Thanks to “Street Art” prac­ti­tion­er Banksy, Zehra Doğan is exhib­it­ed in New York. Thus has a but­ter­fly­’s flut­ter reached the heart of an Amer­i­can street and the eyes of its passersby.

The inter­na­tion­al media seized on the event and, via a first pub­li­ca­tion in The New York Times, relayed by AFP, gives it greater cov­er­age than a news flash.

Sen­tenced to near­ly three years in jail for paint­ing a sin­gle pic­ture. #FREEzehrado­gan

Une pub­li­ca­tion partagée par Banksy (@banksy) le

At Kedis­tan we are pro­found­ly hap­py about it of course, and we think that PEN Inter­na­tion­al who has also cho­sen Zehra among the artists and authors it sup­ports must also see in this the fruit of extend­ed work of solidarity.

And of course we are more moti­vat­ed than ever in pur­su­ing the exhi­bi­tions of her orig­i­nal works and repro­duc­tions so as to spread the knowl­edge of her artis­tic strength, and make her voice heard as it records,  both as a jour­nal­ist and as an artist, what the Peo­ple’s Tri­bunal in its ses­sion in Paris, denounced as war crimes.

No mat­ter what may be the prob­lems here and there that some strive to cre­ate in this sol­i­dar­i­ty cam­paign, sup­port for her is not about to fail when Zehra’s face as a Kur­dish woman, artist, intel­lec­tu­al and jour­nal­ist is put for­ward as the inter­na­tion­al sym­bol for Turkey’s prison hostages.

 Zehra Doğan will go on being exhib­it­ed in Europe.

In sol­i­dar­i­ty and with no finan­cial com­pen­sa­tion involved, Kedis­tan has accept­ed respon­si­bil­i­ty for the man­age­ment of Zehra’s moral, intel­lec­tu­al and artis­tic rights until her lib­er­a­tion, which all of us hope will come soon. As such, we are open to all requests for exhi­bi­tions, for a seri­ous new offer for the book’s pub­li­ca­tion, or for orig­i­nal sup­port initiatives.

For medias who may wish to pro­duce arti­cles, we will glad­ly offer infor­ma­tion or, even­tu­al­ly, visu­als that have not been pub­lished yet.

Also, more than ever, you can write to her.

Already sched­uled or in prepa­ra­tion on the agen­da: a major fall ini­tia­tive in France (in Brit­tany), and oth­ers before the sum­mer. Requests are being final­ized for Hol­land, the Basque coun­try and Ger­many. An exhi­bi­tion of repro­duc­tions is draw­ing to a close in Vien­na, Austria…

We call on all peo­ple of good will, asso­ci­a­tions, inter­na­tion­al sup­port groups, and we are at their dis­pos­al for ini­tia­tives they may wish to launch using Zehra’s works.

Zehra Doğan con­tin­ues to be sub­ject­ed to harass­ment in prison because of her sol­i­dar­i­ty with her gaol com­pan­ions. Sup­port and vis­i­bil­i­ty are thus at the top of the agen­da, more than ever, espe­cial­ly giv­en the chaot­ic sit­u­a­tion in Turkey, and the great betray­als against the Kur­dish people.

Thanks again to the “unknown” Banksy for the pow­er and reach of this orig­i­nal work, done in col­lab­o­ra­tion with graf artist Borf. And when a sin­gle unknown can cause that much noise around the world, we start hop­ing that oth­ers will rise in their turn.

Zehra’s trilin­gual web­site is HERE.

The Face­book page is HERE. And you can also fol­low her on her offi­cial Twit­ter @zehradoganjinha

You can access Kedis­tan’s com­plete spe­cial dossier on Zehra by fol­low­ing this link.

And in order to give finan­cial sup­port to this sol­i­dar­i­ty, a nec­es­sary and indis­pens­able fea­ture, a fund­ing dri­ve, in all trans­paren­cy, is avail­able on this ded­i­cat­ed website.

Zehra Dogan, Turk­ish artist

Une pub­li­ca­tion partagée par Banksy (@banksy) le

Zehra Doğan • A New York avec Banksy Cliquez pour lire
Zehra Doğan Banksy ile New York’­ta Oku­mak için tıklayınız
Zehra Doğan lle­ga a Nue­va York de la mano de Banksy Haga clic para leer

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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.