Kedis­tan pub­lish­ing The New York Times? We’ll have seen it all… Between the lines, how­ev­er, this arti­cle  reveals all the ambi­gu­i­ty of the Amer­i­can posi­tion, while describ­ing a real­i­ty from anoth­er view­point than that of the Turk­ish army, for once.

The Turk­ish gov­ern­ment has announced Man­bij as its sec­ond offi­cial tar­get. And to do the job, Erdo­gan has coa­lesced a mot­ley assort­ment of fac­tions assem­bled under the vari­able-geom­e­try label of “Free Syr­i­an Army”. Con­se­quent­ly, he had sent a clear mes­sage to the Amer­i­can troops in the region, demand­ing that they “leave” Man­bij. This report indi­cates they have no such intention.

This is why alarmist head­ings talk of “pos­si­ble confrontations”.

With no expla­na­tion  pro­vid­ed, Turk­ish aer­i­al bomb­ings have been less intense in the past 24 hours. Nei­ther the Rus­sians nor the Amer­i­cans have issued any state­ments that might explain this. Erdo­gan talks of a nec­es­sary sum­mit with Rus­sia and Iran, with a date to be announced in due course. As for the Bachar regime, with their sup­port, it has just re-launched anoth­er offen­sive against Idleb (in the north­west), and rein­forced the bomb­ing against the Ghou­ta enclave near Dam­as­cus, where more than 170 civil­ians have been killed. Mur­der­ous reprisals against the fact a Russ­ian plane would have been downed and its pilot killed…

(Note on Fri­day Feb­ru­ary 9 at mid­night: low alti­tude air strikes have resumed over the cen­ter of Afrin.)

Know­ing that the offen­sives by Turkey and its Jihadist allies are get­ting bogged down because of the FDS’ strong resis­tance in Afrin and else­where, and that the diplo­mat­ic game is not favor­able to Erdo­gan, still “an offi­cial ene­my of Bachar”, we can only inter­pret the threats by Turk­ish min­is­ters and by Erdo­gan as an attempt to play on the dif­fer­ences of ori­en­ta­tion between the Pen­ta­gon and the Trump government.

The civil­ian vic­tims and fall­en com­bat­ants in the “Olive Branch” offen­sive will appre­ci­ate these grand manoeuvers…

This arti­cle can­not avoid the oh-so-Amer­i­can “homage to the troops and offi­cers”. The notion that “Amer­i­cans are at home every­where” seeps through every line.   And the under­ly­ing mes­sage con­cern­ing pos­si­ble dif­fer­ences between Arabs and Kurds, when it comes to the fight­ers, pro­vides a cov­er up for the embarass­ment in the Amer­i­can posi­tion con­cern­ing “the ter­ror­ism of the PKK”. But what emerges from all this is that the Amer­i­can mil­i­tary is defend­ing strate­gic inter­ests here, that go well beyond respect­ing a coali­tion. The Unit­ed States are play­ing a card in view of  Russ­ian omnipres­ence in Syr­ia and will not back down in front of  the pawn Erdogan.

This arti­cle will undoubt­ed­ly boost the morale of those Amer­i­can read­ers with a demo­c­ra­t­ic fibre and allay the shame expe­ri­enced in front of the images of Erdo­gan’s mas­sacres. In that sense also, it is wel­come propaganda.

There­fore, the forces in Roja­va must not turn their backs on their “allies” who will undoubt­ed­ly demand account­abil­i­ty, vis-à-vis the Kur­dish move­ment and its polit­i­cal project, when the time comes.

Peace in Syr­ia is not for tomor­row. And Erdo­gan’s reboost gives every­one an ali­bi to move even deep­er into polit­i­cal impass­es or geostrate­gi­cal claims, with their pro­ces­sion of vic­tims and refugees.


On Northern Syria Front Line,
U.S. and Turkey Head Into Tense Face-off

Pub­lished on Feb­ru­ary 7 2018 on The New York Times
By Rod Nord­land
A cor­re­spon­dent and a pho­tog­ra­ph­er of The New York Times, trav­el­ing with Amer­i­can gen­er­als in north­ern Syr­ia, vis­it­ed a city where armed con­flict is now pos­si­ble between the Unit­ed States and Turkey.

MANBIJ, Syr­ia — Two senior Amer­i­can gen­er­als came to the front line out­side the Syr­i­an city of Man­bij on Wednes­day fly­ing out­sized Amer­i­can flags on their vehi­cles, in case pro-Turk­ish forces just the oth­er side of the no man’s land, 20 yards away, did not real­ize who they were. […]
> Con­tin­ue read­ing on The New York Times

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges

Ligne de front Syrie nord, Etats-Unis et Turquie se toisent Cliquez pour lire

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Le petit mag­a­zine qui ne se laisse pas caress­er dans le sens du poil.