In Euro­pean medias, few images of the bomb­ings and of the vic­tims of Afrin, or only of those on the Turk­ish side. In the Turk­ish press, the ban on speech is total.

Türkçe | Français | English

Let’s not even men­tion the arrests and the place­ments into cus­tody that have been unfold­ing for sev­er­al weeks in all sec­tors, against those who dare protest against the inter­ven­tion… This is how jour­nal­ist Irfan Aktan, con­tra­vened the ban.

Article titled “Afrin zsmnkymlf“, published on January 29 2018 on Gazete Duvar.

Afrin blgbrlkhdIbfrb

This peri­od should be inscribed in His­to­ry as the one when crit­i­cal thought was labelled “trea­son against the Coun­try” and of “pro­pa­gan­da for ter­ror­ism” and pros­e­cut­ed as such, so that oppo­nents to the war could only “express” their opin­ion as follows:

Ylmuyu­ki eya­mu kylaum kiyl­mauk, auik uyile amkyi ulmaky. Sylm­ki eayl muka eylmk, lmke aiel­mu kylmukai.

Maylmkiyu, ealmkylm kuiyeamk. Akeaiyu mkym­lky tiaeruy ayluimk ahnu­ralky marp, aiuy lmkyuiar aklmku ayir­mu kaiyelm.

Tmayuiro­muy. Kuiyelmkapınğr asvy­car sayielukay­luear. Kymukaieoru, üpi­u­luy cüf­pauiyc, tüyulm­poyuy, uyli­auknıyc­tokuyl. Mporğu­muyeia cgğğ. Fyfarıylmky­omyç­clyo, myokyu­mum. Yyualpıyımoyulmauy.

Mcui yeokun maırm ları­mar ımlaui eaui eu aliu yeuar yıearuıf, lmuy­i­ly, yulmiakykro.


Vyu aieu mrom, lmyu ymakır yluiekoy kruy­ma. Ylkuy iakey, mmua mum, kyum kay­iu mlayımr auimey. yyaum ikıy­mauiyg yuykyiem kopr.

Rys­ma ıymor mıyuak ymğkıa rom, kuiyaem ky kyum kieayum ıry­mau makıy myauielakl.

Huiey fuieakuiye 2017 uieayk. Yauiş, yfauyia, kuısöara. Cuyir ıuyiela yie aylky uid­dgğd. Hypuiaeku, gyi­u­fu cocuien. yuiear fvsieuayl­muk. Ümğuiyu cuie, fuiy rrocuieyo. Çucyi uocueimuk ycluiecm yko kc ykyukyc çztüyuioyk yüro­ryuelmikuyie yof. Syulmkieay usysco, momyguy­ro. YMyu­mieak yum­l­ki cyueiky­or yçy­oruyuk. Uuyieal­mu, şyuieau orüuymküyk.

Cywlmkei, yuimekyo cnpfaey­i­ulk­co. Ymyauimeko, yu; yoykyu, mın­nyui, kroymuyasi.


Yuieymy, muimaıpuiey, yli­umeay, yul­mieaky­mulkıy. Krmaıy­ormyum, muieayuml, far­ro­moğuyi­ağu. Tüğy­i­makeüy, ommuay­iı­lyokyu­la, rrrayıy­mol. Zymyueiyo, mmakıy, kcmyyıg­fiuie. Şlmyı­mou, yumoyul­mi, cmyieomml­cu. Mmyıy­oşulm, lmaı­muy, yulka­mınueilm. Moylğ­muaeymy, ymlouy­malı. myonmlyulmeaıyl.

lyua dokcui yuilaynoylç­mo, ylmuyamkynı; lmkuyie iuoknc iylmk. Smhyiey iey­on çmyul­miekno çsylmkye­or­cmklm. Ypmoyuc mlm­liemaym col­cmkm­leo, ymuyieo cslom­cuh­pıl­mo, roulimekolmk fpyu­fokn. Mynopğuy codr­frnık dokyçm­kno, nopfn­rzflm­todüylkau ytc omkymküno kümk oktlrfom.

Lsyık­ou ykol­mus cmomnuyy!

İrf­an Aktan

İrfan Aktan began in journalism in 2000 on Bianet. He has worked as a journalist, a correspondent or an editor for l’Express, BirGün, Nokta, Yeni Aktüel, Newsweek Türkiye, Birikim, Radikal,, He was the Ankara representative for IMC-TV. He is the author of two books: “Nazê/Bir Göçüş Öyküsü” (Nazê/A tale of exodus ), “Zehir ve Panzehir: Kürt Sorunu” (Poison and antidote: The Kurdish Question). He presently writes for l’Express, Al Monitor, and Duvar.

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
*A word to English-speaking readers: in all instances where the original text is in Turkish or Kurdish, the English version is derived from French translations. Inevitably, some shift in meaning occurs with each translation. Hopefully, the intent of the original is preserved in all cases. While an ideal situation would call for a direct translation from the original, access to information remains our main objective in this exercise and, we hope, makes more sense than would a translation provided by AI…
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