Did you check that the doors of Europe were well shut behind you when you left?…I felt like putting the ques­tion to the democ­rats who were rush­ing to turn their backs on what is going on in Afrin, on the Tur­co-Syr­i­an border.

The Kur­dish part fought well, demon­strat­ed its courage and its apti­tudes in dying against ISIS for your prof­its. Thank you, the prom­e­nade of our spe­cial forces ends there, work things out on your own with your fas­cist neighbors…

The Euro­pean states paid sev­er­al bil­lion to pur­chase à rein­forced door to pro­tect Euro­pean rich­es from the poor who envy them. They hand­ed over the keys and the job to Erdoğan.
Since when do you turn over the keys of the chick­en coop to the fox?

Just imag­ine for a moment the pay­ment of sub­stan­tial sums to Hitler by the Euro­pean states, to pro­tect them­selves from the Jew­ish inva­sion, in the Thir­ties… Just a hypoth­e­sis, in passing.
Well, my advanced age leads me to dar­ing com­par­isons. Munich, of course… That’s too easy. Most of all, it was too late.

Because while you yam­mer away in your tv stu­dios about the return of the “rad­i­cal­ized” from Syr­ia or Irak, Erdoğan takes you for a bunch of dum­mies. He pulled the “ter­ror­ist” num­ber on you over his war urge, first in Afrin, then no doubt against all of North­ern Syr­ia, for the greater enjoy­ment of our bor­der guards, be they busi­ness-moti­vat­ed, nation­al­ist or religious.

War, ever hear of such a thing?
Spo­ken by an islamo-fas­cist, is the mean­ing clearer?

While your polit­i­cal lead­ers bathe under the cam­eras dur­ing hob­by salons or par­ty con­fer­ences, which amounts to the same thing, the one to whom you entrust­ed the keys is test­ing out the weapons you sold him. To think your lead­ers were recent­ly crit­i­ciz­ing those who were arm­ing ter­ror­ists and harm­ing Peace…

My coun­try has vot­ed a huge mil­i­tary bud­get. It is a mem­ber of alliances that pro­vide him with even more. In that case, con­cern­ing the Reis, talk of a war part­ner, that would be more exact and, most­ly, clear­er as to the nature of the contract.
The say­ing if you want Peace, pre­pare war is rather risky with the Turk­ish Reis.

Open­ing your doors wide to a vile war­mon­ger, accept­ing his ter­ror­ist arm in your inter­nal affairs, his wish­es, his orders, serves as prepa­ra­tion to much worse than attacks in your con­cert halls, trust the expe­ri­ence of an great-grand­moth­er on that score.
That’s odd, I’m talk­ing like Aslı Erdoğan…

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges

L’Eu­rope trem­ble de froid ou devant Erdoğan ? Cliquez pour lire
¿Europa tiem­bla por el frío o por Erdoğan? Haga clic para leer

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