We are in the thir­teenth day of the resis­tance in Efrîn. The Turk­ish army is using all the mod­ern means and tech­niques to kill civil­ians and destroy the villages.

I am still in Chek Maqsûd, the neigh­bor­hood of my birth, one that had also demon­strat­ed unex­pect­ed resis­tance for 3 years, against the bands and fac­tions linked to and financed by Turkey, just as did Nour Al Din Azn­ki and Sul­tan Mourad. Baa­sist regime planes had bombed the neigh­bor­hood of Chek Maqsûd, a large part of which had been com­plete­ly destroyed. But it did not yield. This neigh­bor­hood’s tor­ment­ed sto­ry deserves to be told.

It is in this neigh­bor­hood of Alep­po, inhab­it­ed main­ly by Kurds that the foun­da­tions of the Roja­va rev­o­lu­tion were laid.

Dear friends, in order to express their sol­i­dar­i­ty with Efrîn, all com­po­nents of Chek Maqsûd, and of the neigh­bor­hoods in East­ern Alep­po: the Kurds, the Arabs, the Turk­men, as well as the Chris­tians, came down into the streets to protest against Erdoğan’s crimes. A sol­i­dar­i­ty and sup­port tent has been in place for a week now.

We have already set up cen­tres in which to received the grave­ly wound­ed. A group of young peo­ple has left for Efrîn, in order to fight by the side of the YPG and YPJ. As I write this, five of these young peo­ple have fall­en mar­tyrs on the fronts. Yes­ter­day, I attend­ed the grandiose cer­e­mo­ny that was held for these mar­tyrs who were buried in Efrîn, in the new ceme­tery named after Aves­ta Khabour. Imme­di­ate­ly after the cer­e­mo­ny, we vis­it­ed these fam­i­lies who did not have the pos­si­bil­i­ty of bury­ing their chil­dren, to sup­port them. The roads between the neigh­bor­hood and Efrîn are still closed down by the regime.

On the day before yes­ter­day I spoke by phone to my broth­er who is still in the hos­pi­tal after eleven days. He informed me of the sit­u­a­tion. Indeed, the Turk­ish army tar­gets the civil­ians, espe­cial­ly the chil­dren and the women. They often lose hands, legs, in the bomb­ing raids…

Efrin Afrin

My aunt…

My broth­er put me in com­mu­ni­ca­tion with my aunt who was bad­ly wound­ed. Her house was bombed in Jendêrêsse. My aunt was already ill with a heart con­di­tion, and takes care of her par­a­lyzed hus­band. She had to move down­town. I don’t know what fate awaits her.

Erdoğan, the inter­na­tion­al coor­di­na­tor of ter­ror­ism and his spir­i­tu­al father who feeds the Jihadists and col­lab­o­rates with Al Qayi­da and Al Nos­ra were wrong to attack Efrîn and it will cost them dear­ly. All his plans and dreams will col­lapse. For Erdoğan does not have the courage to take on Efrîn alone, he has obtained the agree­ment of Rus­sia and of the regime, as well as the mor­tal silence of the great inter­na­tion­al forces. We invite them to explain their atti­tude con­cern­ing the mas­sacres com­mit­ted by Turkey, a mem­ber of NATO.

Erdoğan has no idea what awaits him in Efrîn.

From the first day of resis­tance, the peo­ple have had their say. The moun­tains of Lêlun, Hawar and Bil­bilê expressed their anger. The fight­ers pro­vid­ed their response. Efrîn will not resem­ble Jarablosse, nor Al Bab. The town of Arîn Mîrkan will teach Erdoğan and his gangs a his­tor­i­cal les­son. Free­dom will blos­som soon in the land of olives and figs. Efrîn will be vic­to­ri­ous as long as its holy land will be watered with the blood of mar­tyrs, and as long as 60 year old moth­ers will take arms to fight side by side with their children.

Efrîn is the birth place of sev­er­al civ­i­liza­tions. It is the coun­try of Sila­va, the first of the YPJ’s mar­tyrs. Efrîn will be a grave for crim­i­nals such as Erdoğan. The resis­tance and vic­to­ry of Efrîn is in all of human­i­ty’s name. For all of human­i­ty is threat­ened by terrorism.

The vic­to­ry of Aves­ta Khabour’s town will be the key to the solu­tion for Syria.

Long live Efrîn !
Mar­tyrs are immortal!

Alep • Gulis­tan Sido
1/2/2018 – 23:29

Translation by Renée Lucie Bourges

Efrîn • Le ter­ror­isme d’Er­doğan trou­ve une résis­tance Cliquez pour lire

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