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Oy, reas­sured, aren’t you? The dead chil­dren in Afrin were indeed the chil­dren of ter­ror­ists, and the bombs were not French-made…

Vis­i­bly, that’s what your walk­ing Pres­i­dent  want­ed to hear over the phone in these open­ing days of Feb­ru­ary. There he is, between two busi­ness trips, reas­sured by Erdoğan himself.

So, accord­ing to your inter­im Euro­pean Pres­i­dent, legit­i­ma­cy would be on Tayyip’s side. Which is a good thing, by the way, since part of the mate­r­i­al used for this mas­sacre in North­ern Syr­ia seems to have been man­u­fac­tured in Europe and sup­plied to our Ottoman gen­er­al via NATO.

Notice how good he looks in uniform?


So here is the “Olive Branch oper­a­tion under the aegis of a new tes­ta­ment by Saint Matthew:   sep­a­rat­ing the good Kurd from the terrorist. 

The Good Wheat and the Chaff” is a para­ble in the New Tes­tat­ment.  It refers to the sort­ing of souls at the Last Judg­ment and the impor­tance of bear­ing good fruit. Your reli­gios­i­ty must have taught you that. Thus, it is well known, Euro­peans of Chris­t­ian cul­ture  would be ready to swal­low the para­ble, on the con­di­tion that their tele­vi­sions repeat it in a loop.

Who is the ter­ror­ist who com­mit­ted this?

Afrin enfants tués

Ha, no, not an invad­er… Erdoğan assures he’s only pass­ing through. And should a few col­lat­er­al dam­ages be nec­es­sary, demands abso­lu­tion be giv­en in Europe. The walk­er, speak­ing in Europe’s name, absolves him. Your Holy Father Le Dri­an nego­ti­at­ed the penance. “You will sign me two con­tracts and a bar­ri­cade against migrants”… 

And the body of this tor­tured woman? To whom must it be attrib­uted? To ISIS? To good allied Free Syr­i­an citizens?

No, it is the good work of the aux­il­iary forces to Erdoğan’s army.

Speak­ing of whom, they were giv­en ample oppor­tu­ni­ties to express them­selves in recent arti­cles, by good jour­nal­ists rid­ing with the Turk­ish forces.   The “ter­ror­ism cleansers” get white­washed with the free Syr­i­ans’ label, while the “con­sid­ered as ter­ror­ists” label gets stuck on the already ex-lib­er­a­tors of Raqqa.

Yes, for Erdoğan, a good Kurd is a dead Kurd. And whether you like it or not, your Euro­pean gov­ern­ments are col­lab­o­rat­ing in the killings. 

They closed their eyes on the mas­sacres and exac­tions from 2015 onwards in Turk­ish Kurdistan.

They sup­port­ed the free Syr­i­an mili­tias by hav­ing them shave off their beards in order to look more pre­sentable, until Putin a stop to it.

Then, they signed the agree­ments con­cern­ing migrants with Erdoğan, and brought him back into the region­al game.

For good mea­sure, they then agreed to arm or to pro­vide logis­ti­cal sup­port to the com­bat­ants against ISIS on the ground in Irak and Syr­ia. Kur­dish canon fod­der appealed at the time.

Now that the time has come to move toward a peace nego­ti­a­tion, every­one legit­imizes the pur­suit of war.

Oh yes, I almost for­got, “the PKK ter­ror­ists” had offered an olive branch and a con­fed­er­al­ist vision for peace. Vis­i­bly, this is what both­ers and dis­turbs those who see their inter­na­tion­al and region­al prof­its imper­iled ever since the Gulf war.

So does your trekking Pres­i­dent want to become the spokesman for a just war defend­ing the cap­i­tal­ist inter­ests in our region, and the nec­es­sary alliance with “unavoid­able” local dic­ta­tors to this end? Some­one like Putin must be hav­ing a good laugh right now.

Between the mad twit­ter­er in Wash­ing­ton and Bachar await­ing the dawn­ing of his new day, all the golfers must be try­ing out their new irons, bought in Europe…

Again, apolo­gies for this fit of cold anger. But my human­i­ty is under attack.

I seem to have read that some peo­ple are giv­en to gath­er­ing in your tele­vi­sion stu­dios to lament over the fate of “Euro­pean nation­als, mem­bers of ISIS, present­ly detained by the Kurds in Syr­ia” or, rather, I should say, detained by the North­ern Syr­ia Fed­er­a­tion, a polit­i­cal enti­ty that embraces much wider than the Kur­dish seg­ment. Indeed, I hon­est­ly believe their safe­ty is not longer assured with the cur­rent bomb­ings ema­nat­ing from Turkey.

With the cur­rent inver­sion of norms tak­ing place on ter­ror­ism, France and the oth­er Euro­pean coun­tries should repa­tri­ate those beard­ed lib­er­a­tors of Raqqa who did so much to counter Kur­dish ter­ror­ism. No?


Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges
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