion has been re-estab­lished in a com­pli­cat­ed man­ner. Zehra is thus aware of the fact her trans­fer has not gone unno­ticed, as has the fact that among the 20 pris­on­ers trans­port­ed in these dif­fi­cult con­di­tions, some had been diag­nosed as grave­ly ill, and that this forced exile was done quick­ly and with­out the pri­or knowl­edge of their fam­i­lies and lawyers. Some Kur­dish oppo­si­tion media have pub­lished a denunciation.

We know that such forced exile has been a com­mon occur­rence for a long time for a num­ber of pris­on­ers, often in the final months of their sen­tence. The ide­ol­o­gy of impris­on­ment includes a notion of “aton­ing for   faults” and it would thus be incon­ceiv­able that the par­ties leave jail with­out hav­ing been forced back into the straight and nar­row. Here again, the mot­to applies of show­ing the strength of the Turk”, espe­cial­ly con­cern­ing a young Kur­dish woman seen, in the eyes of her judges, as  capa­ble of ter­ror­ist propaganda.

As sin­is­ter as Amed prison may be, it was thus con­sid­ered toof­soft and no doubt too per­mis­sive since for­bid­den works could escape its walls.

Zehra no longer needs to demon­strate, through her writ­ings or her Art,  that she will not yield an inch to her tor­tur­ers. It is more than like­ly that the new con­di­tions in the Tar­sus prison will ren­der even more dif­fi­cult any overt expres­sion of this resistance.

We will con­tin­ue to pub­li­cize her here, and to do our best so that, with the help of inter­na­tion­al asso­ci­a­tions or of com­mit­ted indi­vid­u­als,  she be pro­tect­ed through the reg­u­lar cir­cu­la­tion of her name and of news con­cern­ing her. Exhi­bi­tions of repro­duc­tions and of orig­i­nals of Zehra’s works con­tin­ue, as do their sale. Kedis­tan remains at the dis­pos­al of asso­ci­a­tions requir­ing logis­ti­cal sup­port for these activities.

This “depor­ta­tion” occur­ring just when Zehra has been cho­sen as recip­i­ent of a prize in the Unit­ed States (a very Made-in USA type of prize), and fol­low­ing a long exhi­bi­tion in Brit­tany, we will pro­vide a wrap-up report shortly.

We will soon be offer­ing mate­ri­als for pub­lic read­ings – excerpts from her let­ters or texts, in order to famil­iar­ize more peo­ple with Zehra, pri­or to the pub­li­ca­tion soon of a look at her work as a cartoonist…

Zehra gives all of us, indi­vid­u­als or sup­port­ive asso­ci­a­tions that have been fol­low­ing her for years, a task of vig­i­lance until her lib­er­a­tion, pos­si­bly in a few months.

We use this oppor­tu­ni­ty to sig­nal that no rais­ing of funds are under­way at the moment, con­trary to calls you may have seen here or there or around one of her exhi­bi­tions. We are in a con­trac­tu­al rela­tion­ship with Zehra, pre­cise­ly in order to avoid  the use of her image, of her works or of sol­i­dar­i­ty for pur­pos­es she would not have per­son­al­ly approved her­self. All finan­cial sol­i­dar­i­ty is chan­nelled, in full trans­paren­cy, through a ded­i­cat­ed bank account. Any bend­ing of this prin­ci­ple con­sti­tutes a scam.

And to friends read­ing this and who have orga­nized writ­ing work­shops, sent per­son­al mes­sages or shared them through their net­work, please update the adress, because none of the mail sent to her pre­vi­ous address will reach her.

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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.